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  1. Hello Everyone, I believe a mod that would gain popularity quickly and be extremely useful would be the ability to sort missions. Below are a couple ideas I have for the mod... 1. Sort all missions by location | Having the ability to sort the missions by on a system and/or planet would make things much more time efficient. I think a good start would be just where the mission begins, but I think the best version would be to update the location based on the current objective. 2. Sort all missions by time: another good option could be the ability to sort the missions by the time it was received. This way you can complete missions based on when you received it. 3. Mission queue | Once you have the ability to sort missions, adding a queue feature would be great as well. You could select up "X" amount of missions and once you have completed the active mission, the next one begins.
  2. When I'm in the Missions screen and I open a mission dropdown and hover over the individual objects that I have already completed, the text explanation on the left side should revert back to what it was at the time of that objective. This is nice for refreshing your memory in a variety of cases. I may be misremembering but I believe this was how it functioned in at least some prior Bethesda games, I'd like it back
  3. I find that Lilly gives missions too often. Like after one mission finished, there's another one waiting to be done. Is there a way to reduce the frequency of Lilly giving missions? Or, in other words, give more time/space between missions? I like taking my time to scout areas and clean up hordes. Which value should I modify? I went to missions.xml and found "OpportunityTimeout", but not sure if that's the one to modify. Thanks so much in advance!
  4. the caastle tunnels is a very lore friendly place and its not even that big so that it couldnt be integrated with the main castle. I would definetly like if someone makes a mod convert the tunnels as a part of castle itself not as a different cell and integrate it with the armory quest as well as make it buildable with the main castle workbench. Thanks in Advanced
  5. I love GTA V, Fallout 4 and CEO missions. So I'm curious if someone can combine these into a Warehouse mod for Fallout 4. First you would need an NPC to talk to, he/she could give you radiant missions much like the brotherhood mission 'Quartermastery'. This NPC could be any settler, and the position could be called Manager. The item that they are assigned to will worked more like the food sources, in that there will be a bunch of them. The items should look like the soil plots in miscellaneous resources section. Once a mission is completed, the item you were sent after will appear in the plot area the NPC is assigned to (Max of 8 plots). Once all assigned plot are full you can do a sell mission where you can send a brahmin convoy to different cities around the wasteland for profit. This will not only make the player money but lend more purpose to the use of the factory pieces. If you have questions please ask, I think this would be so much fun to use in Fallout 4.
  6. since I saw the Vikings series my question is why you can not see a similar story ?. I'm not saying do the same, you would not mind me.It's simple, Nordic group of mercenaries (Vikings) decide to call the dragon blood to help loot some land. From that assault would have a story (missions). Traiccion, kill the king of that island, a dragon, I am indifferent ...sorry for my inlges!!! but google translate is not perfect!!! y en españoldesde que vi la serie vikingos mi pregunta es ¿porque no puede a ver una historia similar?. No estoy diciendo que se haga igual, que tampoco me importaria.Es sencillo, grupo de mercenarios nordicos (vikingos) deciden llamar al sangre de dragon para ayudarles saquear unas tierras. A partir de ese asalto habria una historia (misiones). Traiccion, matar al rey de esa isla, un dragon, me es indiferente...
  7. It would be awesome if someone could make a mod in which you can formerly join the Rangers. With joining the rangers I mean been recognised as a member, having ranger duties, getting former ranger equipment, getting an abode destinated for rangers, a quest line etc... I´m an NCR sympathizer and I´ve always wanted to join the Rangers so if a mod like that is created that would make my day!
  8. I need help... I am a writer, I've written as far as Movie scripts to short stories, etc. But Programming, even in the GECK, is completely out of my league. I have recently finished a Script for a Fallout New Vegas Quest Mod. It's taken me over two and a half years but it's finally finished, and I REALLY would like to see it made. I've sent messages to several talented modders asking for help. All of them declined. The last one I asked told me it would be wise to learn how use the GECK and make the mod. I took this to heart and I looked up some tutorials on YouTube. All I can say is, "Claps for all of the wonderful modders who can understand how to do all this" I have actively tried to make this myself and the product has been so ugly and awful that I couldn't continue, which is why I'm here. I'm looking for people who can script scenes, make quests and build new areas. I need people's help. If anyone is interested message me or post something here for me to see. PLEASE HELP ME if you can!
  9. I can't get through the Doppelganger Mission. When I kill the recuit on the ship the screen goes to black and the game crashes. I have tried a couple of things I read and they did not work (empty loot sack and low graphic settings). I also started a new game and tried again and that did not work either. Does anyone know how I can get around this problem? Is there a file than can be edited where you can mark the mission complete and proceed with the next mission that way! I sure could use some help!! PLEASE :(
  10. "Another settlement has sent word that they need our help, I'll mark it on your ma--" "You will do no such thing Garvey! I am the bloody General, assign some settlers to deal with it!" "Ehm, right, you're the General, yes Sir, right away." "And while you're at it, send some settlers to look for more mini nukes, my supply is running low. Oh, and some concrete too." "Yes sir, anything else?" "Yeah, go and finish the Automatron quest-line for me, I've already done it ten times in ten different lives and wish to do it no further." "Yes sir..." "Oh, and get me some Nuka-Cola while you're at it." Are you lazy like me? Is holding "W" getting hard? Have you already played the game countless of times? Want to get to a certain stage quickly? Sick of having to cater to the needs of the many? It's time long past time that the npcs started working for us! Would it not be grand to have a mod that allowed us to send them on missions and quests? Give them equipment and send them to take care of their own ghoul problem. Time is a valuable commodity, and you should have the power to focus on what missions you think are the most important. Your settlers should be out there looking for or forging ammunition for your next important mission! Let your cronies deal with the small stuff! Anyone else interested in a mod like this? Technical Details:
  11. That's what annoys me the most in Cyberpunk The justification for the DC is 'quality' ... (something that is missing a lot for secondary missions). But the reason, in my view, is 'play fast, wait and buy DLCs'. The logic is that of the market, not that of offering entertainment. I'm reaching 200 hours in the game. To like? Using my own imagination despite the decision errors of the game directors (directors). It would be time to give an answer to players who don't like to see their game, literally, die after the main quest.
  12. Who can make the mod so that in the "Completed" tab the sorting of completed missions is from new to old? Long completed - below, recently completed - above?
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