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  1. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Also I am editing the front page so that everyone knows. I have a rule in my email that AUTOMATICALLY pushes ANY alert about this post to the top of my inbox that is broadcasted to ALL MY EMAILS. Everyone is free to ask for help, I am alllllllwaaaays watching.... allllllwaaaays watching. Hello everyone. So it's been a while since Dragon Age: Inquisition came out. There was this extreme annoyance for many people, Leliana hardening if you missed 1 event. This would destroy player's endings, and cause some people to completely start over again. This is a tool to reverse all of that, so long as it is done before Leliana completely hardens. I originally posted this guide on the DAI Tools forums and am re-posting it here because honestly, that site is really difficult to post on, and this site has a MUCH LARGER user base. And therefore, more people who ran into this issue, will find their solution here. Here is my original post with... very few edits, mostly because I feel it is fine how it is. Oh and as always, thanks to ricco19, for it was they who originally gave the clues needed to figure this out for everyone. There is a link to his post on those forums in the following guide. Enjoy! P.S. This takes up two posts due to image limits. Also I will post a link to the original once their moderators approve the changes I made and put the topic back up. ------------Original Post Here-------------- I am reposting this from a Mod Request Topic because I feel it will be easier to find here than there. This is verbatim what I said, because it took a while to write and I do not feel like editing it :3 ------------------------------------------------- EVERYONE! I have figured out Ricco19's method for fixing Leliana if you botched up without knowing it!Stay tuned for I will be posting a guide on this Topic on how to do it. It is FAR easier than Ricco19 stated can can be done within 10 minutes. I shall be editing this post with the Guide, complete with pictures. ------------------------------------------------ Update #3!I was informed that my images broke. I re-uploaded them to a different site and re-posted them in the guide! Sorry for the inconvenience! Update #2!I realized I forgot to put in a step, it is down below in the appropriate section. The first step after opening Hex Workshop for the first time. Update!As far as I know, this fix deals with fixing the first encounter you have with Leliana that matters, dealing with her in the Chantry, and determining the fate of the traitor agent. I do not know exactly what it has to do with the second encounter, where you tell her she was right to pull back her agent. This is simply steps on how to replicate what ricco19 did. Alright, as already stated, this is a guide on how to soften Leliana before doing her personal quest, so that she doesn't go ape !@#$. First thing's first.This method is for if you MISSED the event that happens at Haven with Leliana. The game considers a missed event as a False flag. Since you missed it, one cannot use the save tool to change it to true.I was not the one who came up with this method. We have ricco19 to thank for this. I am just posting a step by step process on how to do it.So thanks ricco19. You can find his post here: http://daitools.freeforums.org/post8708.html#p8708 The most important step you should always do:http://i.imgur.com/mykq2UK.png What you will need:The Game(Duh).Knowledge of copying and pasting files in windows.Hex Workshop (The 30 day trial will be plenty of time to fix this)The reason we use Hex Workshop is it can bit shift FOR you.DAI Save Game Editor by Ehamloptiram The Save Game Editor is pivotal in checking which of the following values we can use for replacing by making sure they are False. Any value that is True should not be used. IMPORTANT: All selected values MUST be False. And MUST have a True counterpart. What we are replacing: 45FE541FAFB6B54CA1D6C9143209017E,BOOL,DAO/Class/Warrior? OR 635818FBA9E9094DADEA8C189A6301D5,BOOL,DAO/Class/Mage? OR 6FD01163BF71374DBC977FA355D801D7,BOOL,DAO/Class/Rogue? AND 3 of these 4. DO NOT USE THE ONE THAT YOU DID ROMANCE ( It will break things :) ) 0A1A5BF0A764264EB067A4F6E3BD016A,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Morrigan? 79CF236575D34940A7CF12865342012E,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Leliana? 3BC3E7F9CB37F54E9002A2F89AB9016A,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Zevran? F12631D0508FE54ABA1EB6F3683A01E0,BOOL,DAO/Romance/Alistair?With the following 4 values: CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A,BOOL,Leliana did not kill agent == TRUE DADF5B4FCEAAA749AC724875AFD601D6,BOOL,??? == TRUE 0E8105EDBBB9694DBC4A913ADE0301C5,BOOL,??? == FALSE DB286CE3E14E2D44964C573E2EB0010C,BOOL,??? == FALSE Through research I have determined these 4 values have to do with the softening aspect of Leliana in Haven.Alright now how do we do this? Well, after we made our backup, we will find out which flags we can use for replacing. This can be done this way: Open the DAI Save Game Editor from wherever you saved it.http://i.imgur.com/6Y5FsVs.pngAnd open the save you wish to check, and later fix.http://i.imgur.com/0pOiWEm.pngThen simply paste in the value you wish check into the search box and click search. It will highlight the found value. If this value is False, it is available for replacing. If it is true, leave it alone.http://i.imgur.com/vVz2ze3.pngDo this for all of the replaceable values as directed until you have 1 class value and 3 romance values. In my case: 45FE541FAFB6B54CA1D6C9143209017E 0A1A5BF0A764264EB067A4F6E3BD016A 3BC3E7F9CB37F54E9002A2F89AB9016A F12631D0508FE54ABA1EB6F3683A01E0Will be replaced by: CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A DADF5B4FCEAAA749AC724875AFD601D6 0E8105EDBBB9694DBC4A913ADE0301C5 DB286CE3E14E2D44964C573E2EB0010CBecause I romanced Leliana :3 Now for the fun part. Open Hex Workshop and then Options, then Toolbars... A window will pop up and you need to check Data Operations and click Ok. Without this you will not see the Block Shifting operators. This will be done on your first time opening Hex Workshop.http://i.imgur.com/MSczf4M.pngNow open the file you wish to De-lunify Leliana.http://i.imgur.com/IzbIFoP.pngFirst, use the Find Function to look for one of the replaceable plot flags we determined earlier on. An example would be "45FE541FAFB6B54CA1D6C9143209017E". After that we are going to Block Shift Right(Wait for this to execute, the larger the file, the longer it will take, have patience) then use the Find Function again after each shift until a match is found. I know ricco19 talked about bit shifting but that didn't work for me, I tried block shifting by accident. Lucky us. :smile: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Continued IMMEDIATELY in the next post. Had to cut it due to image limit.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. The buildable lights for outposts (Floodlights, Light Posts, Wall Lights) are waaaaay too bright. Blindingly so. I'm surprised that there are no mods to dim the lights a bit. Anyone able to make a mod for this?
  3. Can anyone edit this 458 Italia mod for GTA V by changing the brakes calipers color to aluminum please.
  4. Hi i'm new to Nexus mods can someone please edit this mod for GTA San Andreas by adding a aluminum brake calipers to make it look more realistic please but first ask the mod creator's permission to edit it
  5. is there any mod to change other clans banners?
  6. I'm a complete newb at this, so please bare with me and I do not wish to use the mod called NPC editor, so please don't respond with that. Let's say I want to edit Faendal's appearance: Skin Texture, eye color, and hair Using the following mods: Fine face textures for Men or Vitruvia , Natural Eyes, and KS Hairdos Renewal How would I go about doing this? Can anyone provide a step by step? I've got creation kit installed and I know I need to convert the esp files into esm files, but I'm not sure how to do that or how to make it so the changes I make in CK reflect in game. If I need Wrye Bash how do I install it with NMM? Also, I've read that there's a way to create NPC/followers using Nifskope, Creation Kit, and Racemenu, but does that process work with existing NPCs? and can you still use assets from other mods if you do it that way? If so, how is this done? Note: I'd like to be able to still use SOS so I don't want to make any changes to the body other than maybe texture. I've been trying to use Males of Skyrim with Schlongs of Skyrim and it just creates a double nightmare below the waste and when I went into Tes5edit to remove the armor for Males of Skyrim my game just started stuttering and crashing. Please and thank you in advance! There's all these NPC overhauls and NPC replacers available like the Bijin series and Males of Skyrim, but not one mod author has come forward to share how they did it and it's completely baffling and frustrating.
  7. So I tried to make a patch to move the boat and Carriage that are added by CFTO to Dawnstar to be compatible with Dawnstar Overhaul. Unfortunately, though I moved the items in the patch and relocated them to bland nicely, it simply does not work. Any insight would be appreciated. Nevermind, I realize it's beyond my scope. Someone else is working on it. Thank you for your time.
  8. Hello! I want to scale all my weapons to maximum, giant size (pic 2). I set overall weapon scaling to maximum size in Race Menu (pic 3) and I like it that way, but every time I load a game or respawn, weapon on my back is rescaling to its original size (pic 1). However, weapon scaling works good in combat stance. The only solution I found so far, it's to enter Race Menu every time I load a game. Then all my settings are automatically fixed, but it's annoying and boring to do it every single time. Also, I'm using Elin Race Mod and my ears and tail keeps rescaling to the deafault size just like my weapons. Is there any way to fix all these scaling issues?
  9. http://i.imgur.com/Z7h480j.png For some reason, only certain parts of the world will draw a line where i can no longer edit. causing a CLEAR line between different textures. As you see in the picture it suddenly goes from flowers to a gravel texture. there is no way for me to "paint" over either one. Doesn't matter what texture i choose, the only one that will "paint" over it is the default. Is this permanent? I feel like bethesda defintely wouldn't limit you like that. there's got to be something I'm missing. Right?
  10. I`m sorry if this is a stupid question, but the creation kit makes me confused sometimnes. Had to google the way of adding forms to my formlists, now I can`t find a way to delete them :D . I can only drag something to my list, but I can`t remove anything from my list . If I click on any form, it opens a window that has "edit" and "use info" buttons. Nothing else. And the "edit" button does not work , nothing happens when I press it. Am I missing something ? Can`t find anything related to this in the internet.
  11. Good day. for whoever is up for taking on my request, I'd like to have the severed hands removed from the Raider Sadist armor (And a black/gray retexture if possible but not necessary). I just don't find them appealing for my character and i genuinely like the design of the armor itself. I unfortunately have no experience in modding hence why I'm making this request, but I assume it's just a matter of editing a texture/ mesh? If this could be made as it's own seperate armor mod I'd greatly appreciate that. Thanks for the help, I hope the task isn't too much trouble http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/8d/Raider_sadist_armor.png/revision/latest?cb=20120323150212
  12. Hello there, friend! I'll cut this short. I need someone who is good at the character generator/face editor, to make a character based on some pictures i provide. I have a friend whom i'd like to surprise, with a save based on her face. I'm not really good at the face editor, so i'd kindly ask someone who could help me with this. Being a surprise, i can't just ask her to take pictures perfectly suited for using as a basis, so anyone doing this must do it based on selfies, etc. Vanilla assets only. Please?
  13. You see, my goal is to master the skills of editing models (body, armor meshes) on my own. I've been googling on this topic for a quite a long time already. I've given a try to both 3Ds Max and Blender. I can't boast any attainments, but importing a black model into Blender, or a blank one into 3Ds Max )) So I've got myself stuck on the very first step. Too many obscure questions I faced, and could not find answers so far. If some one would be so kind to point me the right direction to move... Well, the first question is: What's the difference between 3Ds Max and Blender, I mean could one of them be considered more appropriate for a noob as I am? I know, for example, that importing nif files to Blender means some properties' editing in NifSkope. I seem to follow the guide on this matter, but as I told I just have a black model in Blender, which is too difficult to work with. The very installing of 3Ds Max, on the other hand, appeares to be much problematic to me. I've heard only the 2012 version of 3Ds Max Nifskope Plugin is appropriate for Skyrim (and the very 3Ds Max verson as well). Is it true or not, but after installation the 2015 version failed to open textures, so I have a blank model to work with. I got nervous and uninstalled the application. Meanwhile, the 2012 version won't install on my computer, I get the error message - that's it. Now which version should I choose? So, all this stuff turned to be incredibly time-consuming. Please, share your knowledge, maybe some experience, maybe some thoughts. Thank you.
  14. Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a mod and as part of it I'd like to edit the marriage ceremony. However, I can't find the content file where the marriage event is written (it doesn't seem to be in the general 'Events' folder). Can anyone tell me where I can find the marriage event file so I can edit the marriage scene? Thanks
  15. Has anyone figured out how to edit the dyeable areas for armor pigments? Since I don't see any texture files that outline the regions, should I assume that means the data is baked into the model files or something...?
  16. I found a few threads about this on here but no luck. If I double click on a weapon in the GECK, it crashes. I can open everything else fine (NPCs etc), this is only occurs when opening weapons. I have tried removing all mods and reinstalling FNV and the GECK to no avail. I'm on Windows 10.
  17. I love the kawaii japanese surgical masks you can find online. Cute ones that are just a month or have blush are the best. I know there is a surgeons mask in game but its to big. I found a mask called Surgical Mask Mesh Improved but it's still to high up on the nose. So I'd love if some one can change the mesh and do some recolors. If you look them up online you'll see the cute black ones also. Hope this is not too much to ask for. Thanks for reading this! Photo of the masks!
  18. I've never attempted any kind of mod work before, but I really want to make some of the styles (1 in particular) in KS Hairstyles SSE to be unisex so I can use them on my male character. I read that you just have to open the mod in the Creation Kit and check the box from female to unisex. Sounded simple. So I installed the CK and tried to open the file using a tutorial. But there's no master file, only a plugin. And if I try to open the plugin I get a message telling me no master file was found and it doesn't work. I've tried looking up how to make or convert it to a master file, but I keep finding conflicting answers and I'm not making any progress here. I feel like it's so simple, but I just don't know what to do about the missing master file. Help? SUMMARY: The mod I need to edit is only a plugin with no master file in the Creation Kit. How do I edit it? UPDATE: (copied from below comment) Tried a lot of things, watched a lot more tutorials, and it's finally working! :D Only problem is that the hair cliips through my guy's head in the back. Wondering if there's a way to fix this now. So close and yet so far! TAT Solution was to open Skyrim.esm and Update.esm beforehand, then KS Hairdos would load in just fine. I created a separate plugin for the edit because I didn't want to risk messing up the original KS Hairdo plugin. So I found the hairstyle name in the list and changed the checked box from female to unisex and saved it. At first when I tested it it wasn't working, but then I finally figured out that I just had to have both hairdo plugins activated because the edit draws info from the original. After that it worked great and the hairstyle was available to both genders! As I said though, there's major clipping on the back of the head. I don't know if that's something I'd be able to fix or not. Hoping I'll get it eventually! If anyone's curious, I'm trying to make the Toyger hairstyle available to males. I'm surprised it wasn't already.
  19. I downloaded a mod for metal railings and used them to build a nice big wall around Sanctuary with towers and everything. Then I placed guards in the towers right near the railings and spawned some supermutants to test the defenses but lo and behold! My guards were shooting mostly in the edge of the railings. So I opened the railing model in NifSkope and painstakingly made the thing shorter, vertice by vertice (I have nearly zero experience in modeling so this seemed the best option). Then I went into the construction kit to take a look at the railing object, pressed F4 to see the red collision meshes and found out that the smooth straight metal railing is using the same collision mesh as the uneven and taller plywood vanilla railing called workshop_ShackBalconyRailing04 in the editor. http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/metal%20railing_zpstafwux4k.png http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/plywood%20railing_zpspuqyer4r.png http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/metal%20railing%20short_zps4pcef2pz.png Now I looked everywhere but I can't seem to find where I could even change this collision box with a different one. Ideally I would like to edit the vertices of the collision box to make it a really simple 6 sided thin box. All I could tell so far is that the collision box is assigned in the mesh of the object it's self but couldn't find where in NifSkope. So does anyone here know how to do this? Can I at least change the bounding box with another one? Would I be able to edit it with NifSkope? If not I would try to do it in Blender but exporting objects from NifSkope to Blender and then back seems like a real pain. Another more simple option would be to lower the collision box like the author of the mod did but that's just as big a mystery.
  20. Hello! I just wanted to know how to change the stats of the vault suit ? Is there anyway of changing it, I like it alot and really feel the immersion when using it ð but its becoming weaker and weaker as I progress the story, so can anyone tell me how to change it to asd a little bit of damage resist, radiation resist and energy resistance. Thank you ð¤
  21. I am very new to the creation kit and am creating a mod. I would like to edit what I have already done but have no idea how to. Can someone help?
  22. The title pretty much explains it; the Redguard/Alik'r clothes, but without the cape. Could include the second variant that Nazir wears. I don't know how to do it, but if anyone could create a version (standalone or replacer) of both male and female, that would be awesome!
  23. One of my favourite Sole Survivors to play as is Boston's star pitcher, Matt "The Missile" Murtagh. Running around the Commonwealth like the Baseball Furies on Buffout is the best way to play Fallout 4 in my opinion. Such a famous athlete deserves a distinctive uniform, so I ask for a Baseball Uniform featuring Murtagh's name and number, 111 (By 2077, I'm sure enough numbers were retired to allow player numbers in the hundreds). If it's possible to also remove the patches on the uniform's shoulder and legs without too much mesh trouble, it would be appreciated. This is genuine sports memorabilia here! Item stats could remain the same, or include a small Strength bonus, along with a reasonable increase in value. Please allow it to be upgraded with ballistic weave, like the standard Baseball Uniform. Murtagh's Uniform can be sold by Moe Cronin, or taken (not stolen, please) from a display case Moe's house in Diamond City.
  24. I'm using Equip-able Maps for immersion purposes, and there is a slight problem with the map positioning when blocking (that's how you view the map when in 1st person), some southern parts of the map are outside my screen so I can't see them. This is very minor problem but it is still quite annoying. :/ I already tried fixing it using NifSkope, but as you might guess, I had no idea what I was doing and I didn't find any tutorials for this very specific task! So is there an easier way of changing the map's position? Or a quick tutorial video showing how to do this with NifSkope would be great too! :D
  25. Hi everyone, I've got a question concerning the editing of a perk provided by the mod "Ordinator". I want the perk "Master of the Mind" (Illusion) to also affect a Spell added by the mod "Apocalypse". The Spell is called "Mind Control", and one of the most fun spells I ever encountered. I really love it (you should try it) and want it to effect undead as well. If you know how to do that, I'd be really grateful if you told me. greets Peter
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