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Showing results for tags 'retexture'.

  1. Hi! How are aspens retextured in Skyrim CK (or is it even possible?) ? I have aspen branches in my unpacked skyrim texture files but there are no texturesets for tree braches (that I could find) in CK. Only the tree bark. Also, when I click on the tree, I only get the window that prompts me to upload a model for the tree. All this has me STUMPED... I tried to search for tree retexturing tutorials but I couldn't find them. Is retexturing a tree the same as retexturing a weapon? I have never tried to do that, so I don't know. If you know a good tutorial about tree textures, could you drop me link, please?
  2. Would it be possible to do a retexture of the hood that simply hides the PC's face? I'd love that mod. Alternatively... is there a tutorial I can follow that shows me how to do it?
  3. So, basically i'm working on a Circle of Steel expansion mod, by adding a Perk enabling you to join them, and thus after some hard labor and item hoarding, craft the CoS Infiltrator Suit of The BLACKJACK pack of YanL, which i reworked to feature interactive night vision, a functionnal Stealth Field (a bit more than just the Chameleon effect lol) , new stats, tons of recipes to craft and maintain it and so on. I'm now at the stage where i'm implementing it in the world and i was thinking it could be cool for the mod to feature a unique weapon (like a plasma rifle or a scoped laser rifle, with a whitish retexture and a BoS logo on it) going alongside it. If anyone is interested in helping me (me and weapons retextures are enemies), i would be super happy! (credits being of course due when/if i release it) VoidKing02
  4. Hello, I would like to request a new robe retexture. All we really have right now is Clean and Improved Mage Robes Only - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24255, Armor and Clothing Extension Robes Only - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67458, and Opulent Outfits Vanilla Texture Replacer SE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41079. These are all great mods, but we really need to retexture the different mage robes and robes in Skyrim with a high quality and a approach of realism "what would they actually wear?" Another approach could be to gather multiple retextures and give them out using SPID. That's all. Thank you!
  5. requesting anyone out there skilled to retexture the Knights of the Nine Armor by maty743 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18114/ i would especially like the chainmail parts to be done thank you
  6. Hey all, I am using a mod that adds multiple types of fusion cores (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3824 - cool mod, check it out!), and am trying to retexture a specific fusion core. I have managed to get the retextured core to show in game as a prop and in the Pip-Boy, but when I put it in Power Armor, it displays the default fusion core textures. I am now stuck, wondering whether or not it is possible for power armor to even show unique textures for specific fusion cores, since in vanilla it only has to use the same single fusion core texture. Any ideas or insight would be appreciated!
  7. It's weird how TES4 has male characters with almost NO facial or body hair. I want some mods to fix that. I found a great mod that gives beards to NPCs, but I'm struggling to find any mods that gives the player character any facial hair. It's also weird how there's not body hair mods either! I'm not even looking for adult modes, it's just weird for them to be so hairless. I found this one good modders' pack, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to use it. Attached is a very tiny picture of one of the DDS image files attached in the pack that I wanted to use, but sadly cannot.
  8. This is my first visit here, so if my request is not allowed, then I appologize. I have just reached desperation levels I have not yet experience while using a painting program. Â I wanted to make a blue with gold details version of this armor mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81016 Â But I have to confess, I have never touched photoshop before. I watched multiple tutorials and tried them all, but what I end up with looks horible. Â Could somebody please make me a blue recolor of the armor? If not I understand, but I had to ask. EDIT: I got helped already :D
  9. Could someone super nice make a male version of either of these? Either Eli's mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15391 Because frankly that looks amazing, apart from the open chest part Or this one, whatever the hell mod this might be from. The marine wetsuit is similar, but it doesn't feel like something military, more like a goofy alien costume / diving wear. :\ The above two examples however look like sci-fi tactical clothing/under-clothing. I would even do the mesh editing myself, but i absolutely don't understand modding for this game. Thanks!
  10. There used to be a mod that changed/deleted horns on the Stalhrim armor (light & heavy) called Stalhrim Helmet Replacer. If someone could PLEASE make a similar mod that would be AWESOME!!! I don't mind the Draugr helmet as much since I can't wear it, but the Stalhrim helmets are actually useful because the armor rating is good and the Deathbrand armor is part of that armor type. The light armor helmet looks like a caterpillar's head and the heavy armor helmet looks like a pickaxe... Please, PLEASE, PLEASE make an armor fixing this T-T...
  11. Hey guys, working a settlement build for Fallout 4, and I was wondering if someone could please make a standalone mod adding a robe and hood. I was thinking it would look something like the image attached, maybe with different colors on it. Maybe Blue and Yellow, or Purple and Blue, also maybe having a stripe running down the center. Sorta like the robes from Fallout 1. (https://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Robes). Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope someone picks this up soon, thanks! Id like to add an edit and say really quick, Bathrobes and a Hunters hood are already added to the game, maybe a standalone retexture of both of those? Its up to you. It would be preferable for the hunters hood to not have the bandana. Unless you want to make an entirely new model for it, then go ahead.
  12. Hi, Can anyone change the vanilla woodland to the real M81 Woodland? A Snakebite version is preferred Thanks.
  13. Hey guys, I watched the movie Wind River a few days ago with my girlfriend. It's a pretty good movie in my opinion, but I'm most intrigued by the rifle that Cory (one of the protagonists) used. The weapon was a Marlin 1895SBL and it is a BEAUT! Long story short, I think it would make a wonderful addition to the game. If you don't want to read about the gun, just look at the images further below. Anyways, I did some research to see if it was possible to use the base model of the lever-action rifle in Fallout 4 to go off of. From an article, I read that the rifle in the movie is for a lefty. This is perfect considering the animations are on the left anyways. Also, the bullet holder is on the stock as well. The only thing that really needs to be done is a retexture... However, I do not have the capability or the skills required to do such a thing. Thus, I am reaching out to you in search of more people that would like to see a retexture of the lever-action rifle that is polished steel and black trim/detail. Not only would I like to possibly use it in one of my quest mods in the future, but I really do enjoy using the lever-action rifle. Below are the images that I found for the Marlin Model 1895SBL. :laugh: This picture is obnoxiously large, but I figured it would be perfect for anyone who wants to actually do the retexture of the rifle. Also, maybe someone wants to edit the actual model? PLARUX
  14. The industrial looking HopeTech Overseer bridge with it's understated lighting and eery red glow of the side consoles is my absolute favourite bridge, but it's in stark contrast to even the darkest habs (also HopeTech). On a rainy night sitting in the bridge just feels like home, until I drop down into the clinically lit habs. Would anyone be up for retexturing the interior HopeTech habs and possibly re-lighting them to use the same atmospherically dark grey textures and dim lighting of the Overseer bridge, with some brighter areas and others only lit by the red glow of a console. Combined with the orange displays retexture it looks so reminiscent of this imagery in the youtube video below; it would be really nice to have the rest of the ship match. Many thank to anyone who can either do this or support this idea
  15. Could someone retexture the tribune armor so it better matches General Tullius' armor textures in the frankfamily mod?
  16. In DAO are 2 unique armors with generic looks. I suggest to give them textures of cool-looking armors from DA2. Wade's medium armor is made from dragon scales, but looks like red splintmail armor. https://dragonage.fa...nskin_armor_set I suggest to give it dragon-like appearance of DA2 armor Quickstring's Tunic https://dragonage.fa...kstring's_Tunic 2nd armor I have in mind is The Felon's Coat. It has impressive stats, but looks like Studded Leather Armor https://dragonage.fa...he_Felon's_Coat I suggest to give it appearance of unique DA2 armor called Nightingale's Lamellar Armor https://dragonage.fa..._Lamellar_Armor What do you think of such retextures and who would you be able to make them?
  17. Can anyone please make a retexture of Dohalim's eye to match the green/ emerald he wears on his Il Qaras base outfit? Please it looks really beautiful.
  18. Hello! Just like the title says I would love someone to take the Knight Armor it make it Gold to match the Brass Shield in game. If I knew how to do it myself I would but my attempts at modding textures in skyrim was....well sad... haha :) thank you for having a look!
  19. Could someone make a retexture of the round shield so it fits better with the Raging Wolf armor set?
  20. The loathed wooden vendor stall retextured as the stereotypical lemonade stand seen in American media. Misc furniture Deezer will prefer to idle at, or a resource he will assign to creating happiness, one food and 3 water (maybe even deposit one lemonade in workshop per day). No dialogue changes necessary. Give me a reason to have the big wooden stand when I have the Vault-tec DLC ones everywhere else. (Maybe assign children to it in other settlements?) Cheers, have a good one, take care.
  21. I've been experiencing a strange issue while trying to retexture the Duke's Guard Cuirass. I used Cupscale to upscale the textures to 4x using RealESGRAN and exporting as dds. I then used GIMP to modify the texture. I then replaced the texture in NifScope, using the relative path ('textures\xaq\arm\tx_a_silver_cuirass.dds'). In NifScope, the cuirass looks as intended. I copied all my meshes and textures into the same folder structure within Data Files. Using the Construction Set, I created the chest body part pointing to my new mesh and then created the cuirass Armor. However, when I put it on an NPC, the mesh seems to revert to the silver armor mesh (as opposed to the Duke's Guard mesh) with the original textures. (The other two textures were showing my modified version with the correct mesh.) To experiment, I removed the textures from my working directory and opened the original Duke's Guard mesh in NifScope from Data Files\Meshes. I then replaced the breastplate texture and saved. Going back into the Construction Set, I placed the original Duke's Guard Cuirass on my modeling NPC only to find the mesh had changed to the plain silver cuirass. I changed the texture back to the original, and once again the breastplate was showing the Duke's Guard mesh. I also tried recreating and completely removing the mipmaps. I tried using a texture of the original size and format (.bmp). Oddly, I also retextured the mesh from Alex's Better Fitted Female Armor (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50187) and got the same result. This makes me think there is somehow a linked file or some setting with the texture that is causing the issue. I searched through the various nodes in NifScope, thinking that the two meshes were somehow linked (similar to how creatures have two different nif files and a kf file). I found nothing, though when it comes to mesh editing, my knowledge is very limited. I've retextured numerous creatures, armor, and weapons with upscaled textures without any issues, but I'm at a loss with this one. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: How it looks in NifScope: How it looks in the CS: EDIT: I tried modifying the Templar breastplate as well, and the same issue occurs. It may be something to do with the silver breastplate nif; it just seems really odd.
  22. apologies if this has been asked before. I want to make a retexture specifically for an existing pajama replacer. I'm curious as to how to go about doing that. I've never made a mod before and don't really know exactly what I'm doing. If there are any good video tutorials or something similar, I would be super duper appreciative if someone could link them or just tell me what to do. Thank you!
  23. Forgive me if this already exists in the requests, I tried quite a few searches but most came up empty. Onto my request, I would like to see an older body mapped or simple retexture of the current body for player character if plausible. I'm uncertain how much Tav's body is tied to other models or if its unique, so if its not easily done feel free to point that out. My main reason for this is to run older characters through the story, such as spellcasters (age old trope of gramps the wizard etc) Another thought I had but i feel this is way more complicated than say overwriting a models texture was to tie it to the maturity slider? but that sounds like a tall ask.
  24. I downloaded the mod and I need to change the texture in it for myself. I also want to make a mod with tattoo retexture(tattoo and sandevistan on spine). I can't extract files from .archive. Help me extract the files, I will retexture and you will pack in .archive mod!
  25. The default uniform is different from what every other student is wearing. For example We get - Prefect Vest Uniform NPCs wear - Plaid Formal School Uniform I have used Slytherin for the example but this applies for the four houses in their respective colours. Is it possible to swap these outfits so we get the 'Plaid Formal School Uniform' as the default option?
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