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  1. Hi, new to modding and learning how to use the creation kit, im making a music replacer and so far the ambient tracks run smooth and where they are supposed to run, however combat tracks are unorganized and play everywhere, is there a way to take a specific soundtrack and add some sort of condition where it triggers for combat but it will play in a specific region only and not everywhere?
  2. A LOT of mods I use inspired me for this. A list of Mods that would use METAL to tie it all together AND still be lore friendly (technically.) I have the vison in my head, but don't know anything about creating mods. Here's the list of mods I've thought of, what order they should be used in, and what mods inspired them (or maybe even depend on) "Battle Bard" would be the base mod to all this. Inspired by Immersive Weapons, Epic Music Replacer, and Odin. IA influence: A set of instruments that can be crafted/looted and be equipped & used as weapons. It'd re skin lutes, flutes, and drums into guitars & basses, microphones, and....well, drums with a with lore friendly metal designs. Guitars = Battleaxe, Bass = Warhammer, Mic (no stand) = Dagger, Mic (w/ stand) = Greatsword, Drums: Snare-Buckler (light shield)/Kick- Heavy Shield/Cymbals=War axe. Odin influence: Ability to "electrify" these items (my answer to making this "Lore Friendly") Epic Music Replacer influence: it was the only mod I found that had any metal tracks. Honestly it was the inspiration that started all this. Just because it was tagged as "Not Lore Friendly." So I thought "how could this be made lore friendly?" and ended up down this rabbit hole. lol "Metalhead" is part Immersive Armors, part Apachii Divine Elegance, and add a dash of RaceMenu. Not really "lore friendly," but adds a collection of clothes/armor and hairstyles/tattoos/warpaint (or should I say "corpse paint") to look the part. wouldn't be a requirement from a technical standpoint, but if you're a Metalhead....you're gonna want it. "Rock Star" would rely on Ordinator and you have to get your speech level up to unlock the "performer" perk. Then re work that to where, if you have one of the instruments equipped, you actually play metal. "Rock Band" would rely on Amazing Follower Tweeks and SPID to actually create a band that performs with you. "Moshpit" = Inspired by "Civil War Battles" and "Tavern Fights." Since you'd need to unlock "performer" to unlock "earthquake," Having "earthquake" unlocked will allow you cast "Frenzy" on the nearby townsfolk instead of (or in addition to) them giving you gold. Essentially creating a moshpit. "Groupie" = "Amorous Adventures" inspired. Unlock the "Serenade" perk to play a power ballad. Which will trigger a "groupie" to talk to you and initiate a romance quest. "Metal and Molag" = Inspired by "Vigilant" and just about every other DLC. Plus Elder Scrolls Lore. This would require/include EVERY mod listed here. A new land (which looks straight out of Metalocalypse) that use to be a part of Skyrim is being conquered by Molag Bal to be a part of Coldharbour. (I'll call this place Skyharbour) After completing both the "House of Horrors" and "Mind of Madness" quests, Boethiah speaks to you asking you to defy Molag Bal and spark a rebellion against him to re claim Skyharbour. The storyline starts by you getting lost on the way to Skyharbour and winding up in some rhelm where Sheogorath is re living the time he invented music by killing a woman (admiring the sound of birds) and making music instruments from her remains. He likes the idea of spreading chaos, but wants you to use the WabbaJack yet again and wants to see what effect it has on the instruments he made. This is how the "metal instruments" came to be. By doing that, he's impressed and transports you to Skyharbour. Then, the rest of the DLC would consist of recruiting band your band members by completing their quests. Then performing at multiple locations across Skyharbour, insisting rebellion all the way till Molag Bal finds out and confronts you. Being the boss battle that ends this DLC quest. I know I should've probably put this all on separate posts. But its all related and I wanted it to be cohesive. Again, if I had the time and modding know-how, I'd create this myself.
  3. I love this game's music, but I wish there were more similar songs. Anyone know of any/are able to make some :)? Thank you.
  4. Greetings chooms, My name's Dom, I play in a band in Perth called Injured Ninja, and I'm a huge fan of Cyberpunk and of the modding community in general. (the hours I have put into Fallout 4 because of this community is rediculous) I'm looking for someone to help make a mod, as it's something I'm not at all familiar with. Essentially I want to make a custom radio station mod for Cyberpunk 2077 and am looking to commission someone's help to make it happen. I play in a band called Injured Ninja, and I think our music and a few of our side projects would weirdly fit into the game. I've seen other people make their own music for a custom radio station, and would love to know how to do it myself, or figure out what someone's time would be worth to help make one for us. We can make and provide any assets needed, just unsure of how to actually implement it into the game. Gulnare Funk - Hausu - Pyah! - Protostellar Core Collapse - Death / Jam / Toast (Boobs 'frampton Mix') - Puppies in Fish Tanks (Mathas Rap Redux) - Golden Top Mountain Journey (Ylem Remix) Those are just some demo tunes to give you an idea. There are bunch more. That, and I f*#@ing love mod culture, and want to learn more about the making side. (I do plenty on the playing side.) Is there a better place to reach out to people for something like this? Open to any suggestions, recommendations or advice on the matter. Cheers!
  5. I've noticed that the music that plays during the Bloody Palace mode (the combichrist soundtracks) for DmC reboot is almost entirely instrumental. I really enjoy the soundtracks when they have the singing in them, and I was wondering if anyone could make that a mod so it plays the non-instrumental versions in Bloody Palace.
  6. Hey, wouldn't it be fun if your party could all be bards and instead of just playing the 6 available songs someone could make a mod that allows you to play any number of songs. My ideal mod would have my party of four play Master of Puppets by Metallica. Just throwing that out there. If anyone can do this hit me up.
  7. Mod which makes it so whenever you enter a store in Baldur's Gate the background music changes to Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas is You for added immersion during this festive time of year.
  8. I've played Morrowind a lot over the years (played it back on the original xbox before xbox 360 came out) and I remember the music being pretty omnipresent. But now, for some reason, music only plays every handful of minutes. I feel like I'm playing Minecraft. I don't know what could be causing this. Here are the mods I'm using (hopefully I'm not forgetting anything): MGSO MGE XE Morrowind Code Patch Linora's Leveling Mod Tribunal Delayed Skyrim UI Overhaul for Morrowind Animated Main Menu for Morrowind Better Faces Better Bodies Better Morrowind Armor Better Robes Galleo Good Clothes Mel's Faces Mel Hair Pack Mel Altmer Addon Lower First-Person Sneak Mode Additional Splash Screens I want to hear Morrowind's music in-game, if anyone has any advice or ideas, please advise. Thanks.
  9. Any way to change the battle music to You Say Run from My/Boku no Hero Academia and upload it or would that violate T&C or some copyright? If anyone does make this drop the link here instead of messaging me (or do both) so anyone who sees the thread can get to it!
  10. The title says it all: how should I go about adding custom music to a specific cell, like for example Legacy of the Dragonborn and Haven Bag do? Also, how could I add custom battle music for a cell? For context, I'm trying to make a mod that adds custom music to Moonpath to Elsweyr, which uses interior cells. I assume this requires CK, but if there is a way to do it in TES5Edit I'll be very grateful too
  11. Hi! I've recently tried to add a few custom music tracks to Fallout 4 via the creation kit. On the summer sale i got vault 88 and the lack of music just SUCKS big time. I'm an IT-guy, studied, nerded - you name it - so i really had no problem getting into the use of the creation kit. I also found a neat tutorial on youtube, how to add music (via TRACKS and TYPES) to Fallout and it seems to work - sort of... I created a few tracks, assigned them as single tracks to a new type (NEWFVault88) and changed the music-setting for the respective cell (dlc06workshop-something) to it. When i start the game and load my save, the custom music in vault88 plays for like one second and then it cuts out. I left the vault and reentered and it's always the same. I added the tracks as wave-files (just the standard 16/41000), converted them to xwm, archieved them - it doesn't matter what i do it always cuts out after 1 second. I also tried to change the priority to a high setting, but it doesn't change a thing. I've searched the forums but didn't find someone with a similar problem so i hope you guys can help me, before i totally go crazy by searching and testing all the options in the creation kit ;) I also compared mine to other settings, like the Diamond City Marketplace, but i don't find anything different from what i've done so far... Thanks!
  12. Could someone please make a mod that adds FO4's music into FONV? or even better add FO3's music in as well for good measure :D Lotts a tunes!. :dance:
  13. Hello Everyone. I have recently bought the Elder Scrolls SE for my new computer, but the music is not playing. I can hear all other sounds as far as I remember, but the town music and combat music is not playing. I can't even remember music playing at the very start of the game (not talking about the menu screen that music works). I have tried: - Relocating the Skyrim folder from my HDD to SSD - Checking for missing files - Reinstalling it - using removemusic on all possible music (EVERYONE told me that eventually, it should have fixed it but it didn't and I wasted like more than half an hour doing this >:( ) - Installing a custom music mod (people told me that if even that music wasn't playing that I should talk to customer support but I wanted to try it here first.) - Checking if music was turned on in the settings I realized how boring skyrim can be without music to guide you through. All I hear is wind and my footsteps and really it's making me insane. I want some flute in the background all I hear is wind now. Didn't even notice a wolf was following me until he had bitten me because of the fact my music doesn't work. I really hope that you all can help. Cheers, Gli7cHy4F
  14. I need help to create music tracks with CK that does as the title says. Seperate music for high level and low level enemies. 5$ Reward Ive tried using Getthreatratio as a condition for music tracks but so far nothing has worked, sometimes it just makes music not play at all, or a certain one works for every enemy but the other doesnt. Ill reward anyone who helps me with this 5$! A donation if that sounds better. The picture shows one of the few things ive tried, but with no success, hopefully someone may know the right way to set up the condition or a workaround. For those who still dont understand: I want seperate music tracks for enemies depending on their Threatratio, so if a bandit is above 1 in threatratio a certain song will play, and if the enemy is below 0.5 ratio another will play. As long i know how its done i can experiment with it on my own.
  15. So I am trying to make a music mod for My Hero One's Justice. I've successfully exported the audio tracks and imported my own. However when in game, my new tracks don't loop. Is there something I can do to the audio files to make them loop in game? I can't just make the audio repeat because the imported audio files have to be the same size or smaller than the originals. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Is it possible to add "Science & Secrecy"- track to play on whole commonwealth and not just in the institute?
  17. I'm brand new to modding so if anyone could help me figure out how to do this that would be highly appreciated!
  18. I've recently been noticing that the same three or four songs have been playing on a loop, and have figured out that they are the songs that play during exploring, and possibly ones that play when you are in a town. Furthermore, it truly is only the same three or four songs, and I know that there are more explore songs than that. I'd like to say that they are the daytime explore songs, but it's hard for me to tell because they all sound the same at this point. Another thing worth noting is that two songs will overlap each other while a save is loading--one being whatever broken explore song, and the other being the correct song for the location (ie: tavern)--and then when the game loads, the broken explore song is the one that continues playing and the correct song stops. Lastly, combat music still functions the way it should. I know there are console commands that should fix this. For reference, this is what I tried doing as this is the same problem I am having, but when I typed "help music" ('help mus' did not give me anything related to music...something about mushroom soup?) I was not given any of the file names to the songs, only vague instructions about how to use removemusic/addmusic. My game is also heavily modded, and I do have mods that change music, but they are disabled currently because they have stopped working as well, but that is not my greatest concern. Though if it is useful to know, they are Celtic Music in Skyrim & Fantasy Soundtrack Project (though both were never enabled at the same time--the latter was used to try to replace Celtic Music). If I had to guess, this issue is probably related to my mods, as Celtic Music worked perfectly for awhile, and then suddently stopped working, but that was quite awhile ago. I'm assuming the problems with the vanilla music also began there. My knowledge of computers is rudimentary at best so I have not touched Creation Kit/SSEEdit/.ini files, but if I was given detailed instruction, I could probably work it out. I know this isn't the worst problem in the world to have, as everything else in my game works pretty well or is easily fixed, but I really love the immersion the music provides, so I would like to fix it if I can. Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but this is my first foray into gaming/modding.
  19. Is it possible to create a music track that uses Getthreatratio so that the music will play depending on the enemies threat ratio? My idea was to create a mod where different music will play depending on the Threatratio towards the player. Separate music for weak bandits and bandit leaders for example. Can i use the GetThreatRatio to achieve this or is the idea impossible with the CK? In the picture you can kinda see what im trying to do. In my theori it should work but when i test it, the same music still plays for all bandits.
  20. Music like this, because "somewhere in Nevada". Intense fighting music.
  21. Hey! im a small time Sound designer looking to contribute to modders. Currently have some time before i start my bachelor in songwriting and Production. pm me here :smile:
  22. Hello NexusMods Forum members and modders, I hate that my first post is a request, but I'm astounded that there's not more as far as music enhancement goes. Don't get me wrong, I love the vanilla jingles, but this game was advertised to me as a Fallout in space. The best thing about any Fallout game (notably New Vegas, as it was also produced by Obsidian) is the music, and the options for other music if you're not a fan of what's currently playing. This game doesn't have that. Surely, there must be a modder out here willing to be the Mr. New Vegas or 3 Dog for the cosmos.
  23. Hey there mod authors, and thank you so much for all the amazing stuff you create and share! Long story short - I'd like to make a song of mine (a mashup/remix of a song from Cyberpunk) a replacer for the main menu music. ~ I know there's a guide out there on how to do this for radio stations. But as I am now a father of a newborn daughter, and my wife is still recovering, I hardly even get time to play, let alone do much modding. I used to compose quite a bit of music too, though lately I rarely get to finish a mashup either. That being said - I've just about finished a great mashup of music, including "Isometric Air", one of the songs that plays on the radio in-game and at the start of the intro heist with Jackie. With it I've combined a cover of "Panic Room" (by Au/Ra) sung by a good friend (from which I have permission to share) and some other music such as from NOISIA. The song is meant to give that feeling of energetic unease, like your fight/flight reflex, and yet still be calming. It's the way I felt not knowing whether my soulmate would pull through surgery when giving birth. I'd love to share the tune here as a replacer for the main menu music, as it'd fit in well there and not affect most of the other music mods. The song isn't quite finished, and I'm still undecided on a name. I've been calling it "Presentimential" so far, but I am tempted to call it "Flatline" or something similar. Here's a link so that any of you may listen and save a copy for yourselves. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h7qeMvRYvaEZvdlbDsCkJFZpHerIkUeZ/view?usp=sharing ~ I hope you enjoy it, and if so that you're able to help me turn it into a mod. I'm happy to edit the length and other aspects if need be.
  24. Not sure how hard it is to mod music in the game, but this is something that irked me since I started playing on the original Switch version. The Wyvern Riding music is fine, but it's so infuriating when it interrupts one of the better battle themes playing during a hunt. Someone please grant me this wish lmao
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