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  1. I've been working on a pack of stone age weapons and I'm trying to get a basic throwing knife working. No real issues with the basics, but the grenade arc absolutely refuses to work. I get this result, seemingly no matter what. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/79299-1710026957.png I've tried remaking the projectile entry from scratch, rather than copying and editing an existing one. Also tried copying everything, including collision, from the throwing knives in Grenade Expansion Pack 2, which work fine. Tried with no collision on the projectile mesh, and a few other tweaks with keywords and whatnot. Absolutely nothing seems to get the arc working properly. Would really appreciate any input here. Mod is nearly done, just need to iron out these little glitches.
  2. Show of hands how many of us were super excited to get nuclear physicist rank 3 only to be completely let down by its so called "Devastating fusion core grenade". Devastating is right it's just that is isn't your enemies that will be devastated it's you and your friends! I propose not to eliminate that feature but change it so instead of pooping out a nuke it gets added to your inventory so you can throw it when you need it.
  3. im requesting an automatic grenade launcher. one that can fire any of the grenades in the game maybe the ammo can be generated by just taking grenades you have to the chemistry/ammo bench. overtime people save up a lot of grenades and they dont usually get used if you're a person who uses vats or bullettime often. this would hopefully remedy this problem of useless grenades sitting at settlements for whole playthroughs. it would also be nice if the ammo was weightless or lighter than the standard half a pound so we could hold around 200-300 without needing a strong back perk. http://imgur.com/XDhz8iB
  4. Have you ever thought "oh no ghouls" and then readied your trusty molotov cocktail only to realize its actually a pulse grenade mid arc? Well I have many O times and with varying grenade types full potential being wasted. I threw my first plasma grenade at a mole rat... yeah. SO what I was thinking was what if every grenade had its own unique icon so you can tell which one will be in your hand when you throw it? Or maybe a little icon above the ammo indicator?
  5. Just throwing it out there (pun intended). Wouldn't it be cool if dogs, mutant hounds and such chased after baseball grenades?
  6. Seriously. Why hasn't anyone made this mod yet?! That stupid throw arc is impossible to use at long distances; which is when you should be trying it. Throwing grenades up close? Problem 1) you kill yourself; 2) that Raider outruns your throw and beats you to death anyway. So....Why hasn't anyone made a mod where grenades can be THROWN using VATS (yes you can shoot them out of the air, yippee skippee). I want FO3's grenade throwing back!!! I'm not a coder, but with all the awesome s*** you guys do, this seems simple. So simple it got overlooked maybe?
  7. Hello! I was looking around on the Nexus, and oh my god... I COULDN'T FIND A GRENADE MACHINEGUN MOD FOR FALLOUT 4 :O!?!?!?!! In all seriousness, I was quite surprised to not see any mod for Fallout 4 that had anything to do with the Grenade Machinegun from Fallout: New Vegas. (I mean holy s#*!, that thing is awesome...especially with the little computer on top :o!) I'd absolutely love it if somebody would be able to re-create such a beauty in Fallout 4 (And I don't think I'll be the only person to love that in the slightest!). In-game modifications for that blastin'-beauty would be VERY much appreciated too :D! Link to which weapon I'm talking about: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Grenade_machinegun
  8. MOD IDEA: Hey Guys, in Fallout 4 i witnessed some raiders talking about a guy confusing everybody by doing just motorcycle and grenade sounds, pretending to throw them everywhere and escaping out of danger every time. So i wondered if some talented modders (if or if not the creation kit is out) would be able to inplement him as an NPC into the game, just running around encountering him here and there, or even make him as a follower! :blush: Me and alot of people want to see him ingame. Here's some ingame footage of the raiders talking about him by FluffyNinjaLlama:
  9. So I'm playing Fallout New Vegas, and I have many, many mods installed, one of which is Project Nevada. This is one of the thousandth times I've installed and modded this game, and I've used Project Nevada as many times as well. However, this time around, any time I use the grenade hot key, and only when I use the grenade hot key, If i'm pointing my cursor at a terrain feature, like a tree, boulder, or destroyed building, once I press the grenade hot key, the feature starts pulsing red, like Boones spotter perk. It won't stop flashing until I leave the area via fast travel and wait a certain amount of time ( however long it is for terrain data to reset itself in game). Any ideas as to what it may be? Note: When I equip a grenade and throw it manually, like in vanilla, this does not happen. It ONLY happens if I use the grenade hot key from Project Nevada, and it has never happened before when I used the mod.
  10. So I was wandering the wasteland and noticed that I had mini Nukes and no Fat Man; SO I tried to drop one of my mini nukes, moving it, and shooting it to use it like a mine. Nothing happened... Now, I know nothing of modding, so I cannot do this myself, but it seems like comparatively to other mods it might be a (not-difficult) thing to mod, for a real modder, to make mini nukes throwable like grenades, or at least DESTROYABLE like mines. Thanks for your time. I hope this is a good idea for a Mod.
  11. Hi Nexus Forums, Long-time Modder, first-time Forum Topic (I think). Anyways, I have this awesome idea for a weapon modification for the Grenade Launcher. This mod would remove the stock of the back and you would have the ability to use the Grenade Launcher with just one hand. How awesome would it be? After you fired a grenade, you'd be able to flip the launcher around and pump the pump-action for another grenade to load and then flip the launcher back into it's original position. Yes, I might have got the original photo from the Fallout Wiki, but when I edited it, you might be able to see something really awesome in the making. Sorry if I could only fit one photo. Just blame the attach file capacity. Just comment and tell me what you think. By the way, when I said long-time modder, I meant I installed mods for my Fallout New Vegas game for a long time. Just to clear up some confusion. Anyways, bye!
  12. Hi everyone. I'm working on my weapon mod and I'm stuck on something. I did an exhaustive google search and couldn't find any useful info. I could use some advice. I've created a new grenade and I've extensively edited the mesh and texture for it, plus the explosion and projectile data. It looks pretty good but I still can't figure out how to edit the explosion animation. It's templated from the plasma grenade so it uses the same explosion animation. When a plasma grenade explodes, it sends out green energy arcing all around. I wanna change that explosion animation from green to red but I can't figure out how to edit it in the geck. Help please?
  13. I'm having 2 issues with a weapon i'm creating. I'm trying to make a hand grenade that looks like a teddy bear. 1st- When I throw the Teddy Grenade it looks like and bounces like a stuffed teddy would. However, the explosion will always be at my feet regaurdless of where the teddy lands. To make it all I did was copy the form data and changed Grenade Frag to Teddy Grenade and made it into a new form Id. I did the same with the Grenade Projectile form. It should have the same stats as a regulare Hand Grenade. I just replaced the grenade model with the teddy bear model and changed the name. Also changed G 2nd- The equip model and the cooking model (pin pulled holding in hands) are still from the Hand Grenade. In the air and on the ground it has a Teddy Bear model. I'm sure these are noob mistakes. But an expert tip or two would help me a lot. Unrelated question. For the Name Teddy Go Boom or "Teddy G" as in the Real OG, he's da bomb.
  14. Was hoping it would be as easy as adding a live grenade to their inventory, but no.
  15. "1. It doesn't read your ammo in your inventory either in AMMO tab or in your hub (these may be two separate issues though i doubt it) 2. It doesn't change the receiver name when you change the receiver when applying the baseball grenade receiver 3. I believe it can currently shoot the grenades even without the receiver (at least if I remember currently, I did have a version that did that) In the 6hrs looking into it, I was able to fix the issue on the gun shooting the grenades with or without the receiver. That was it though. I wasn't able to figure out why it's not reading the ammo though it uses it just fine, and I ran out of practice to try to figure out why the receiver name isn't changing gun name. This isn't enough to to put out an updates file since it wont change anything other then adding another step for you to use the gun which is to go to the workbench and create/apply the new receiver. That's for immersion though, if your really interested in a shoot gun shooting a lot of grenades, then immersion isn't your highest of priorities." I have gotten it to work to the point that it wont blow up in my face when I pull the trigger and it shoots grenades that's about it. Hope someone here can help.... :confused: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7237/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D7237%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3613045&pUp=1
  16. "The M83HCC utilized an advanced binary stabilized liquid explosive (BINASLEX) device combining two inherently stable liquid high explosive mediums, stored under high pressure, into a single volatile solution. The device measured half a meter in length and a quarter meter in diameter, weighing exactly 5 kilos." http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/armcanister.jpg I was thinking giving this the power and sound of a nuka-grenade with maybe some EMP effects so it's particularly harsh on robots and synths. I know we have EMP grenades but they're kind of underwhelming. -A blue glowing ring like on the picture would be awesome too, especially as it's flying through the air lol. My incessant Terminator requests aren't meant to sound demanding, just ideas for other people with unhealthy fixations on Terminator. :p
  17. So, I was looking around at all those adorable teddies Bethesda scattered all through out the wasteland, and I thought to myself: Why can't I hold one of these little fellas in my hand and give 'em a big hug? Sometimes we may want a little teddy to snuggle in the dark and scary wasted commonweatlh... ..or, maybe you have a psychopath character who hears the bear speak the voices of the damned to him. In either case, a mod where you can equip a teddy bear in your hand and carry him around would be AWESOME, along with being able to give him little customizations in, say, the weapon workbench. You could even make your little buddy a bit more "explosive" for those who would like to utilize him in combat........a bear bomb, a, yea, just make it explode. Heck, it could even alter the default behavior of those teddies you find laying around with sunglasses and cigars, adding a little extra pleasing bonus to finding them. Preferably it'd be like a gun you could just hold in your hand, rather than a grenade, but either version would be cool for people that would want it. Apparently people have already made completely new guns for the game, and since this idea would only require utilizing in-game assets, I can't imagine it would be the most insanely difficult thing to pull off. Granted, that's coming from someone who's never made a mod himself. Anyone find that to be an idea worth picking up and giving a crack at?
  18. Either reskin an existing grenade or make them findable or craftable (would probably also require adding lemon trees or something to settlements).
  19. The Nuka grenade largely made it redundant in Fallout 4 – but why not a version that has slightly different visuals (maybe cue weather change into clear/firestorm as well) too, insane destructive power within a limited range and the iconic "haa-llelujah ♪ " when it is thrown/before it explodes? Worms-style. :psyduck:
  20. WOOOOOOOOOO Mod page http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10740/?
  21. hi i am new for moding just start and learn hope you enjoy this video my mod is not hard to do but i love to do it sry for my english come visit me here i like to see some endosement (i feel like no one care about my mod HAHA!!) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3139/? for vats effect i use VATS Tweaks by Detrax http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1064/? and just love it!!
  22. I have two requests, both of which are Institute related: **Make the Relay animation play on all Fast Travels** I dislike Fast Travel, but I find that it's necessary to use sometimes in Fallout 4. Because I favour the Institute, I can't call in Vetibirds, so I can't use that method. So, to make it more reasonable, I would like to be able to have the Institute Relay animation play whenever you fast travel TO a location, and when you arrive there. To clarify, I'm talking about the 'blue, space like' animation and sound that plays when you use the Institute Relay Teleportation System. **Make Synth Relay Grenades spawn Coursers** Simply, to make the Synth Relay Grenades spawn Institute Coursers instead of 1st Gen Synths. So... Courser Relay Grenades (don't need a name change). Alternatively (or also) to make the normal Synth Relay Grenades spawn in stronger Synths (like the ones with helmets) rather than just the 1st Gen's. If anyone does create these mods, and if I can't see replies for this topic, please contact me on Reddit: /u/Ryanjtombs
  23. Has anyone figured out how to copy any type of grenade into a new record and have it read its own projectile. There is no ammo used so each grenade weapon type must read its projectile directly but i cant figure it out. I assume its down at the bottom hex code in the FNAM, I'll test later tonight. I would like to figure this out soon so my mirelurk eggs dont have to take over the frag grenades and my queen wont take over the beacon grenades.
  24. I keep blowing myself up or throwing a molotov at my feet. Also sometimes when I REALLY need a grenade, I just wave my gun at nothing. The context for melee/grenade is seriously flawed. Please someone give me a separate grenade key! ARGold57
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