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  1. It seems like the devs wanted to include her as a romance option in phantom liberty with her shared dance and trust she puts in V, but for whatever reason, didn't follow through. It'd be nice to see her get the option. Although, its also not a big stretch to believe So mi wouldnt fall for V in the process of using em, but its also not an option. Perhaps because certain statements were made during interviews with the project heads?
  2. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  3. Please.. there are a lot of mods to help players have a relationship with no romanceables characters... but no way, no for the X6-88 people who like him ): Would be nice if someone can work to help with that, i would apreciate it so much Thanks a lot for read and the support ^^
  4. I'm planning another Cyberpunk run-through, and dreading the awkward romance between V and the characters - is there any way to force friend-zone the characters? I tried a few '_romanceable' flags but this didn't seem to prevent the awkward dinner scene with River's family.
  5. As the title says, I'm looking for a mod or tool where I can force a certain scene to happen during a long rest. I'm playing a Durge Honour Mode run and was planning to romance Karlach. Everything was going perfectly but I guess I did the exact wrong thing and rushed to Dammon and then camp before Mizora appeared. I had no idea this was a common glitch and being an honour run I can't go back to an old save. I put a request in on the Mod Ideas, but also wondering if there is any kind of script tool or solution to force that cutscene to happen next long rest so I dont get locked out of the romance.
  6. Hi there, I'm playing an honor mode run and was romancing Karlach. I went straight for Last Light Inn to fix her heart and wanted to progress the romance. I had no idea the Minzora scene would completely bug my romance. Going back to an older save isnt an option since its honor mode and after that night ended it saved. I tried resting again and just got my Evil Butler telling me to kill someone. Does anyone have any tips to somehow salvage this and if not, would it be possible to make a mod or edit my story to force first night with karlach to happen? So f*#@in' frustrated to be locked out of this. Willing to do whatever to try to fix this even if it's complicated lol.
  7. Hello everybody, I don't know how to begin, so I'll just tell you how it all started: Back then I played Cyberpunk and was excited, though a bit disappointed by the state of the game. We all know that has changed now. But what never really let me go was the fact that Goro Takemura is not a romance and how much that would have affected the course of the game. So I looked around online and found this petition asking the developers to please change it. Since then, I've been trying to draw attention to it because I believe that if you listen to the players, you can create a better relationship between developers and players. And now I am here to ask you to sign as well. If CDproject doesn't implement the romance, then nothing can be done. But I would like to try. I hope my English was okay. https://www.change.org/p/cd-project-red-cd-project-make-a-dlc-or-an-update-with-takemura-as-romance-option?recruiter=1256497379&recruited_by_id=7d97db30-9e02-11ec-b26d-b9d7216d0282&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard
  8. I'm weird and I want my game to be weird. I also may or may not have a thing for Deathclaw Matriarchs.... Can we please for the love of all that is magical in existence get a mod where I can romance a Deathclaw Matriarch and also get the "Lovers Embrace" perk when I sleep with the Deathclaw? I'm weird I know but I've been wanting this for over a year now. I want this mod to exist. Can we also make custom names for the Deathclaw waifu? This needs to exist, my life needs this and I know there are people out there who need it too!
  9. anyone else think the romance is awful in this game, can't even give your romance partner a kiss or hug. tell them they are sweet, or beautiful, you know all the things you would do if it were real or give gifts etc....
  10. I came across this (stupid) idea. Why not have your own children? First you should reach 100% of affinity with a companion of the opposite gender, so you could have a child. First, as a baby would demand unique care, like baby bottles, wooden cubes and so on. Later, as a child, you should find books, notes, pencils and so on. They could stay as childs forever or become adults, as player desires. As adults they could be recruited as companions. I know, it would be just fetch missions most of the time, but it would work like "Orphans of the Commonwealth" and add some realism to the game, as there are so few children spread across the wasteland.
  11. I was thinking about extracting and cutting audio from "farscape"- TV series starring Claudia Black. She plays Aeryn, the sci-fi version of Morrigan. I want to know if sb would be interested in putting all of this together in form of a mod. It's only an idea and I don't have any specific dialogue options in mind, I would have to through all seasons, get these bits of her conversations and then see how they can be put together. Some help would be appreciated, since I'm not very creative person. Also, if I were to do this. Should I save files as wav 16 or 32 bit?
  12. First and foremost, I know that this is a tall order. But I've been looking around online for quite a while now, searching for a mod that allows Female Shepard to romance other females or for Male Shepard to romance other males. There are methods out there to make it possible, but all of those are flawed and draw the player away from the experience. (i.e. FemShep suddenly having male Shepard's voice) I'm aware that for this to happen, one would need to write new conversation options, find voice actors, and do some extensive modding work and refinement to make it happen. I for one would be willing to put in the time to make something like this happen, but I don't have the slightest idea on how to mod games. But while I was searching, I saw many others like me who wanted a similar mod to the one that I'm requesting. I know that this could grow to be one of the most popular mods for ME3. I for one, want to see this happen.
  13. I feel that we should have been able to have the option to Romance Certain Companions based on ones own Sexual Orientation. The ones I've listed all line up with both Heterosexual and Homosexual approaches. Comments on this are very much appreciated.
  14. EDIT: I redid whole companion quest by copying Piper's quest and I got this working, why I couldn't jump straight into romance after single dialogue choice stays unknown. Probably something to do with affinity scenes which I skipped and companion script. How to enable "Lovers Embrace" for custom romanceable companions? I get companion infatuation perk and message about "Lovers Embrace" after "romance success" scene, but when I sleep next to companion I only get "Well Rested" bonus. I end romance scene with AffinitySceneHandlerScript and it seems to work right. kmyquest.EndSceneInfatuation() (xxx.GetActorRef() as CompanionActorScript).RomanceSuccess() kmyquest.UnlockedInfatuation()What am I missing here? Edit: I made quest from scratch, so I didn't copy paste existing quest from one of the companions.
  15. Like in Skyrim, they had the hug mod. I used it all the time. I feel like the sole savior is very cold when talking to romanced companions, Theres no emotion. They pour their hearts out to you and all you say in return is "thats all for now" or "you thoughts?". Another mod that would be a great one in fallout would be the "immersive lovers comfort" So I believe the Hug Mod would be a great addition to the Fallout 4 mod page. Very useful. Much love. Highly sought after <3 If any wonderful modders have time and want to create it, I'm sure it'd be a fairly popular. Thank you for reading.
  16. I am desperately seeking a Deacon romance mod. I have been searching the internet ever since I met the guy last November to see if anyone has made him romanceable. There are lots of discussions about romancing Deacon, so I am not the only person who wants this. Deacon is my perfect companion and I know he loves me, I just can't get him to say it! :wub: If there was a tutorial on how to add romance to a companion I would try this myself but I'm having trouble finding one. The mod wouldn't have to be perfect but Deacon has some funny lines that could perhaps be used for the dialogue options after you have the "big talk". He also calls the Sole beautiful at one point. Maybe dialogue exists but is hidden somewhere, unused. If anyone is willing to have a go at this, I would be truly grateful or if anyone can instruct me on how to do it, I would like to attempt a basic mod myself. Thanks for reading :thumbsup:
  17. Seeing the title you're probably curious as to what I am asking. This isn't exactly a mod request, it is more of a question. If this is considered a mod request then gladly move it to that file. My question is will there be a mod for Fallout 4 that allows you engage sexual actions towards you're romanced companions or any NPC for that matter? If any of you know the OSex for Skyrim, you'll know it is a very well done romantic adventure mod that allows you to engage in romantic actions as well as sexual actions, so I'm wondering if there will ever be a mod like that for Fallout 4. From what I've heard Fallout 4 and Skyrim run on the same things that were used for each other, not to mention CBBE was also made the same for each other. Will a mod just like OSex from Skyrim happen for Fallout 4?
  18. There's a mod for skyrim called Familiar Faces where you can save created characters into a database and actually recruit them as followers or make them spouses. See mod here: Familiar Faces at Skyrim Nexus - mods and community A fallout 4 version of that would be great.
  19. I'd really like to make a mod that uses an existing character/npc in Skyrim and makes them a follower and marriageable with story. Personally i'd like to do this for Ancano. I'm aware that you can just use console commands to make them a follower/marriageable , but the character will be stuck with certain dialogue. I want to be able to give the character more dialogue so it would be more interesting (maybe by using existing game lines from same race or same voice actor). Also, i'd like to make it a little more immersive. Like for Ancano's case, maybe make it so he doesn't die or comes back to life. Basically a more interesting follower and when dialogue initiated can be similar to the "Skyrim Romance" mod. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions that could help it would be much appreciated. I've read on quite a few forums that a lot of people wish they could have this with an npc ( including Ancano), so if i can get this to work i'd definitely take requests.
  20. Hi there! Straight to the point. I'd like to request that a skilled modder simply change the romance icons when in dialog (which then leads to flirting and relationships) to a default or different icon. The main reason for this is that I want to keep the flirting a secret. And somehow with this method, I feel that the romance in game would feel less blocky and more natural. Like an everyday relationship evolving into more. I have no modding experience what so ever and I do not in the slightest know how hard this would be to achieve, but I still thought I'd ask. There are 3 groups of players that might be reading this. 1st, the group who agrees. 2nd, the group who disagrees and prefers to know when romance is initiated, so much so that there was a mod created for Dragon Age Origins just to let you know when you are about to romance. And finally, 3rd. The group who doesn't give a crap about any of this and immediately regrets clicking on this topic. Anywoo...dear modder, I wish you luck if you dare to take up this quest for me (and a few other souls, I hope) With that, I end with a warm good luck and a thank you in advance for your patience, dedication and sacrifice! ;)
  21. I seriously can't stand this couple the way they are. What I can't stand even more is that they don't do anything to change or grow as the game progresses. I don't feel like I'm alone in saying this, as I'm sure everyone who reads this is at least a little annoyed of Marcy constantly bitching and Jun feeling sorry for himself all the time. Without further ado I present my idea: A choice based quest that I feel fits more to the tune of Fallout 3 and New Vegas's opportunistic qualities. Now what if you can help this couple mend their broken hearts? What if you can further add to their turmoil? What about helping one and hurting another? My idea is to create a quest mod that allows you to manipulate this broken relationship to whichever way you please. Basically I can think of 3 different scenarios off the top of my head, with several choices involving those scenarios. Also, this mod will rely on a lot of new dialogue, and I think a lot of that dialogue should revolve around the couple distancing themselves from each other due to their loss in their own ways. . 1. You go to Marcy, and through several speech checks and/or talking to her, you convince her to become your companion. Overtime, as she grows more and more fond of you, she'll engage in dialogue about letting go of a lot of her anger (perhaps through a quest of revenge or something). Once maximum affinity is obtained, there is the possibility of romancing her (although, most of you may not want to, which is very understandable.) If you do romance her, then when you return to Sanctuary there is a possibility where Jun will kill himself over not being able to handle the grief of his dead child and Marcy leaving him. This will also result in all followers witnessing this to either hate or love you depending on whom (Ex: Preston and Piper will hate that while Strong would love that.) 2. You go to Jun, and through several speech checks and talking to him, you are able to make him a companion. As he grows more fond of you, and through engaging in his dialogue, he starts to feel less sorry for himself and regains some of his backbone (sort of like Travis from Confidence Man). After enough affinity, you engage in a quest where you and him travel to his child's grave (to which he says he didn't have the mettle to do it the first time when he was buried.) When you reach max affinity, you are able to romance him as well. If this happens, the next time you return to Sanctuary, Marcy will attempt to kill you and Jun in a hostile rage. Followers around will also react based on their convictions. 3. Option 3 is maxing out both of their affinities. When this is done and Marcy is romanced, restored Jun will leave Sanctuary because he has nothing to stay there for. If this is done with Jun, then Marcy will do the same. If both are at max, then you can pass speech checks for both of them in order for them to reconcile with each other, or get each other to become even more hostile which may lead to them trying to kill each other. Well that's basically most of my thoughts for improving Marcy and Jun. Anything would be an improvement for them really. I think in order for something like this to be done they might need new voice actors. They'll probably need new face textures so they can look more attractive as well. I lack the modding experience to bring this to life, but if anyone skilled in modding is reading this and thinks it's a good idea, then please have at it and save all of us from these two shamefully static characters.
  22. G'day Everyone, I hope someone will have this information I've been searching for a long time: In Gibbed it is possible to change the FemShep to MaleShep and so the Citadel and EndGame Romance Scene plays out with MaleShep. However the Shower scene just do not want to be triggered... I played it with FemShep too and changed it to MaleShep, but only with FemShep it works... Someone called: hjf4bsn (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I71MSMJoxms) found a solution for it, he/she was willing to share it, but some bloody gay rights activist created a big arguement of that so cut him/her off thus he/she never had the chance to tell how it 's done... I'm hoping someone else knows it too and would be kind enough to explain what to do. Please? Thnx a lot very much.
  23. I'm hoping that someone would take the kiss on the balcony scene or the one in haven (or 50/50 chance of either?), if possible, and make it so that we can steal Solas away for a kiss. I would love to have more of a romance with him and it doesn't seem fair that we can't even steal him for a kiss since it is hinted at that they are involved and lovers. I'm not asking for something from scratch or anything, just putting in an option to see that part of the scene again. Even if I have to watch the whole dang thing again I can skip the dialogue. It would be nice too if there was a version for after he dumps us so that those who want to pretend we aren't dumped until he runs off at the end can pretend that (me included). That might be simpler than trying to cut it off maybe? I dunno since I'm not a modder but in my head it sounds doable.
  24. I dont know how hard this is to make, but could it be possible to make a choice editor that lets you change the choices you have done in the past? More specifically, I want to change that i ever told Triss i loved her, cause I didnt know Geralt and Yen and such a history, and now my ending is gonna leave Geralt broken hearted and im gonna be unsatisfied. Not gonna start over with 100+ hours on this save, so my only hope is one of you swagsters managing to help. Thanks homies
  25. I was wondering if it would be possible to reverse certain decisions or alter outcomes using the console commands or by editing certain game files. I ended up romancing both Triss and Yennifer and someone revealed to me that doing so doesnt end well for Geralt as they'll both be pissed and he'll end up alone. Is it possible to reverse one of these? I'd rather go with Triss and make it as if Yennifer and Geralt had never had sex.
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