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  1. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  2. I don't know what the heck is going on. I've tried everything. I've done every quest I can in Riften, became Thane, haven't aligned with the Thieves guild, and waited a week in the game, but Mjoll still won't give me the quest to get Grimsever for her. I have no mods affecting the quest or the vanilla dialogue options Mjoll provides. Also, I'm level 48, so I should be at a high enough level for it because you should unlock the quest at 15 or somewhere around there. I've tried leveling up in front of her, but that did nothing because that's only a fix for consoles and not PC (at least, that's what the guide said. I tried it anyway for the benefit of the doubt). Is there a way to fix this, or is there no hope?
  3. There's a locked door in the "neon flats" and I really think someone needs to open it... Because the beauty of Bethesda games is never knowing what adventure can hide behind a door. "I think that originally the mod had to be structured differently, that is, the events all took place in that building where the character found himself in a sort of loop in going up and get off." "20 Leagues Under the Sea" has already been almost 100% restored, but the lore is missing and the access is also not the most lore friendly. The purpose of Vault 120 was to create an elite government/society that would control the world from the bottom of the sea. She would have moved through "submarine" subways which were metaphorically and literally the only physical contact with the outside world. We can therefore conclude that in addition to the institute, many other groups have tried to isolate themselves and create their own ideological and social paradises. The Vault Dweller will now be able to use Vault 120 as a point from which to travel to various stations (with Subway Tokens) or build them! (connecting Vault 88, Vault 101, a stop on the Nuka World monorail, or even a secondary access to Nuka World!) By unlocking it in story progression and using resources. Honestly, I find Goodneighbor the cemetery of cut content, the Neon Flats is located not far from the Third Rail, I think that the third rail has been greatly resized, there are good mods to liven it up but the best thing is to make Magnolia a unique settler that increases the happiness and abandon that bare and forgotten country, difficult and boring to reach it in survival. In conclusion I think that unlocking access for fast travel to Goodneighbor is the most balanced position, as well as creating accesses that connect Noir penthouse and other points notoriously "surrounded" by enemies safely and quickly. (The station could also be connected to Salem and Cabot's house to imply that all families and groups were included in the vault 120 project.)
  4. http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/9530/rocheberecountryside.png http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW85CE9jZsA NOTE: Due to changes during development, the screenshots from pages 1-9 (excluding this post) are outdated and no longer in the mod. WHAT IS ROCHEBERE? Rochebere is a large, bustling and cultural city on the borders of Skyrim, Cyrodiil and Hammerfell. The extensive city resides within a fertile and lushous valley that has been blocked off from the rest of Tamriel for nearly 200 years, and has thus grown forgotten and is nothing but a travellers' tale in Tamriel. The city includes a multiple-ending main storyline featuring several unique, cinematic and dynamic quests, which will lead you to climbing over rooftops, chasing foes through burning buildings and hiking up steep, snowy mountains. The mod also includes a handful of planned side-quests, miscellaneous objectives and activities to partake in, such as the archery contest, for example. As a player you will have the option to purchase several properties within Rochebere, including shops, taverns and landmarks to rent and of course your own player home in the city. All architecture in the mod follows a new lore-friendly 'Imperial' style that should feel familiar to Elder Scrolls fans. IMAGES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tbIz2nHrIk http://imageshack.us/a/img594/327/bhrc.jpg Distant vista http://imageshack.us/a/img690/6726/9pu1.jpg Market Square http://imageshack.us/a/img407/8051/okak.jpg Market house after dark http://imageshack.us/a/img90/958/7b2i.jpg City sunglare http://imageshack.us/a/img545/580/3z1l.jpg Countryside farm http://imageshack.us/a/img17/4287/oh6e.jpg Commoner's home http://imageshack.us/a/img10/3743/9h2g.jpg Mainstreet by night http://imageshack.us/a/img547/6585/vc6c.jpg Propaganda http://imageshack.us/a/img853/9172/uxz0.jpgThe Crucible ADDITIONAL IMAGES Erebechor forest bridge Lower-class street Rochebere Chapel A forest outpost Entrance square
  5. This kind of bothers me. You, the Dread Pirate Roberts, deliver Kryx's Legacy to the Fleet, then attack and capture the Vigilance... and yet the Freestar Rangers and UC Vanguard are still overjoyed to recruit you. Yes, this is another case of Bethesda's "brilliant" writing, where the faction story lines are completely divorced from each other and ultimately your choices are meaningless, outside of a meaningless vignette in Unity. What should happen is that, if you side with the Crimson Fleet during Legacy's End, and you have not yet started the Freestar or Vanguard quests, those arcs should be unavailable to you. Trying to work with quests in xEdit is still beyond me, but someone should be able to add a simple conditional that prevents unrepentant pirates from joining law enforcement.
  6. Basically a mod that allows you to craft a notice / bounty board similar to diamond city with repeatable miscellaneous quests. The board being crafted and placed in your settlements / raider outposts via workshop. Also maybe one for nuka-world raider outposts with its own unique quests similar to the ones given by the raider bosses, but more variety. To give a few quest ideas: Kill insert enemy, deliver / retrieve items, collar enemy (raiders), etc.
  7. I was just wondering if anyone else played the forgotten city mod where you're in the time looped dwarven city. I hear it has multiple endings depending on what course of actions you take. Mine ended with me freeing that one girl who was abducted as a sex slave, who then killed the jarl and got everyone out of the city after I vanished. But did anyone get another ending? Like if you choose to leave her and inform her husband of her whereabouts. Or did anyone manage to get all the immaculate armor? (I could not get to the gauntlets and I have no idea where the boots were.) I never got to explore that place much at all, nor did I get the option to identify the corpse found in the sewers.
  8. Hello! As some of you guys may be aware, there is a bug in the game despawning characters during the final part of the lathander quest. For those unaware: When wrapping up destroying the generators for the Lance in the Monastery there is a chance a character of yours permanently dissapears. Now during a regular playthrough this would not matter whatsoever, however if you add honour mode to the mix you may see how it can become and issue. I have run through the game up to that point twice as I did not understand how the bug operates at the first time. On my first playthrough it was my assumption that the character that has not acted during the turn you finish the generators gets removed. (First attempt it was Leazel) Second time getting there I acted on all characters before wrapping up having my Dark Urge MC despawn leaving me with just Shadowheart in my party. (Working theory now is that only the center piece of the platform is safe, standing on the edge causes the despawn) Iam feeling a bit demotivated to continue/start over and was wondering if there is any mod magic to be done to fix the situation in post. The nearest savestates I have are right after the character dissapeared in camp. Peace, Schared
  9. Replace the quest marker with a circle area on the map. Configurable radius in an MCM would be great, although not necessary I love Better Quest Objectives, however some quests are difficult to complete without a marker. I find myself turning it on/off so I can see approximately where the objective is. Being able to see the general area of an objective would retain some of the fun of seeking it out for yourself, without the frustration of turning markers on/off. Configuring this circle marker to be more or less precise would allow for more variety in play - the larger the zone, the more difficult quests become etc. I've tried looking for a mod of this type, however I am unable to find one. Thanks for any help.
  10. Katria makes several comments about her not being able to get past solid objects, even though she is a ghost and should be able to get through these. However, if she is technically solid she should be able to activate doors and locks herself. There might be an explanation if the Dwemer metal in the game had a special effect on ghosts like it did in the previous games (being that is was technically all enchanted) then she wouldn't be able to affect it. But the metal doesn't, there isn't any special effect for any material except Silver, but that just might be an oversight/simplification by Bethesda. But she does have a 'glitch' (Bethesdian for 'Feature') that she becomes physical, there are several ways to go about this. She also has her bow despite having lost it prior to her death, her body also can't be reanimated, possibly being an elaborate dummy. And lastly, she is unaffected by the undead versions of Heal and Detect Life. So, could she be alive and just using another person to help her seemingly through good will and not having to worry about the betrayal she already felt from her equally crafty apprentice? Maybe, what do you guys think? (Edit) She also comments on the change in air pressure, as well as reacts to the steam vents.
  11. Any chance we can see a new mod where you meet the Van Graff suicide bomber before the guard quest and can get a quest from him to get a job as a guard and let him through? Naturally, it makes sense that some form of payment might be doable (even if he refuses to pay up front and gives you a note as he walks in that tells you where a cache of caps can be found), but yeah I basically mostly want some kind of RPable reason to know in advance that he's a suicide bomber and that the Van Graffs are criminals before you meet them so you have an excuse to let him in without relying on 100% metagaming.
  12. SOLVED! Hey everyone! I am working on a new quest in the CK where the player has to collect 10 Hagraven claws and return them to the quest giver. The only part of this quest build I am unfamiliar about is how to keep track of what I have collected and display that in the journal. Check out this link here for a vanilla Skyrim quest as an example. At the 1:00 mark you'll see Gather 10 bear pelts for Temba Wide-Arms (3/10). How do I keep track of the claws I've collected so that when I pick up another one it updates the (3/10) part? Thanks in advance for any help/direction here! :happy:
  13. I am a new lifetime member to The Nexus but have been very familiar with it and the modding community for over 3 years now. I have been working on a large quest mod called "Deathclaw Peaks" for over a year and a half now and have poured my blood, sweat and tears into it. Roughly 3000 hours of work. I'm looking for a little help on how to take my mod from finished on my end, to having a few people test it before I generate the LOD and start asking for voice actors, since I really don't know how to do that yet. :confused: I don't want to post in the wrong forum or accidentally release a 90% done mod to the site by accident so if there's anyone who could give me a little direction on this I would be super appreciative. It's a Fallout 4 Mod, with zero external assets. The main quest of this mod is about 7 hours long from start to finish. The worldspace is roughly the same size as Nuka World from Fallout 4, but very mountainous. There are a number of side quests. There are roughly 8 new weapons. It's my first mod. It's very ambitious. I've done about 1000 test runs. This mod is more or less ready for testing so I would like to hand it off to ten or so people to test it out for me before I do all of the finishing touches. I guess what I'm asking is: Should I post the mod as a beta test but limit it to 10 people? Should I post that I have a mod and then send it to 10 people who reply? Should I start looking for voice actors now, through a post? If there's someone who has done these types of quest mods before out there who could give me a little advice, that would be super appreciated. Thanks in advance. I'm really excited to get this thing out before Fallout 76 drops.
  14. New features:* The anvil hole is fixed, I tired it on both non-moded anvil and better cities 6.08. * All npc dialogues are fixed. I tried csm, recruiting npc from nehrim to morrowind and another way around. * All main and side quests saved in the Nehrim world. * unlocked all fast travel. * Includes nehrimdata.esp and en/cn language pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Installation:Install with obmm. Load order: nehrim.espnehrimdata.espnehrimenglish.esp Put is as front as you can.If you installed morroblivion, can put it after all morrowind_ob xxx mods. 2. VERY IMPORTANT- first entering nehrim world(activation) 1) the first load in obmm shouldn't include nehrimdata.esp and language pack.2) you need a save that your character located outdoor.3) load the save and start nehrim quest.4) after you start the nehrim quest, you can include nehrimdata.esp and language pack and no more activation needed in the later saves. 3. How to get to Nehrim World:Type in "coc xxxx" in console.( xxxx=nehrim location id ) coc erothinhafen-Nehrim,If return to oblivion world,use "coc xxxx" (xxxx=oblivion location id) coc anvilmagesguild-Oblivion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47410?tab=description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: This mod is fully compatible with Morroblivion. It is a new land mod of oblivion, it also compatible with all other oblivion mods. I am fixing the voice and the cross_world transport of this mod. About cross_world transport, I am planning to add a secret room in arcane university which has a doorway connects both. Firstly, player reads a book in arch mage quarter...... Still planning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Hi Is it possible to add a custom quest type? Right now the list has Brotherhood of Steel, DLC01, DLC02, DLC03, Institute, Main Quest etc. I've been searching around in various files, but have not found the info and guess it is either hard coded or I am a bit tired today ;) Thank you in advance
  16. Hello everyone :geek: Time ago i got this question... :confused: ¿Is better 8 mods or 1 big mod? Im asking this because i saw merged mods and im asking myself if is better had many mods or merged this mods in 1 big one... I know is better to find and activate the mods in 1, but im asking about the speed of the mod or about his functionality in the game or perfomance.
  17. Not far from Riften is a small mine called 'Lost Prospect Mine' (which is already a pretty sad name). It seems pretty unremarkable - it's not very large, there's not much loot, and the only real resource there seems to be a bunch of mushroom ingredients. Then you'll find the journal of a man named Hadrir. Hadrir had been approached by an old friend, Bern, to help him with a gold mine he'd purchased for practically nothing. Hadrir finally arrived at the mine to discover there was no gold to be found - and after he and his friend had tried mining for three weeks with nothing to show for it, Hadrir decided to take a break and go to Riften for supplies. When he returned, his pal Bern was gone - and there was no sign of a struggle. He picked up stakes and left, assuming his friend had shamefully abandoned him after it became clear Bern made a mistake in purchasing this worthless mine. But, unbeknownst to Hadrir, this wasn't the case at all. If you dig a little deeper, you can discover the cave's secret - there's a hidden passage behind a waterfall, somewhat difficult to get to. In there lies a secret cavern, with three gold ore veins...and a skeleton, holding a pickaxe, crushed beneath some fallen rocks.Poor Bern had been right after all - but will be remembered as a coward who betrayed his friend http://www.dorkly.com/post/67502/12-of-the-saddest-locations-and-encounters-in-skyrim Hey guys,I was really interested in hadrir and Bern story in the "Lost Prospect mine".And I'm really into seeing hadrir's reaction when he finds out the truth about his friend. It'd be very nice if someone expand their story to which after reading hadrir's journal a quest activates . Then we find hadrir in his old age and tell him that his friend, bern, didn't betray him at all and believed in his words to the very end.And see hadrir's impression. Thanks for reading
  18. So I'm on the quest Reunification of Skyrim, and when I talk to Tulius he will promote me to quaestor and give me a weapon. After that, the conversation stops there's no dialogue option to resume. One suspicion I have is the Civil War Overhaul, but when I uninstall that mod the problem persists.
  19. My idea is pretty simple but I sadly can't get a good grasp of the GECK to do it myself. Essentially there's the glitch (feature?) That Lucy Abernathy will stop buying melons from you after you do the initial quest to obtain Abernathy farm as a settlement. I've tried to fix it and the current mods on the nexus have had mixed results for me. So why not just make an NPC, terminal, or some other method which does nothing but buy a crop for 3 caps each 5 if you pass a charisma check if it makes sense to do so. TL;DR make something buy crops for cheap that isn't a vendor so you wouldn't even have to care about the Abernathy stuff. That being said, I'd also take the suggestion of how to make it too. I just haven't found a good tutorial for this. Any way someone could help would be appreciated. :)
  20. Hello, So I like some of the mods out there where you can trade in dragon souls for powerups or perk points, but I thought it would be interesting to do a mod where you gain power (for now let's assume that means health, magicka, stamina, unarmed damage, and power mods on each magic school) based on the number of dragon souls you possess. This way there is a tradeoff during the early - mid game where you are learning shouts, but as you approach the late game you steadily increase in power. I have been having trouble with the best implementation of such a mod though. I thought perk entry points would be my solution, since you can use number of dragon souls as multiplier for various things, however the only ones that would be remotely of interest to me were attack damage and armor rating. The others (health, magickca, etc.) aren't options for perk entry points. The remaining options I can think of are 1) Script the effect I want or 2) create a bunch of magic effects (one for every number of dragon souls I want to do) and apply them using a quest. I feel like the script would give me more the behavior I want, but I'm worried about a script constantly running and checking the number of dragon souls a player has and am not sure the best place to have the script (Perk?) A quest seems like it would work but I'll have to create a lot of magic effects unless I can apply the same magic effect over and over and have it stack (is that possible?). Is there a simpler or better method out there that I'm missing? Am I reinventing the wheel here? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  21. I was recently watching Oxhorn's lore video about the Gunners ( ) and part way through he discusses the Gunners' obsession with/focus on communications, and a mod idea occurred to me. There would be multiple phases to the mod. In the first phase an encrypted radio signal would appear on your PipBoy all across the Wasteland and in the remote DLC locations. Listening to the station would play a sound file of scrambled audio. The second phase would begin with the discovery of either a radio handset on a Gunner or a scrap of paper with a call-sign written on it (these would be added to the loot table for Gunner Commanders, Sergeants and Lieutenants). Finding either one would add a quest to find someone with the technical know-how to decipher the encrypted radio signal. This character will become the hub for the second phase: finding more radio handsets and call-signs. Once enough of each is found, phase three begins. Phase three is a quest to steal specific data and equipment from Hub City Auto Wreckers, Vault 75 and Gunner Plaza. Once they have been obtained the mission giver assembles a working decryption program for the Sole Survivor's PipBoy, the encrypted signal becomes Gunner Radio and phase four begins. In phase four, Gunner Radio acts like Radio Freedom, in that it issues missions. Missions could be of a few different types: You have overheard a Gunner transmission about reinforcements being deployed, and would be a radiant quest. This mission is only available if a Gunner location has the Cleared flag. It repopulates the location with enemies and sends the Sole Survivor there to clear them out.You have overheard a Gunner transmission about a planned strike on a settlement. This is another radiant quest.You have overheard a Gunner transmission about you! They are angry that you have been interfering with their plans. This is an unmarked radiant quest that adds a Gunner strike team to the deck of Random encounters. The strike team lays in wait and attacks you on sight!You have heard a Gunner transmission about an important Gunner leader. There would be several entries for this mission that are sequential, crafted quests, that could use existing or new locations. They would advance a longer term, multistage quest to gain a military advantage over the Gunners. Each quest stage can be completed through different means (stealth, brute force, etc). This quest would reward you with a Gunner themed player home. It could also be episodic, allowing additional stages to be added to the quest. The means that the mod could be shipped at part completion and then have the final stages of the craft quest be completed as time allowsThe rest of the time the station would play news stories (couched as strategic reports) that discus your interactions with the Gunners, for example: "Warning, be careful near the Mass Turnpike. A company of Gunners has been wiped out by unknown assailants" after you progress MacCready's quest far enoughThere could be flavor reports about Quinsy before you attack it, and then reports about Clint and Co being taken out if you retake Quinsy)There could be flavor reports about any Gunner location that are different based on the Cleared flagThere could be flavor reports about Gunner activity outside the immediate Boston regionI am not sure about music. Music could be a great addition, but would a para-military organisation like the Gunners play music over the same channel as their reports? I guess the Minutemen do, but I think there would have to be some real thought put into that aspect. I'd love to hear other suggestions! i love the idea of elevating the Gunners a little as they are the only real enemy left after the Nuclear Option/Nuclear Family is completed. It's a big project covering a lot of disciplines. It needs scripting/coding skills, voice acting and some writing and direction. I'd love to help with this, but I have only ever tinkered with mods for Bethesda games before. If you're interested in helping me take it on, let me know!
  22. SOLVED! Hey everyone, There is probably a very easy solution to this but I'm a total beginner when it comes to the CK. :happy: I am working on a new mod in the Skyrim Creation Kit and I am trying to create a "simple" quest based around paying off a debt. The concept is pretty straightforward... You talk to an NPC who has accumulated a large tab at the local tavern. The innkeeper is mad that the NPC hasn't paid up like he said he would and wants his payment. My job is to acquire the gold needed (350) and pay the innkeeper. Return to the NPC and receive my reward. My Question is this, How do I set up the dialogue option for the innkeeper requesting the 350 Gold once the quest has been started? I've set up my stages, my objectives and I have the NPC(quest giver) and the Innkeeper in my QuestAliases tab but I'm just not sure where to go from there. I would guess that I have to set some sort of condition in the "Actor Properties" of my innkeeper that only gives this dialogue option once this quest is at Stage(whatever). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  23. So yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of papyrus just a tad but not enough to get all crazy so bare with me. I'd like to trigger a quest/objective to start when I enter a map marker's radius/area regardless if I've been there already or not. I'm not for sure on how this works exactly but my guess is to set up a map marker (or one that's preset) for my mod, then double-click the marker (green M) to open the reference window, then go to the script and add a script...? If so, what kind of script would go here is my question? I'm guessing Something like: Scriptname FAKE_SCRIPT extends ObjectReference ;but it's probably not object reference, would it be an alias like a location alias? Quest Property MAPMARKER_QUEST_TRIGGER Auto event onLoad() ;I'm just guessing here on the onLoad MAPMARKER_QUEST_TRIGGER.SetStage(10) ;alternatively could put SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) endEventThanks for any guidance! Love modding.
  24. HelloI need a help with my modification. First of all, Im beginner, who watched few hours of tutorials of Creation Kit. Let me explain my problem:1. I have made 2 NPC's.2. First is a Quest Giver.3. Second one is a Target NPC which have Quest Item (it should, but it is not). First - I want to make Target NPC appear ONLY when Quest starts. Now, when Im trying to make Target NPC Initially Disabled, after adding script "Alias_Belmusx.GetReference().Enable()" into first Quest Stage and enabling "Allow Disabled" parameter in Quest Aliases Section, it does not work and my Target NPC is not even created in the place, where he should be, after starting a Quest. Last time it worked as it should... But I have copied Target NPC to another place, and removed old one. (no ID or name changes, just duplicate). From that moment I got that problem. After removing Initially Disabled parameter, my Target NPC is in the world instantly without starting Quest from Quest Giver... But it is not what I want. Second problem appears when I want to "spawn" a book / note item which is Quest Item into Target NPC inventory.It does not appear in his body after killing him.Reference to objectI don't want to create Quest Item manually in Target's NPC inventory. It makes that item easy to pickpocket.In addition. Aliases are created correctly.(Create reference to object -> A1_Note_Belmus -> Level: Easy -> Create: In -> Belmusx) Third problem is how to make Quest Giver as my Follower after completing his Quest? I did everything in "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsDflXYvJ8I" tutorial, but it still doesn't work. When I complete Quest Giver's Quest, dialog doesn't changes. I can say two things to my Quest Giver - Provoke him to attack me (which doesn't work after gaining relationship from Quest) and second thing is not visible because that was dialogue that was starting first objective of a Quest. I hope that You understand everything :wink: I would really appreciate help.
  25. Basically looking for some good mods to add to my skyrim experience. I don't much care for making skyrim look pretty, looks aren't really everything to me. So mods I'm after: - Quests that take a long time to finish - Alternate forms like Werewolf & Vampire, like is there a mod for Lich, Dragon, Daedra, etc forms? And just in case, not looking for mods that simply give it to me as soon as I load the game or new races to pick at the start of the game - I want to earn the right to become them like you do with Vampires & Werewolves. - New areas to explore whether its in Skyrim or it takes you out of Skyrim. - Weapons, armor, trinkets, spells, abilities, etc. Just in case, these are the mods I already have installed: Hopefully the mods you suggest are compatible with the ones I already have. And the reasons I'm not looking for mods that make skyrim look pretty is my computer is crap in terms of graphical ability, I generally prefer performance over quality, plus I generally turn off the graphical settings for foliage & useless clutter in the game, don't care about reflections, blurs (gives me a headache), shadow quality (I tend to focus on the dragon I'm fighting rather than his shadow), and don't much care for lighting or bloom cause mostly they are too blinding. If my computer was modern and not 5 or so years old, then I'd give the pretty mods a shot. So, have any suggestions?
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