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  1. i'm playing skyrim with some rather interesting rules to spice up the game. this made me think that maybe others out there might be interested in spicing up their gameplay in the same way. and i'm also interested in hearing how others spice up their gameplay. so this topic is to discuss these things. my self imposed rules is about limiting what i loot from enemies. i decided to play by this rule when i noticed how easy it was to get everything i could ever need without having to buy them. if you have an iron sword and you want to upgrade to a steel sword you're not gonna buy one. you'll either craft one or you'll loot it off the corpse of some bandit (and let's not forget how easy it is to find decent equipment from chest). looting everything also makes it easy to have lots of money. for example, if you take on a radiant quest to eliminate some bandit camp you'll make way more money from looting and selling everything you can carry back from it than the quest actually offers. now there's a decent amount of things to buy. like spells and crafting material (and maybe healing potions). so money isn't completely worthless. but it's so easy to have more than you actually need when looting is your main source of income. by making questing my main source of income, not only do i feel like i earned every bit of gold i make, but it also makes quest feel more meaningful. even something as simple as arrows become more valuable when you can't just loot them off enemies to have an infinite supply. now this isn't to say that i completely abstain from looting. rather i just limit it. i still loot crafting material, but to avoid becoming rich by simply sell what i craft i use a mod that reduces how much items sell for. and of course i also loot quest items (and notes). animals are also fair game. finally i do loot treasure chests but i use a mod that reduces the amount of items and gold i can find in them. well that's pretty much what my self imposed challenge amounts to. now for you people, what do you think of my self imposed challenge? and what are yours?
  2. Bard challenge Summary: Using the Become a Bard mod, travel to every inn in Skyrim, play there, and make a name for yourself as a traveling bard. Restrictions No fast traveling No taking kill or dungeon quests No armor unless it looks like clothes [skald outfit] No perk points may be placed in combat skills No spells above Apprentice level Exceptions Bard college quests are all allowed Bard's leap dungeon is allowed Requirements “Become a Bard” mod “iNeed” mod “Camping” mod “Frostfall” mod Must create an iconic bard outfit for when you play Optional “Wet and cold” mod [better visuals and cool gear] “Convenient horses” mod [better horses] “Inigo” mod [best companion ever] Any mod that improves weather visuals, npcs. interior visuals or makes travel more immersive In-depth rules The idea of this challenge is to make yourself generally pretty weak and see how bad travelers have it in Skyrim. You may engage in combat, but only strictly to defend yourself and must not go out of your way to engage in combat. Therefore, it would be best to get a companion animal and NPC as soon as possible to do most of your fighting for you. You are not allowed to wear armor because it would interfere with your performances [jangling chain mail, banging plate mail, banging glass armor etc] and makes it difficult to travel. You are not a warrior, you are an artist. For the purposes of this challenge, Armor Skills, Weapon Skills, Destruction and Conjuration count as “Combat Skills”. Enchanting is allowed, as is alchemy so use these to your advantage. Expert+ Difficulty is recommended. In order for an inn to count, there are a few steps. When you enter an Inn, you can eat and play until close to nightfall. Then you may play for your room and sleep. You must spend the next day in or around the inn, either not leaving the general area or town it is located in. You can use this time however you wish. After this day, you sleep once more and then leave preferably around sunrise to continue your travels. The end-goals of this challenge are many and you can pick whichever you like as a main goal, but don't be flaky! Commit to your goals! End-goals Purchase the house in solitude or fully build any of the 3 Hearthfire houses Maximize speech Play at each inn at least 10 times, preferably creating the fastest route between them Make 50K lifetime gold Mutations Travelling Burglar You may do the Thieves Guild questline Steal without being seen on your travels If you get caught, you must run Dark Brotherhood Bard You may do the Dark Brotherhood questline Do “Dark Brotherhood Forever!” quests on your travels If you get caught, you must flee Thoughts, opinions? I sort of dislike the amount of challenges I've seen that are just "make the game bulls*** hard by wearing no armor and fisting dragons", so I thought i'd try my hand at making one myself.
  3. I was bamboozled into thinking that PS5 was the optimal way to play Hogwarts Legacy, and it was the reason I bought my console. But after 5 years of hype, thinking HL would be my next "forever RPG", I was a little disappointed. The combat was so easy that you didn't have to engage with the potions or crafting system. Not to mention the target highlight, protego bubble, and block indicators just made me less engaged with the combat. So I came to terms with the game being mid, but I wanted to play more. I had one look at the mods, and I knew that they would make a second playthrough worthwhile. I removed the UI elements I thought made the game too easy, added the "Enhanced" mods, and EnemisExtremis, and now this game is my wizard combat sandbox where I can make my own fun. It's challenging enough to where I have to drink potions, and engaging enough to where I'll want to upgrade my gear at endgame. A HUGE thank you to Khione95 and DekitaRPG and the other modders that make this game worth playing.
  4. The duty of The Blades to build the cashe for the dragonborn an endless series of dungeon seeds with random spawning loot (chests) etc. Multiple exits that throw you into a new seed/RNG dungeon, with ~10% chance of rest/level up merch/training seed 1% chance of all master level chest seed. Ultra rare scrolls of town portal (For escape from super high lvl monster seed perhaps). At the very least string all the dungeons in the game together with final passage way(s) that plop you into another dungeon. Like a macro / script to "Placeme.at XYZ" and shuffle the whole dungeon index at the final passage way. Then a fun little thing people can do is pick from the loot they gather and get the equivalent gear and player.additem it to their skyrim character when they meet the greybeards (The story could be that the greybeards are entrusted with the gear because of their secrecy / fortress since the blades are disbanded in Skyrim). Think of it like the old NCAA + Madden games where you could play your whole college career then port your player over to the NFL game/draft etc. Would probably be a lot of work to find the equivalent items between the games but it could probably be done in a magnificent way to make it real fluid/user friendly. I imagine it as a way to play on maxed out difficulty, by having a twinked out character upon meeting the Greybeards, have the loot spawn in the supplies delivery quest or something. And out of left field has anybody made the entire catalog of "Timeric Lore" book equipment?!
  5. ill make myself clear. I'm someone who has no mod experience, I don't make them but I love the utility of mods. Netrunning has a lot of utility but I also love using sandevistan builds so I though why not put them together 4 version one where you can change the sandevistan specs, one where you can change the netrunning side and one for both as well as one for people who want to play both but don't want to be over powered and if its easier just 2 one where you can alter both and one you cant I think its a interesting topic if its even possible I don't know but perhaps it is, and if so I would like to see what this great community can do cant wait for feed back.
  6. I'd love to see a mod that makes the beginning of the game even more challenging by removing the tools and seeds Lewis gives as well as any money. The tools can then be bought from Clint later. Or maybe Joja Mart? Something like that. If a mod like this already exists please let me know!
  7. Hello, is there mod that causes adding 1 star for mob after each hit on us? Or something similar? It would be great for Valheim challenges :D If not is it hard to create such mod?
  8. I always wanted a chance to see garden Gnomes in action. I FINALLY GET TO TRY IT! FLYING GNOMES! How far can you fling your ' Gnomes ' ?!
  9. Hello. It's been a while since I've modded Oblivion, and I wanted to try out a bunch of mods I might have missed. Several mods I've been using adjust how magic, skills, and enchanting get done in the game. I'm trying to figure out which one or ones are to blame for my most recent problem: making the game too easy for my heavily maxed-out mage. All my spells, custom or store-bought, have somehow gone down to 1 Magicka per effect for casting cost, no matter the magnitude, area, or duration I use. Over the past several characters (I start over a lot) I've noticed one particular detail: all the spell effects of a school cost 1 once that skill reaches 200, not before. Before that one skill level, spell costs were drastically reduced... but not so severely that I could cast it thousands of times without breaking a sweat. My 1000+ Magicka spells at skill level 199 in Restoration (or any other relevant skill) became 5 or 6 once I gained skill level 200 in that skill. This is ridiculously overpowered... and I want it to stop. Also, I've been playing with some adjustments to my enchantmentsetting_config.xml which allows me to create spells with magnitudes over the normal limit. The results of this adjustment are able to expand the Magicka costs of my spells in a reasonably balanced manner, but not when my skill in an effect's school is 200. I can make a 1000 magnitude, 1000 area, and 1200 duration Restore Health spell which only costs 1 Magicka to cast... It makes the game a bit pointless to play as a mage. I have installed the following, seemingly relevant, mods: Fundament, Elys Uncapper, FEA, Kami Leveling, Magic Magnitude Multipliers, MigMaster, Migck Miscellaneous, and Magic Effect OBSE Tweaks. I cannot figure out which one is causing this problem or how to adjust it so it won't anymore. If you have some ideas on how I can make my massively overpowered spells actually cost something significant again, please reply. I would like to avoid adding a new mod to my eclectic mix and avoid having to start another character once again for more than brief testing. Thanks in advance.
  10. Let me introduction at yourself Let's sum it up , I have wanted to learn how to install mods ETN xbox 360 RGH , because I want to learn and this is new, previously I have handled editing tools for games, applications but never any gaming console. I hope to be helped soon , thank you and want to be part of this great family Nexus , nice to meet you all! For example the mod Convenient Horses for skyrim xbox 360
  11. Just an idea for the community to try out in general. I think might be fun to make and try out save games where the player has to get their character out of a difficult situation to "win" the challenge save. Minimal knowledge of modding would be required to make one of these, but some experience with the Creation Kit or FO4Edit could make the experience better. Limitations could be put on the player by giving them a limited selection of items. People could spawn in all the enemies they want to use for areas and place them with console commands. It would be a good idea to keep the number of mods required to 10 or less. Here's one I might try to make for example: A stealth character with 1 endurance, only explosives, some stealthboys, a mod that allows nuclear explosions to go through walls, a mod that allows unarmed mines, or grenades, missiles and mininukes that are lying around to be detonated and tons of enemies in a claustrophobic indoors environment. Dropping items doesn't alert enemies, so you could make a trail of explosives around the place and detonate a chain reaction from a safe location, but you'd have to weave your way around without being spotted or bumping into anyone the whole time.
  12. Hey guys, I'm relatively new to modding as only now did I decide to spice up my ME3 runs. I was wondering if it was possible to edit your squaddie's powers. Kaidan for example, a Biotic Sphere seems to fit his personality for me than his Barrier powers. Maybe add Shockwaves for Javik instead of Slam. I've been searching forever for a mod and came across the Coalesced something engine or whatnot. I don't know hot it works precisely but I think it's only possible to edit Shepard's powers and not your squad. Not really sure, I'm going to have to take another look. If something like this exists already I'd be very much grateful for directions.
  13. Don't know if anyone has done a RNG challenging dungeon mod with these features yet, so here is my request. (Maybe someone could pm an existing modder to add these features into existing RNG dungeons) Red Text - Personal Statement Blue Text - Related to mod Orange Text - Suggestions RNG DUNGEON FOR THOSE SEEKING A CHALLENGE: ​A single dungeon with a new location that appears on the map. Dungeon will involve A LOT of designing with dungeons and maps as well as tinkering things with RNG. BE PREPARED for LOTS of work should you choose to pick up this suggestion at all. (Thus suggestion that this mod be incorporated with existing dungeon mods) (WARNING: This dungeon mod is probably gonna be A LOT of work and should not be attempted alone) [Aims :] This mod suggestion is made in the hopes that someone creates a sadistic dungeon mod that provides a real & rewarding challenge. (Or at the very least adding some of these features to existing RNG dungeon mods because most of this stuff has already been done by some modders)Adds a little rouge-like fun that only the most masochistic of players love. Reinvigorate some fun for some of the people who play Skyrim. [Name :] (No idea what to call it yet)[Lore :] Dungeon built by Dwemer to test championsWorks on arcane magicks (as is always the case with all things Dwemer) that generates a challenging dungeon with randomly generated set of monsters. Dungeon is said to hold bountiful treasures for adventurers willing to risk their lives.[Alternative] Dungeon has existed since the days of the dragons and most if not all Dragonborn have tested their mettle in these dungeons to prove their worth as Heroes of the Ages. [Accessing the dungeon :] The Dragonborn finds a lore book (No idea what to call it,)[Alternative] Have random NPC mention dungeon to player and add it as a marker on the map. (Might be able to add quest here but who knows if this mod even comes out)[Location :] (Not particular about location, stick it anywhere you like, preferably far north to make it challenging for player to reach for lore friendly purposes)[Features :] ​A dungeon that will consist of 3 - 4 areas. (By "areas" I mean doors that open up new zones)​The dungeon will be randomly generated each time the player enters the dungeonThe dungeon layout will be randomly generated each time the player enters (Find someone with experience in dungeon design)The design of the dungeon layout should ideally be similar to vanilla (i.e. some puzzle solving and backtracking)Dungeon design should have plenty of traps based on the theme of the dungeon.Dungeon traps should use vanilla assets but apply additional effectsA debuff/"Challenge" should be applied on the player when he enters the dungeon (Tweaking some stats)Dungeon enemies are spawned based on a theme that is selected when the player enters the dungeon (Recommended to use vanilla enemies)Dungeon enemies can apply certain debuffs on the player based on the themeDungeon enemies should drop loot based on the theme.Dungeon loot should be valuable and rare to provide replayabilityArea size should vary slightly. (Recommended size should be about size of vanilla skyrim dungeon)Includes exits that loops back around to the entrance similar to vanilla dungeon designs (Final area is the boss room, a part of the 1st area the player enters but is unable to access until going through the entire dungeon)Dungeon ["THEMES"]Undead (vanilla enemies with intimidating & undead modifier)Spider lair (vanilla enemies with insectoid, intimidating & poison modifier)Vampire lair (vanilla enemies with humanoid, bleeding, intimidating, poison & undead modifier)Bandit lair (vanilla enemies with humanoid, bleeding, intimidating & poison modifier)Falmer den (vanilla enemies with humanoid, bleeding, intimidating & poison modifier)Dwemer ruin (vanilla enemies with intimidating modifier)Draugr tomb (vanilla enemies with intimidating & undead modifier)Thalmor hideout (vanilla enemies with humanoid, bleeding, intimidating, poison modifier)Troll lair (vanilla enemies with humanoid)Nature (vanilla wildlife of skyrim, with spriggans and ice spirits and such)Occult (Cultist, necromancer, Undead, Werewolf enemies)Silver hand (vanilla enemies with humanoid, bleeding, intimidating & poison modifier)There are 3 ways to exit the dungeon.Victory (Player triumphs over all the areas and defeats the final boss)Death (Players dies to any of the dungeon mobs)Cowardice (Player uses "talisman of cowardice" or walks out the exit)[Alternative] Victory provides a buff on the player for 24 hours.[Alternative] Death applies a debuff on the player based on the dungeon mob theme.[Alternative] Cowardice applies the debuff "Cowardice".[Alternative] Saving is disabled while in dungeon, game saves when you quit or load.["Challenges"] are debuffs that are applied to the player when he enters the dungeon (Textbox will display the debuff applied on the character)​Curse of the Weak​Player does 25% reduced physical damagePlayer takes 50% increased damagePlayer carry weight reduced by 10%Curse of the Foolish​Player does 25% reduced magical damagePlayer takes 10% reduced magical damagePlayer unable to read booksCurse of the Forgetful​Player has a 1/5 chance of casting a random spell when castingPlayer is unable to see the map while in the dungeonCurse of the Dead​(vanilla player turns undead)​Curse of Magicka Player is unable to attack regularly​Player damages self with each cast of magicPlayer does not consume magickaCurse of the Cretin​Player is unable to cast magickaPlayer has a 1/10 chance of disarming himself with each hitCurse of the Slow​​Player regenerates stamina at 1/2 speedCurse of the Burdened ​Item weight is doubled​Curse of the Greedy​Player carry weight is doubled Gold has weight of 0.1 per coin​Curse of the BloodthirstPlayer is unable to use itemsPlayer is unable to use magickaPlayer takes 10 damage per minute when not in combatPlayer regenerates stamina 2x speedPlayer gains restored health per killCurse of the MarkedPlayer is Marked for DeathAll enemies will come for the playerCurse of the UnarmedPlayer is disarmed if using any weapon other than fistsPlayer Unarmed damage increased by 300%Curse of the SilentPlayer is unable to cast spellsPlayer is unable to cast shouts[Debuffs :] effects that are revamped to make the dungeon more challengingCowardice - applied by talisman of cowardice and intimidating opponents onlyDuration:PermanentChances of debuff: 100% - If exiting dungeon before defeating final boss5% - Encounter with opponents with intimidating modifierWays of removing debuff:Drinking alcohol/meadUsing a token of courage from dungeon merchantCompleting Challenge DungeonEffects:[50% chance - 40% decrease in damage dealt, 50% increase in damage received][20% chance - minus 20% (multiplicatively) damage dealt per enemy seen, 10% decreased stamina recovery][25% chance - 20% increase in damage dealt, minus 5% (additively) damage dealt per enemy seen, 50% increased stamina recovery][5% chance - 80% increase in damage dealt, 200% increase in damage received ][Alternative] Modify the values as you see fit, maybe mix things up a bitBleeding - applied by traps and opponents with bleed modifierDuration:(vanilla)Chances of debuff:​(vanilla)Ways of removing debuff:​(vanilla)Effects:​(vanilla)[Alternative] Use suggested modsBLEED - A Blood Overhaul (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35318/?) Bleed Them Dry - Long Term Bleed Out Effects (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10565/?) Poison - applied by traps and opponents with venom modifierDuration:(vanilla)Chances of debuff:(vanilla)Ways of removing debuff:(vanilla)Effects:​(vanilla)STD (Pick Any Kind) - applied by humanoid opponents (Yes, including Falmer)Duration:PermanentChances of debuff:10% chance - Player dies while facing humanoid enemies, gender does not matter (Free Love Baby)Ways of removing debuff:Any method of curing disease (vanilla)Effects:[100% chance - minus 30 to 50 speech, leaves a minimum of 10 speech (People will shun you like a dead leper)]Vampirism (vanilla)Duration:Chances of debuff:Ways of removing debuff:Effects:Infested - applied by insectoid modifierDuration:​PermanentChances of debuff:​5% chance - Insectoid attacks Ways of removing debuff:​Any method of curing disease (vanilla)Effects:[100% chance - Insects are friendly to you][100% chance - minus 10 to 20 speech, leaves a minimum of 10 speech (People will shun you like a dead leper)]Brainrot - applied by enemies with undead modifierDuration:PermanentChances of debuff:​5% chance - Undead attacks have a chance of inflicting]100% chance - Death by UndeadWays of removing debuff:Any method of curing disease (vanilla)EffectsCasting Magicka costs 25% more magickaDragonshouts have 50% longer cooldownsMagic damage is reduced by 50%Players take 20% reduced damage[items :] ​Talisman of Cowardice - Found at the entrance of the dungeonGiven to the player at the beginning of the 1st areaProvides the player with an immediate escape from the dungeonEssential item that cannot be removed or soldApplies the debuff "Cowardice" on the player if the player leaves the dungeon whether by using the dungeon or exiting the dungeon normally.Token of Courage - Found with dungeon merchantCan be found on ALL enemy mobs (5% spawn rate)Removes debuff "Cowardice"[Dungeon NPCs :] Only one, the merchant of death RE4 style25% spawn chance on each areaSells all regular vendor items at 10 times the priceSells Token of Courage at 1000 goldHas 9,999 goldKillable, but killing him leads him to not spawn in other areas on that dungeon run
  14. I am looking for some (or a lot of) interesting challenges for Skyrim Here, I don't mean the roleplay challenges that tell you to play the story as mage only (there are plenty of those challenges on the web). The type of challenge I am looking for is something which can be done in, say, 5 minutes. Like: stack 10 cheeses. I have no idea how long these will take to reasonably complete. In fact, I haven't tried any of them O:) - Stack as many cheeses as you can in 1 minute. - Fus-Ro-Dah all goats and wolves off the mountain on the path to High Hrothgar in 3 minutes. - Hunt 5 deer with bow and arrow in a location of preference in 2 minutes. - Run from the Throat of the World to Whiterun in 5 minutes. (outside xbox actually did this challenge, althoug I forgot the time they set...) Anyone know some more? Or if you tried some of these and made a video from them, post a link! I will try some of these (and your suggestions perhaps) soon :P
  15. Hi. I've been playing fallout new vegas for a very long time, and just completed a runthrough on very hard, permadeath, with no companions, hardcore. This isn't enough. I'd like some mods that'll just take the game, and flip all the tables against me. (Don't post the dust mod, or Project Nevada rebalancer, I already have it into consideration) Ideas? Looking for stuff that'll double, or triple the amount of enemies, stuff that will make it not a walk in the park to complete.
  16. Kai Leng is a quite lame boss. He has better skills in cutscenes than in actual combat. To make defeating him more satisfying his combat should be modified. He only rushes with sword and sends electrical waves. In letter from Hackett we have informations that he uses same implants like Phantoms, who are really challenging. I suggest to change his combat style to make him a phantom with additional powers electroslash and shield boost as he normally has. I don't have any programming skills, so I leave it to some skilled mod maker. What's your opinions?
  17. Kai Leng is a quite lame boss. He has better skills in cutscenes than in actual combat. To make defeating him more satisfying his combat should be modified. He only rushes with sword and sends electrical waves. In letter from Hackett we have informations that he uses same implants like Phantoms, who are really challenging. I suggest to change his combat style to make him a phantom with his electroslash. I don't have any programming skills, so I leave it to the most skilled mod maker. What's your opinions?
  18. If you've ever played The Witcher 2 (and probably the first one too, but I've never played that) you'll be familiar with the wearable trophies that enemies drop. Anyway, I was wondering if something like those wearable, stat increasing trophies could be, or has been done in fallout nv, such as with deathclaw hands, mantis legs, scorpion poison glands and things of that nature. It seems fairly easy to do, as all of these things already have 3d models from the start. You would just have to find a way to make it craftable into an apparel item. Of course, i don't know the first thing about making mods, so maybe it isn't as easy as it seems. Much thanks to anyone who can direct me to a mod like this! :laugh:
  19. this is a gun that i saw while reading, looking in my small arms book it look awesome and wanted to see if some one could make it, it would have to be good, and be simple to make, needs a Holo-point sight and carbon fiber shell modification, the texture without carbon fiber shell would be steel. i ask of the top gun modders preferably pros, but if your up for it go for it, i'm not great with modding so that's why i'm asking. also the carbon fiber shell decreases deterioration time, ammo will be 9mm, that's the real calibre please shout me out and also check out my other post of the L129A1 sharpshooter rifle.
  20. Hello Forum! I just have one and simple task for anyone up for it! Please help me optimize my load order!! I tried installing all these mods to be compatible with each other but don't really know if they are perfectly compatible. If you're still thirsty for a challenge . . would it be possible to help me out with the load order too!? Please refer to the text below for the mentioned load order! V V V V V V 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 3 3 Dawnguard.esm 4 4 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp 5 5 HearthFires.esm 6 6 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp 7 7 Dragonborn.esm 8 8 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp 9 9 Falskaar.esm 10 a Wyrmstooth.esp 11 b ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 12 c Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm 13 d HighResTexturePack02.esp 14 e HighResTexturePack03.esp 15 f Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 16 10 HighResTexturePack01.esp 17 11 PerkusMaximus_Mage.esp 18 12 PerkusMaximus_Master.esp 19 13 PerkusMaximus_Thief.esp 20 14 PerkusMaximus_Warrior.esp 21 15 PerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.esp 22 16 Cutting Room Floor.esp 23 17 mintylightningmod.esp 24 18 Vividian - Weather Patch CoT - AOS.esp 25 19 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp 26 1a RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp 27 1b EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 28 1c ELFX - Dragonborn.esp 29 1d WetandCold.esp 30 1e AOS.esp 31 1f CoT-WeatherPatch.esp 32 20 Vividian - Extended Weathers - CoT.esp 33 21 ELFX - Dawnguard.esp 34 22 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp 35 23 Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 36 24 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 37 25 Book Covers Skyrim.esp 38 26 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 39 27 RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp 40 28 RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp 41 29 SoS - The Wilds.esp 42 2a SoS - Civilization.esp 43 2b SoS - The Dungeons.esp 44 2c CWIELnFXPatch.esp 45 2d AOS2_SoS_CoTWP Patch.esp 46 2e Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp 47 2f ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp 48 30 WetandCold - Ashes.esp 49 31 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp 50 32 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp 51 33 SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp 52 34 ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp 53 35 SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp 54 36 ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound-Dawnguard-Patch.esp 55 37 ENB Snow FX.esp 56 38 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp 57 39 iHUD.esp 58 3a DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 59 3b AOS2_DSI Patch.esp 60 3c Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 61 3d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 62 3e dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp 63 3f dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 64 40 AOS2_EBT Patch.esp 65 41 AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp 66 42 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 67 43 AOS2_GDO Patch.esp 68 44 Traps Are Dangerous.esp 69 45 AOS2_TAD Patch.esp 70 46 AOS2_WAF Patch.esp 71 47 AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp 72 48 SoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp 73 49 SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp 74 4a dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp 75 4b ISCompendium AOS Patch.esp 76 4c ISCompendium CCO Patch.esp 77 4d ISCompendium Enhanced Blood Patch.esp 78 4e ISC PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp 79 4f dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 80 50 Better Vampires.esp 81 51 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 82 52 Dead Body Collision.esp 83 53 BFSEffects.esp 84 54 iActivate.esp 85 55 Footprints.esp 86 56 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp 87 57 randomthunder.esp 88 58 WondersofWeather.esp 89 59 MoonGlow.esp 90 5a Supreme Fog - CoT.esp 91 5b Smoking Torches.esp 92 5c Inconsequential NPCs.esp 93 5d RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp 94 5e Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp 95 5f Cloaks.esp 96 60 fallentreebridges.esp 97 61 SMIM-Merged-All.esp 98 62 Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp 99 63 fairy.esp100 64 Immersive Patrols II.esp101 65 WayshrinesIFT.esp102 66 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp103 67 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp104 68 SFO - Dragonborn.esp105 69 Chesko_Frostfall.esp106 6a RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp107 6b DeadlyDragons.esp108 6c AOS2_DD Patch.esp109 6d Immersive Music Temples.esp110 6e Immersive Music.esp111 6f Vampirelordroyal.esp112 70 iNeed.esp113 71 iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp114 72 1nivWICCloaks.esp115 73 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp116 74 Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp117 75 BVandRB_Formlist.esp118 76 CWIDawnDragonPatch.esp119 77 Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp120 78 Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp121 79 OMageReplacerPack.esp122 7a CWINPCOpulentOutfits.esp123 7b Immersive Weapons.esp124 7c Beards.esp125 7d Brows.esp126 7e 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp127 7f GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp128 80 DragonShoutVoice.esp129 81 Vivid Landscapes.esp130 82 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp131 83 DynDOLOD.esp132 84 SkyUI.esp133 85 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp134 86 Immersive Citizens - CRF patch.esp135 87 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp136 88 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp137 89 Disparity.esp138 8a Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp139 8b TradeBarter.esp140 8c Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp141 8d Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp142 8e WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp143 8f Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp144 90 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp145 91 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp146 92 Rebirth Monster.esp147 93 Hunterborn.esp148 94 Hunterborn_Frostfall-Patch.esp149 95 HarvestOverhaul.esp150 96 3DNPC.esp151 97 PerMa-Hunterborn.esp152 98 PerMa_Survivalism.esp153 99 PerMa_USKP master patch.esp154 9a Pre PaMa CCF Wintermyst Patch.esp155 9b Pre PaMa Improved Artifacts.esp156 9c Pre PaMa SiC Patch.esp157 9d Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR Patch.esp158 9e Unique Uniques.esp159 9f Wyrmstooth - PerMa Patch.esp160 a0 Improved Artifacts - Complete Collection.esp BAM! Thanks a bunch!
  21. Note: go here for the latest update! http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2193584-hardcore-rpg-rule-system-for-skyrim/ This is the result of an idea i have been pondering, concerning the challenges presented in Skyrim. i have been playing around with ideas for it ever since it was discussed on one of the forums. WHAT IT DOES: This is an external, self-governing rule system for Skyrim, it is meant to provide a greater challenge to the game, and thus creating a world which is dire, and most importantly ... one which has consequences - This is done by imposing limits on the character, - Penalties incurred for dying (i have tried a lot of the various "No Death" mods, but they all ended up slowing down the game too much for my comfort) - And giving the character Goals to drive you forward - achieve this by overcoming obstacles! (after all, what is an RPG without the uphill climb to fame & glory! and this will especially be felt when you manage overcome the "Player Death" penalty! -- see below) HOW DOES IT WORK: Simply follow the guidelines listed below, you are welcome to use your own discretion, and make your own alterations where you see fit i have kept everything as simple as possible, so as not to break immersion while playing the game A FEW THINGS YOU NEED: - 3 physical "death tokens" tokens to keep track of the number of times you die - can be a coin, or anything (i use colored dice) - one six-sided dice ... this is only rolled after 3 consecutive times dying (the rules are mentioned in full below) I have divided the system into different categories for ease of reference: /////////////// COMBAT - no quick-save during combat - all potion and spell buffs must be done before combat - may only use healing effects when out of range of attacking enemy <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> - once engaged in combat, player has 3 attempts to win the battle (ie. 3 game loads) - you must either succeed in the combat, or manage to flee from battle in these 3 attempts - if you die on the 3rd attempt, player must now make a dice roll with a six-sided dice - if the result is "1-3" player must take a death token, if the roll is "4-6" player takes no token and can choose to try another "3 attempts" - IMPORTANT: when you have collected 3 "Death Tokens", follow the steps in the "Player Death" section below (note: as soon as the player takes a "Death Token", the player must now move on to the next wilderness area/exit dungeon) /////////////// PLAYER INVENTORY - max items: 3 per article (this includes alchemy ingredients) - weapons: 5 total (eg. 2 bows, 3 blades) - armor: 2 full suits (ie. 2 of each article of clothing) - lock picks/throwing weapons/potions/salt piles/leather strips: 10 max each - arrows: 40 max - bolts: 40 max /////////////// HIRING FOLLOWERS player character must have reached indicated Lvl to be able to hire the follower - hire your 1st follower - Lvl 5 (500 GP*) (total is 1000 GP) - hire your 2nd follower - Lvl 10 (1500 GP*) (total is 2000 GP) /////////////// LOCKPICKING limited to 3 attempts to pick a lock /////////////// CHARACTER CLASS 3 main types of character classes to build: - Fighter (1 class of magic, no staffs, no alchemy) (lvl 10 to use spells) - Ranger (2 classes of magic, no staffs, no 2-handed, no heavy armor) (lvl 5 to use spells) - Mage (no 2-handed weapons, no longbows, no light/heavy armor, no swords) (note: you can make your own restrictions here, these are what work for me) /////////////// LVL UP player must first find a place to rest before any Leveling up can take place /////////////// PERK TREE can never upgrade the same tree twice in succession /////////////// PLAYER DEATH this happens once player has collected 3 "Death Tokens" - discard one equipped weapon/armor /////////////// ADVANCED RULE VARIANTS: /////////////// WEAPON AND ARMOR CLASSES start adventuring with 1 class of weapon available - pay for training in any kind of skill (can even be speechcraft) ... player unlocks a new class of weapon - Weapon Classes: BLADES (swords&daggers) - AXES - TWO HANDED WEAPONS - BOWS - CROSSBOWS - THROWING WEAPONS - SHIELDS - STAFFS (if you do not have the class required, you can carry the item, but not equip it on your character) /////////////// SPELL USE if playing as a non-mage character, then limited to 3 spells per day /////////////// Note: If using mod "Jobs of Skyrim" - limit to one job per city /////////////// * buy item amounting to the indicated value, then discard this item Your Feedback and Comments are welcome :wink: Enjoy!
  22. I'm the type of gamer that prefers to have an incredible challenge. I automatically set the upmost difficult level within many of my games; and I even go as far as setting up little rules for me to follow, and balance out aspects of certain games. That being said, I'd be interested in seing a discussion on what exactly people do for this particular game, in order to make it incredibly challenging for themselves. While searching for answers throughout the internet. I have noticed that most folks have mentioned Requiem. I have not used that mod myself; and so I'm wondering what the popular opinion on that mod is and if it truly does make your game challenging? Is it also functioning with all DLCs and the latest Skyrim patch? I have heard many great things about this mod and hence I'm interested in trying it out. That being said, I have been using a different set of mods in which I think is equally -- if not much more challenging and to be frank... stupid hard (which I love). The current setup that I use to achieve this consist of the SkyRE modules, WTF - Random Encounter Zones, The Way of the Dovahkiin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time, Enhanced Enemy AI, Enemy AI Overhaul - Revenge of the Enemies, Ultimate Combat. Dragons are a different matter so for them I use Deadly Dragons, Mighty Dragons, & Dragon Combat Overhaul. Finally, I usually finish the list with any mod where I can have multiple followers. Of course I tweak all these mods through the MCM menu to make them all more compatible with one another. I know these are not entirely needed, but I also fancy mods that add a larger range of enemies to the game (Immersive Creatures, or Monster Mod). And I also fancy mods that make key immersive changes which in itself makes the game more difficult by adding a layer of micro-management (Frostfall & RND) Now, I realized that this is quite a list of mods and so I have indeed experience a decent number of CTDs. I have made multiple strives to prevent them from happening less. I don't have the best PC and so I manage to play with what I could handle. Any opinion on this current mod setup? Do you feel this truly makes the game difficult? If not, what do you use instead? Is this just bound to create too much of an unstable mess? or can a good PC handle it? Please tell me what you use! and explain the level of difficulty! I would like to know! Notes One of the more important matters is the timed block function that is automatically added with Ultimate Combat. SkyRE does indeed have Timed Blocks, but it requires a certain set of levels and perks to achieve this. Having timed blocks right off the bat is essential for giving beggining characters a fighting changes with much higher level enemies. As long as you can endure your poor reaction timing for a gruesome ten minute battle (my experience xD).Once more for Ultimate Combat & SkyRe's timed block functions. I set up the timed block ratio in Ultimate Combat to 0.4 (increase it from the default 0.3). I increase it by 0.5, & finally 0.6 only if I get the required perks through the SkyRe blocking tree. I'm also considering increasing the timed block function by 0.1 if I do decide to take any other timed block related perk in SkyRE, but I'm unsure on how balance this would be.Dragons are insane. I normally don't try them till a certain level and even then they prove to be a challenge. Fighting dragons was when I first realized how useful spell wards are.Sands Of Time has an intensive MCM menu. I modified it as I play through the game. As I learn of my eventual destiny as the Dragonborm and increased my celebrity status; I increase the chance of encounters. I make certain NPCs appear more often than another (Bandits for example). I always give wolves an Alpha male in their pack. I modified the spawn list depending on my sanity. Do I want to fight maybe 5 group of enemies at once at most? or perhaps 30!? (my PC can't handle that xD, but for those that can.)When I created a stealth based character for the first time. I had a very difficult start. I could have easliy taken out one or two bandits -- but once the other five have been alerted; I had difficulty fighting them all without a giant overcoat of steel protecting me. However, I was a quicker and nimbler character and hence I realize that positioning and movement was key. Even then the game seemed much more difficult than when I played with my prefered warrior of steel. In the end though. I think I had an overall stronger character. I was able to kill more enemies without alerting others and the perks that I obtain through SkyRe were much more flexible and abroad.Magic is very useful, but I never tried a full mage build. Honestly, I think a full mage build is not possible without having a companion with you 24/7.Having a companion is very useful. Having two companions is even more useful. Having three or more companions might be a bit too useful...Notes (In-Game Limitations and Rules) In game limitations and rules can be quite neat. They can make your game difficult without even having to add any mods. Restrict yourself from using weapons and armor pieces that are too powerful for your current level.Limit the number of potions and restoration spells you can use during a battle.Do not quick save during a battle; just fight it through all the way.If you want to be even more hardcore; do not quick save during a dungeon and/or quest.If you want to be even more hardcore than hardcore; do not save at all! Go ironman!I might have more to say, but I'm afraid I have to go. Thanks for reading and I would love to have your input on the matters I discussed.
  23. Hi Nexus Users, So now that it looks like we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel I wanted to see if we can't mend some fences and even if it is just a gesture, give something truly heartfelt back to our modders. I'd like to see if the community would like to set up a "Modders Appreciation Day", perhaps this Saturday or one upcoming, where we, as a community, have a donations blitz and rally behind our modders here on the Nexus, show them just how much we really do appreciate the work they do! If you've never donated, this would be the time. I have over 200 mods in my collection, I will happily go around to each modder and donate what I can. Obviously I won't be able to do every mod on one day but if we all pick a couple mods we can't play Skyrim without and donate a few bucks to those authors... it would be a great gesture. For myself, I'd rather spend hundreds on the community over the next while than on anything at Steam currently. I played vanilla through once, if it wasn't for the mods you people make I wouldn't have the (well over) a thousand hours playing Skyrim that I do. So who's up for it? I'm publicly pledging to donate and I'm hoping others will too. You people make this game worth playing and I want to say more than just thank-you in a forum post. I figure a community showing you how we feel is even better. :thumbsup: Cheers!
  24. I find New Vegas has become easy even on Very Hard difficulty, and Hardcore meters (Food, Water, Sleep) are more annoying than challenging. I do, however, like the fact that Ammo has weight, Stimpacks/Rad-Away are over time, etc. That is besides the point I want to make. What if we started with fewer SPECIAL points? I have a character concept planned out and I think it looks fine. Then I realize I have some extra points that I don't want to spend but I'm required to in order to continue. So where do I put those points? All benefits also reduce the challenge. Strength? Well managing carry weight isn't an issue Perception? better avoid that enemy because I'm low health Endurance? more HP and resistance, less likely to die Charisma? I travel solo. Intelligence? I usually focus on a few skills on a build anyway Agility? more AP I don't use I'm more accurate than VATS Luck? Oh Look! I got three Criticals in a row
  25. So I decided to give Skyrim another go this time with a challenge: the difficulty will be at adept, character must stay level 6, 5 perks must be taken before reaching 6. The challenge is to take this all the way through the main quest of the game (as well as the main quest through the dlc)-- is it possible? or an act of insanity. Mods I'm using for this challenge: Unofficial Patch http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19/? Timing is everything http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38151//? Blacksmith Upgrades and Forging http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35986/ No leveled Item Rewards http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22996//? Here's a few setups I think might be useful... maybe? http://skyrimcalculator.com/#333637 http://skyrimcalculator.com/#333639 All stats goes into HP.
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