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  1. I've run through several ME3 playthroughs using different mods, but this time when I start the game, the language is in French! I am in the US, it is my own purchased copy of ME3 Deluxe Collectors Edition through Origin, and I've owned it for approx. 3-4 years. This is the 1st time I've ever had this happen. I copied the entire game to Steam to see if it was due to the Origin update, but the same issue occurs. Any thoughts on how or why this is happening, and how to correct it? Before it appeared in French, the initial screen where toy would choose to "Load Game", "resume", "New Game", etc...was nothing but dollar signs followed by random numbers, for example...$785334, $785459..etc.these appeared where the text choices normally would be....I looked everywhere for a solution and so far, I have found zilch!
  2. Salut a tous, voila il y a beaucoup de forum Anglais et très peu Français, si vous êtes pas très fort en anglais j'invite tous mes amis sachant parler la langue de Molière a poster leur news ou tout autres infos ainsi que des avis sur cette pages, en particulier SKSE, FNIS, et SKUI. :happy: merci a tous .
  3. I was wondering if someone could make compagnies franches de la marine uniform. There are similar uniform out there and it would be nice to have https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IEDyA6eXFg0/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.cmhg.gc.ca/cmh/book_images/high/v1_x1_s04_ss02_01.jpg I know there are similar uniform mods out there that could work with a retexture https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/2742488
  4. I was wondering if someone could make compagnies franches de la marine uniform. There are similar uniform out there and it would be nice to have https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IEDyA6eXFg0/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.cmhg.gc.ca/cmh/book_images/high/v1_x1_s04_ss02_01.jpg I know there are similar uniform mods out there that could work with a retexture https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/2742488 Even some voltigeurs of Québec would work https://tce-live2.s3.amazonaws.com/media/media/3c8e4ab9-41f4-46fd-bbd1-e45854bfb33d.jpg
  5. Hello there. It makes a few weeks I'm working on a pretty big project. In fact, I'm writing a short description for every weapons and every armors of the game (not including clothes, maybe later if I make a "all item" version), a bit like in the Souls games. By doing that I want to give more interest to items peoples usualy don't even look at, aspecially unique items, who deserve a bit of back story. I'm currently writing them in french (cause I'm from Belgium, no body is perfect :( ) But if you are interested I will translate all of this (just need to find somebody, my English being too "basic"). As exemple, here are the three first cathegory I've made: Iron, Leather and Steel (quickly translated by Google translation, with some corrections but stil pretty horrible even for me, then the original in french). So tell me: what do you think of this idea ? Iron - Iron Dagger: Rudimentary dagger, suitable for cutting food, but little else. - Iron Sword: Iron Sword crudely forged. Shortly sharpened, it reaches its limits facing the simplest metal armor. - Iron Axe: Axe simple iron. Probably more effective on a tree than on a man. - Iron Mass: Summary mass. Effective against simple armor, with a little luck ... - Iron Greatsword: Large iron sword. The thick blade imbalance terribly ... - Iron Greataxe: Axe two iron hands. The tip at the rear allows piercing the thin armor. - Iron Warhammer: Grand hammer poorly designed, with its spikes fourths reducing the impact. - Longbow: Wooden Longbow, good for training and small game hunting. - Iron Helmet: Iron helmet worn horns. Comfortable, but leaves exposed jaw. - Iron Armor: Inexpensive iron armor. Only protects the bare minimum. - Tape Armour: Heavier iron armor but have Shoulder Guards. - Iron Gloves: Leather gloves with an iron plate protecting the top of the forearm. - Iron Boots: Leather boots, an iron plate protects the tibia and fur insulates from the cold. - Iron Shield: Wooden planks strapped together with iron. Does not seem to be able to endure too hard treatments. - Shield bands: Shield of an alloy of iron and corundum, the lack of wood makes it easy to repair. Leather - Leather Helmet: Thick leather helmet reinforced iron. Protects from weak blows but not beyond. - Leather Armor: Thick leather armor and fur. It does not protect as much as a metal armor but lets move more easily and not too tiring. - Leather Gauntlets: Gauntlets thick leather covering both sides of the forearm. They will not stop a sword but can avoid nicks. - Leather boots: Sturdy leather boots, popular with scouts and adventurers for their comfort on long trips and little noise they make. Steel - Steel Dagger: Steel Dagger, a current model. Used primarily for self-defense and as a backup weapon. - Steel Sword: A sword made of good quality steel. Widespread in Skyrim it proves effective in most situations. - Steel Axe: Steel ax, typical of Skyrim and much appreciated by many warriors for its reliability. - Steel mass: Mass of steel four-pointed of cutting blades, designed to drive the armor and bones. - Steel Greatsword: Destined to be two-handed, this imposing steel blade has a second highest crossguard in case of halfswording. - Steel Battleaxe With its dual steel blades, this large axe perfectly reflects the warriors of Skyrim. - Steel Warhammer: The flat side of the steel hammer can reduce bone in pieces, while the tip allows to go through the shields and armor. - Hunting Bow: Wooden bow of robust composition. Its ease of manufacturing and repair and its effectiveness make it the favorite friend of hunters. - Steel Helmet: In a simpler aesthetic, this steel helmet protects the skull, nose and neck. Safety first! - Horned Steel Helmet Worked steel helmet, adorned with two massive horns. It nevertheless remains an effective piece of armor. - Steel Armor: Lined steel armor snug fur. The large joints allow leather to retain a certain ease of movement. - Nordic Steel Gauntlets: Cuffs and mittens of leather and fur. A steel plate protects the forearm and another the back of the hand. - Steel cuff Boots: Well protected boots. Steel parts protect the foot, shin and calf without much impeding movement. - Steel Shield: A simple but quality shield, made of oak planks reinforced by strapping and a central steel motif. Fer - Dague de fer: Dague rudimentaire, convient pour couper de la nourriture, mais guère plus. - Épée de fer: Épée de fer grossièrement forgée. Peu affutée, elle atteint ses limites face aux armures de métal les plus simples. - Hache de fer: Hache de fer simple. Très probablement plus efficace sur un arbre que sur un homme. - Masse de fer: Masse sommaire. Efficace contre les armures simples, avec un peu de chance… - Espadon de fer: Grande épée de fer. La lame épaisse la déséquilibre terriblement… - Hache d’arme de fer: Hache à deux mains en fer. La pointe à l’arrière permet de percer les armures fines. - Marteau de guerre de fer: Grand marteau mal conçu, de par ses quartes pointes réduisant l’impacte. - Arc long: Arc long en bois, bon pour l’entraînement et la chasse au petit gibier. - Casque de fer: Casque de fer à cornes usées. Confortable, mais laisse la mâchoire exposée. - Armure de fer: Armure de fer peu chère. Ne protège que le strict minimum. - Armure à bandes : Armure de fer plus lourde, mais disposant de spalières. - Gants de fer: Gants de cuir avec une plaque de fer protégeant le dessus de l’avant-bras. - Bottes de fer: Bottes en cuir, une plaque de fer protège le tibia et la fourrure isole du froid. - Bouclier de fer: Planches de bois cerclées de fer, ne semble pas pouvoir endurer de trop dure traitement. - Bouclier à bandes : Bouclier d’un alliage de fer et corindon, l’absence de bois le rend facile à réparer. Cuir - Casque de cuir: Casque en cuir épais renforcé de fer. Protège des coups portés sans conviction, mais pas au-delà. - Armure de cuir : Armure en cuir épais et fourrure. Elle ne protège pas autant qu’une armure de métal, mais permet de bouger plus aisément et sans trop se fatiguer. - Gantelets de cuir : Gantelets en cuir épais couvrant les deux faces de l’avant-bras. Ils n’arrêteront pas un coup d’épée mais permettent d’éviter les entailles. - Bottes de cuir : Bottes de cuir robuste, appréciées des éclaireurs et des aventuriers pour leur confort lors de longs voyages et le peu de bruit qu’elles font. Acier - Dague d’acier: Dague en acier, un modèle courant. Utilisée principalement pour la défense personnelle et comme arme de secours. - Epée d’acier: Une épée de bonne facture faite en acier. Très rependue en Bordeciel elle s’avère efficace dans la plupart des situations. - Hache d’acier: Hache en acier, typique de Bordeciel et fort appréciée par de nombreux guerriers pour sa fiabilité. - Masse d’acier: Masse d’acier à quatre lames pointues et tranchantes, destinées à enfoncer les armures et les os. - Espadon d’acier: Destinée à être maniée à deux mains, cette imposante lame en acier dispose d’une seconde garde plus haute en cas de prise en main de la lame. - Hache d’arme d’acier: Avec ses doubles lames d’acier, cette grande hache reflète à la perfection les guerriers de Bordeciel. - Marteau de guerre d’acier: Le côté plat de ce marteau d’acier peut réduire les os en miettes, tandis que la pointe permet de passer au travers des boucliers et des armures. - Arc de chasse: Arc en bois de composition robuste. Sa simplicité de fabrication et de réparation ainsi que son efficacité en font l’ami préféré des chasseurs. - Casque d’acier: D’une esthétique des plus simples, ce casque en acier protège le crâne, le nez et la nuque. La sécurité avant tout ! - Casque d’acier à cornes Casque en acier travaillé, orné de deux cornes imposantes. Il n’en demeure pas moins une pièce d’armure efficace. - Armure d’acier: Armure en acier doublée de fourrure bien ajustée. Les larges articulations en cuir permettent de conserver une certaine aisance de mouvements. - Gantelets nordiques en acier: Brassards et mitaines de cuir et fourrure. Une plaque d’acier protège l’avant-bras et une autre le dos de la main. - Bottes à revers en acier: Des bottes bien protégées. Des pièces d’acier protègent le pied, le tibia et le mollet sans trop gêner les mouvements. - Bouclier d’acier: Un bouclier simple mais de qualité, fait de planches de chênes renforcées par un cerclage et un motif central en acier. \\ |T| // Praise the Sun \\ |T| //
  6. Some mod I installed changed most armor and clothing names to French. I'd rather keep that mod installed, but I'd also love to get the proper english names back. Anybody have a lightweight mod that will only change the names of my installed amors? Or is there any way I could edit the names of all the armors myself? Also, this might be related: on any female NPCs I loot, the gold on them is named "FNIS Sexy Move Coin." I take it and I think it still adds that to the amount of gold I have, but I'd rather name it back to just gold if possible. It's icon in SkyUI is also a generic box which I believe is for miscellaneous items rather than a coin icon like regular gold you'd loot.
  7. Hello I've owned an English version of Skyrim and all of its DLCs since when they were released. Recently, One of my friends who owned a french copy of the game suggested to me to play the game in french to further improve my french speaking skill. Since, I didn't have any intention to buy the game again just to play it in french, I did a little research and tried to make it French myself. I have around 100 mods from nexus and steam workshop (which most of them doesn't have a translated version) therefore, I preferred not to touch "skyrim.esm". Fortunately, my friend offered me "Skyrim - Voices.bsa" from his game directory But it wasn't enough, I needed the french subtitles as well to understand the meaning. to not bother myself with the Skyrim's UI language, I used "BSAopt v1.6.3" to open my "Skyrim - Interface.bsa" and Extract the french String Files. I've put them all in "Data\Strings" and renamed them to English ones accordingly,While I Pulled the actual English ones out of that folder. Now, I have "Skyrim_English.dlstrings, Skyrim_English.slstrings, Skyrim_English.strings" in my string folder while they are actually french ones renamed. Good news is that subtitles showed up in my game but with one problem which doesn't occur in my friend's game. The subtitles contain blank rectangles. Apparently the Apostrophes and accents can't get injected in the subtitle :sad: Any Suggestions? BTW, Sorry if my text is too long or confusing. English is my 2nd Language. I just wanted to make sure it's completely clear.
  8. Hello! As a way to supplement my language learning, I’ve been playing Skyrim solely in Spanish. However, this presents a couple problems: since my knowledge of the language is still a beginner, I sometimes get confused about dialogue or quest objectives. When I don’t know a word, I look it up using a dictionary or Google translate – having to pause the game or open a new window. This slows down the process immensely. My thought is to allow two subtitle lines in two languages to be displayed simultaneously. In this way a player can read the line in the language they are trying to learn, and if it is not completely understood they can glance at the equivalent in their native tongue. Or, the other option would be to create a hotkey or menu item that would allow the player to switch languages in-game if they get hung up on a particularly hard dialogue or a word they have never encountered before. I’ve messed around with moving the Spanish and English audio/dialogue files before. For example, I’ve played with English subtitles and Spanish audio, so I know this kind of manipulation can be done. I would like to take it to the next level having both Spanish and English displayed (or any combination of languages that Skyrim offers!) Most people give up learning a language because it gets to boring or tedious. Well, what better way to combat boredom than play Skyrim! If this mod were to be implemented successfully, I think this could help many language learners immensely. I’d love to hear what the community thinks! Any ideas? Can this be done?
  9. Hi, The MAS 36 is a french rifle adopted in 1936, wich had a few variants and was used in WW2, Indochina war and Algeria war. The rifle looks pretty cool and I would really love to use it in Fallout 4. http://www.tecmagazin.fr/blog_tir/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/M36_-_complet-11-565x422.jpg (From top to bottom : MAS 36 "first type", "second type", MAS 36-51 wich can fire grenades, MAS 36 CR 39 with foldable stock for mountain troops and paratroopers) You can have a lot of informations about this rifle thanks to Forgotten Weapons : https://www.forgottenweapons.com/?s=mas+36 Also a french website with lots of informations and detailed pictures of the differences between the different versions of the rifle : http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20CR%2039.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20LG%2048.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036-51.html There is this old not so accurate mod for Fallout New Vegas : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872 And if you need more informations, I own a MAS 36 in real life so I can take as many photos or videos as needed :happy:
  10. Bonjour, HI !! y a t il une solution ou une manip pour lancer le jeu par nexus et le garder en français pour utiliser les mods ? j'ai le jeu sur epicgames.. quand je le lance par epic il est en français mais pas moddé et quand je le lance par nexus, il est moddé mais en anglais.. -> is there a solution to keep french language when you launch the game with nexus and use mods ? I'm playing the game with epicgames. When I start the game with epic it is in french but no mods are on and when I run it with nexus , it's ok for the mods but yhe game is full english.. Thx for your reply and sorry for my bad english ^^
  11. I added the oil rig update to America Rising and now the game plays in French. I see a patch on NNM in the America Rising download, but the file contents won't display and I don't want to make matters worse. My question is "How do I get the game to revert back to English?" I don't speak or read French. Thanks. PS... I think this is a technical question, but if not, I humbly apologise.
  12. Salut tous le monde, je vous informe qu'on a ouvert un discord avec plusieurs modders, traducteur etc pour réunir la communauté francophone Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre la porte est ouverte : https://discord.gg/z9VTkP4 A très vite
  13. hey salut je suis un joueur fallout 4 je cherche du monde pour continuer a decouvire des mod et m améliorer dans le milieu en commence pas maitriser et comprendre nexus voila du coup si vous étés français ou autre contacter moi via discorde je suis assez actif et cherche du monde dans le milieu du mod https://discord.gg/zJbMEf
  14. Hello guys and modders, My native tongue is french and i speak english really well, i want to offer a helping hand to modders and help them translate mods from english to french, i will do that for free since i only want to practice my english and learn the ways of translations. Played skyrim for a long time, i do have enough game knowledge to do proper translations. Please contact me, or email me here : [email protected]
  15. Hi guys ! I'm wondering if it's possible to recreate the French MAS-36 : There was a mod for FNV : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872?tab=description The rifle has many differents versions, such as the paratrooper version with a collapsible stock (the one with the grey stock) : http://i68.servimg.com/u/f68/11/61/41/83/img09610.jpg I think this was a very beautiful rifle, and it should be in game, that paratrooper version would be my main gun. It was actually the best bolt-action rifle of it's time.
  16. Hello Nexus Community ! I will try here to explain what I'm trying to do ; As I'm working on a movie Project (big project... French, but it may have subtitle or perhaps I will try to find some english voice who know...). There will be a lot of character, and sometimes they will have to cross the road of another character. In fact, for some scene, they will probably be 4-5 on the screen. SO ! Here are some questions : How can I made other character ? Is it possible to import a char from a save to make him as a follower (apparence principally) ?Are they any way to do this without to had to make a follower in the CK ?TO RESUME THIS PART : I wish I could make some char and add them to the game... Other question : I'm currently using PUPPETER MASTER and DIRECTOR TOOL to make some scene. It's really usefull to take screenshot, but I don't really know how to use it to take video sequence... I mean, create a scene. If someone had some advice, I will be very grateful... Other questions will probably come with time... Thanks a lot in advance, to all of you ! This topic will be a logbook of our project too... At the moment, we are making quick videos of different character (they are not final char, they will be probably modified (outfit, armor, face, etc)). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precision : I'm using FRAPS to record sequence... It's quite heavy... If someone know a good software too... Thanks I know, I can search on google, but there are a lot of things, not always precise... I think you understand what I mean... I don't know if it's the good section to talk about this, and I hope I haven't break any rules too .. .. ... ... so if it had to be removed, I'm sorry...
  17. It's all in the title: I've got some free time on my hands, and I can translate any text into french or italian (I'm perfectly bilingual so don't you worry :3) for you guys! Ony problem is that I'm going on a vacation in two or three weeks, so if you submit something later it'll have to wait until september, maybe october. Feel free to PM me, or to leave a comment ^^
  18. Hi Here a couple of video,tweak, setting and mod for create a fantasy ambiance in skyrim.. i update it evry week if i the time French Fantasy http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3309272-1360190278.jpg ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"> French Fantasy Base Setup v0.2 need enbseries 0.132All Skyrim HD - 2K TexturesRealistic Rocks and Mountains in Skyrim 2kTerrain Bump - Texture PackHD Enhanced Terrain All retexture mod of horrorviewEnhanced Lights and FXThe Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod Kace Auto Loot - MCM Configurable Autoloot
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