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  1. i'm trying to run some mods on FNV of Epic Games but some of them are not working! anybody know what i should do or fix this?
  2. Bonjour, HI !! y a t il une solution ou une manip pour lancer le jeu par nexus et le garder en français pour utiliser les mods ? j'ai le jeu sur epicgames.. quand je le lance par epic il est en français mais pas moddé et quand je le lance par nexus, il est moddé mais en anglais.. -> is there a solution to keep french language when you launch the game with nexus and use mods ? I'm playing the game with epicgames. When I start the game with epic it is in french but no mods are on and when I run it with nexus , it's ok for the mods but yhe game is full english.. Thx for your reply and sorry for my bad english ^^
  3. Hello, sorry for the errors in my English, I had to resort to the google translator. I want to tell you that I have been downloading the games that epicgames has been delivering for free. However, when I scan vortex to locate the games (among them, I must confess the cracked skyrim) it does not locate any, neither the epicgames, nor the others. Also, the "fullscan" never completes the entire bar. I hope I don't offend anyone, I'm just looking for help.
  4. I have Subnautica by Epic Games, and I tried to use QModsManager 4, but when I install it I can't find the game's "exe". Does anyone know how to use the mods in the game by Epic?
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