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  1. Settlement Wars Introduction Do you love your settlement but feel like there isn't much danger from raiders or ghouls? I do! And I've been looking around for a mod that gives me a challenge but something different from Side Quests and Scavenging, but there isn't. Rather than random attacks at your settlement and damaged crops, I wish there was something like a Mod that lets Raiders, Ghouls or Mutants to take over settlements. What Effect do enemies have on the settlement when they capture it? •Settler Imprisonment When a group of Raiders or Mutants capture a settlement that you previously owned, your Settlers will be imprisoned. This means they will kneel on the ground and be unable to move. You can free them by interacting with them. Mutants are also able to kill the Settlers (but only if the Settler's name is "Settler" because they are replaceable). •Ghoul Horde When Ghouls take over your settlement, they will kill all Settlers and feast on the corpses like they do regularly. Any Settler with a special name like "Ada", "Piper", ect. will be stuck in a Near Dead state, and only recover if you use a Stimpak or Repair Kit. •Beds & Guard Posts & Crops When Raiders or Mutants take over, they will use your previous defense systems against you. Guard Posts will and Turrets will be in their advantage. Raiders will also sleep on your beds and take care of crops. •Loot When Raiders or Mutants take over, they will add random loot and items (Junk/Bottlecaps) in containers. If no container is available in the settlement, it will be transferred to the Settlement's Workshop Storage. How does your Settlement confront an Enemy Group? •Forfeit When a settlement consists of less people than enemies, they will automatically forfeit and be imprisoned by the enemy. This option is only available against Raiders and Mutants. Ghouls will not negotiate. •Fight When a settlement consists of equal or more people than enemies, they will try to defend their settlement until they die, if they die or faint, they will lose. If your settlement won, Settlers who died will be revived if you have a doctor.
  2. Greetings! A friend and I have been trying to get more zombies to appear on blood moons and wandering hordes but for some reason they won't appear. All of our XML edits went swimmingly in A15 but now we can't seem to get the A16 XMLs to do what we want. We simply want 5x or more the zombies in wandering hordes and at least 64 per player even on the first horde night. We're both extremely experienced players and were hugely disappointed at the horde numbers come day 7 with only 8 zombies appearing at once even though my dedicated server is set to 32 each (Is that 32 per the whole night or at once?). I get that the game wants to slowly feed you more but we need all out chaos on horde night as it used to be. There's just no challenge when you figure out their AI. We need a Left 4 Dead situation going where there is an actual threat because we are apparently too experienced in dodging them to make this game any sort of challenge. I'd rather my server crash with too many zombies than yawn all night as we easily evade them. Any help is much appreciated!
  3. Trying to make the game a little more difficult. Anyone knows how to increase the number of zeds in a horde? from the usual 10(ish) to maybe 20 or 30?
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