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  1. I'm looking for mods that increase the amount of resources and ingrediencies that we gather for crafting. When I mine, chop wood or pick ingrediencies, it just seems like I should be able to get more then two. I'm not asking a lot. Just a slight increase in the amount I usually get. I also want to be able to go up to a tree and cut at with an axe for firewood. So, if you know of any mods that fit what I am looking for, please leave a comment a link to the mod. Thank you. Your help is appreciated.
  2. So I had idea for simple cheat mod, wich makes time stop whenever you craft items, making it easier to craft as many things as you want while using potions. As alternative you could make it so whenever you craft something, X amount of seconds pass by so potions wouldn't give you infinite amount of craftings, but rather Y amount of boosted crafts you can perform. It could be anything from 0 seconds (so one potion gives you infinite potencial crafts) to any amount of seconds you feel like would take to craft potion/armor/weapon/enchanting. Whenever I'm crafting something I always fear that whenever I use potion I will always waste some of that precious time on finding enchantments I wanted to put on weapons, or to find exact ingredient/components for my desired potion/weapon/armor piece (this one you COULD fix by not holding all ingredients in your equipment, sure, but you can't do that with enchanting, because once you learn effect, you can't just get rid of it or temporary hide it so you can perform quicker actions). Thats why I think this mod idea could make it much less stressful. While yeah, it would make it much easier, sure, but only if you let it to never vanish. You could balance all potions based on crafting by limiting uses you get from it, maybe even make it so for specific crafting types it takes more seconds than for other types (it would make sense if it takes more time for you to craft say dagger than simple potion by mixing two or more ingredients). Taking seconds from boosting effects would be good for another reason: it would work with mods wich extend time for crafting potions. I'm curently using mod wich extend times for effects of crafting potions to five minutes. While this makes it much less stresfull, now you can try to fit as many boosted crafts as possible now in five minutes. I would be very thankfull to modder who takes this specific request. Hopefully this is possible to do.
  3. Hello, I am looking for one or more mods to have a real craft system. - Disable alcohol during meditation - Respawn of resources and monsters (need to farmer to stack resources) if resources, plants, food, etc... no respawn - Need and can recraft when the potions are empty Thank you for your help. NICE GAME
  4. New game, plenty of mods (all known and used before), go into Arcadia's Cauldron and ask for training. Result: she speaks the usual "I can teach..etc" but no trainer box pops up, the dialogue menu remains on screen, and Arcadia speaks silently, endlessly, until I ESC out of the dialogue. Other trainers appear to work normally. Has anyone experience of a mod overwriting regular / alchemy trainers, please? It would be handy to have a starting point on this little weirdo! I can't see any overwrites in SSEEdit for Arcadia apart from Babes of Skyrim, which alters very, very little. Thanks!
  5. So to me, dyes are a bit broken in the game. With no way to preview what something looks like with a new dye, and with some dyes being really unpredictable when it comes to how they look, it's just a frustrating and wasteful experience. That's why I think adding a system that allows you to craft dyes via the Alchemy mechanic would be a really cool use of Alchemy, crafting supplies, and be a little less "Cheating" than the current mods like Dye Dye Dye and Infinite Dyes/Everybody Dyes Unlimited Dyeing. Ideally a mod like this will fit into the game in as close to vanilla as possible. Save for Version 3, but rather than simply unlocks the dyes, they still cost resources to craft. So there's a version for everyone here. There is a few versions I can see a mod like this working: Version 1: Dye recipes are learned after picking up or using a dye for the first time. In this version, after a player finds or buys a dye, the recipe is discovered and they can craft more of the same dye via the alchemy menu. The rarer the dye, the rarer the ingredients or more expensive the recipe will be. Version 2: Dye recipes are discovered via books found in-game only. In this version, the player can find and buy dyes as normal in the vanilla game, however certain books throughout the world when read will allow the player to learn the necessary recipes. Books are found in world, or found on traders or NPCs. As above, the rarer the dye is, the rarer the ingredients or more expensive the recipe will be. Version 3: Unlocks all dye recipes. Unlocks all recipes by default from the beginning, however again the rarer the dye is, the rarer the ingredients are or more expensive the recipe will be. I feel this would be a really good QOL mod for those who are interested in customizing their entire party and any new armor they find along the way, without it being too "Cheaty".
  6. There are mods that add variety to fruits and vegetables and some new plants have outright been added. For the most part, this is sensible and good! I am currently searching for the mods that cause a peculiar issue for me regarding the titular meal items. First, there are the resized garlics. Honestly, I've seen and worked with those things IRL, and "elephant garlic" can honestly be regarded as another variety of garlic in flavor, consistency, and (in the game) Alchemical properties. By which I suggest a couple of the secondary properties should be changed up. What's more, Onions are an entirely different plant. Again, it should have different properties. Yet, all three of the aforementioned share all their properties and they are glitched! If you try to use both types of garlic or either type and onions, all properties are revealed and you get a four-purpose potion. Said potion-making freezes up Alchemy progression although that's likely just from making a product with four effects. If the properties of Big Ol' Garlic and Onions are changed up, of course, this will never happen. Sincerely, BlazeStryker (Defender of the Vidalians) P.S. I can say this... I live in Georgia. P.P.S. This is in technical instead of mod support because of the four-effect alchemy bug. Just as a side note, since there's not a negative trait to be had in those three ingredients, even using the perk to keep poisonous effects out of potions and boosts out of poisons would do no good.
  7. Hello everyone! I was wondering if there are any QUEST mods that would suit an alchemist. I couldn't find any myself, so I assume there's probably not much if anything where alchemy's front and center, but some smaller side quests would work, too. Might not even be alchemy-related via mechanics, just via story. Even if it's something of vanilla-level, i.e. looking for alchemy-related artefacts or collecting a few specific ingredients to help a fellow nerd with their research, that would still be great. All I can find myself are overhauls (which I don't want) or house mods... and running through same few vanilla quests while basing the rest of the story elsewhere is getting a bit old. I play LE. Thanks for any help! :blush: (one last note, no Death Consumes All recs, please. Sorry! Thought of it already, tried it, but we just don't mesh)
  8. Hello! I know this is probably an underused feature by most people but I hope it gets some love. As of now the alchemy UI is not very good as you can't actually see the effects of the potions/coating/elixir that you are crafting. Current UI Tooltip in Inventory of the same potion A mod that shows the actual tooltips instead of just flavour text of the potions/coating/elixir like in the inventory would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  9. Follower alchemy inventory (or home with items)-- > Character Inventory Make Potions, use new formulas from inventory as needed, else use current formulas. Character Inventory --> Follower alchemy inventory (or home with items) You need to do this again and again and again. Fix, I need a home alchemy table with a chest as it's source. So, it's simple. Once, you have your latest haul of alchemy ingredients. You put them into the chest and activate the table.The alchemy table sources the chest to make potions. This would be a huge time saver. Can someone find a mod or make this please?
  10. Some mod in mind to obtain less cartoonish potons flasks, something that resembles the pharmaceutical of yersteryear?
  11. hello is there any mod what makes all talisman at once?
  12. 1, Book of Alchemy Ingredients Effect - Instead of eating alchemy ingredients to discover their effects, why not buy a book and learn those effects? I'm pretty sure that somebody before Dragonborn discover effects of wheat... I would gladly pay even 10k gold for know all effects of all ingredients. 2. Free Merchant Company - In "New Vegas Trade Center" mod are financial options such as Investment, Loans, Savings Account, Currency Exchange, Cashier's Check, Trade. I'm not saying to implement all of those options but a savings account could be an interesting addition, also Skyrim could get some "super" merchant that have more than 1.5k gold. In late game I need to visit multiple merchants to sell all loot, one merchant that have 40k (merchant trade bug start 42750) would make life much easier. 3. More meat from animals - from a deer that weighs 100 kg (or whatever is real weight) there is only a venison that weighs 2, horker of 1 tonne weight drop 1 horker meat that weight 1, mammoth of 4 tonne weight don't drop meet at all. Animals should drop more venison. 4. East Empire Company emblem replacement - something different that don't look like ship of the line from XIX century. Interesting design of EEC logo is in this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55190 5. Armor ideas: - https://www.deviantart.com/aldranbry/art/Bluenavi-wolf-armor-926913175 - https://www.deviantart.com/johnsonting/art/Queen-of-Crows-533607357 - https://www.deviantart.com/johnsonting/art/Wings-of-Horus-500970254 - https://www.deviantart.com/cj-backman/art/Schwarzer-Ritter-733242763 - https://www.deviantart.com/obriy86/art/Path-of-Exile-Sphynx-male-concept-894632512 - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/Manticore-Armour-Set-739575057 - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/Aspect-of-the-Avian-Armour-738752287 - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/Dominator-Armour-737464520 - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/Chimera-Armour-Set-636610348 - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/hydra-Armour-Set-636139574 - argonian heavy armor - https://www.deviantart.com/eedenartwork/art/Bear-Armour-634024443 - https://www.deviantart.com/cj-backman/art/Maid-Knight-665539188 - https://www.deviantart.com/biomatrix1-15/art/Frskn-OFT-697285474 - https://www.deviantart.com/zezhou/art/A-test-458032919 - https://www.deviantart.com/icyymir/art/Sororitas-Power-Armor-concept-V2-0-546268045 - remove "space marine" elements and this will be a good heavy armor - https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/920x950/52170218001_AoSStormcastPlusPaintSetGroup1.jpg - I think helmets are ugly, but rest of armor will be a perfect heavy armor. - https://www.deviantart.com/soft-h/art/archangel-562826498 - https://www.deviantart.com/l3monjuic3/art/House-Leo-Legionnaire-794038264 - This will be a fantastic replacer for legion armor, L3monJuic3 make few variants and models - https://www.deviantart.com/averouis/art/Luminus-Northern-Legionary-797266315 - a blue version of L3monJuic3 armor - https://www.deviantart.com/taurus-chaoslord/art/Easterling-Hassassin-349882104 - Fantastic armor, I'm not a fan of wings on helmet but otherwise it look so good. - https://www.deviantart.com/silkynoire/art/Nathaniel-Human-Paladin-933164143 - armor for Dragonborn
  13. Can someone please make a mod that allows you to place all items in your ingredients inventory into a satchel?? you can take all items from any chest. this is okay with me but it takes wayyy to long to place all your ingredients into a satchel. would be awesome to press take all, make the potions. then place all. maybe when opening a satchel and it has a "t button" which places all ingredients into satchel.
  14. Can someone please make a mod that allows you to place all items in your ingredients inventory into a satchel?? you can take all items from any chest. this is okay with me but it takes wayyy to long to place all your ingredients into a satchel. would be awesome to press take all, make the potions. then place all. maybe when opening a satchel and it has a "t button" which places all ingredients into sachel.
  15. Could somebody please make a mod that replaces all potion aura effects with a blank/invisible texture, similar to the remove glowing edges mod, to cut back the unnecessary magical effects and improve immersion. Or if this is a harder task than I am imagining, could somebody explain the game limitation or difficulty behind doing this? Thank you for your time reading this, have a great day
  16. Hello, with the goal of helping others blazing an entertaining new Skyrim transition, I believe I've determined a Win10 Steam Skyrim AE mod bug with easy work around: I noticed Skyrim AE Win10 PC Steam edition crashes with only SKSE 2.1.1 as modification, when there are too many ingredient categories at the start of initiating Alchemy. I tried also with one of each ingredient category and it was the same result. Work around: have less number of ingredient categories in inventory when initiate Alchemy. I'm not sure how to contact the SKSE team, however hats off thanks to them! In case it helps, Thanks, - Dorkio
  17. So, this is probably a bit too ambitious for how far along I am with modding (I'm doing the CK.com tutorials), but at some point I want to do something with randomizing ingredient effects. I realize there is a mod for this but I want to do it a bit differently and ideally I want the game to generate working recipes for potions that apothecaries can sell. This is what the zEdit mod says for technical information: "Every ingredient (INGR) record contains an Effects array which lists out the different effects that an ingredient has. Each effect element contains an EFID subrecord, which links to the base magical effect (MGEF) record of the effect, and an EFIT subrecord, which contains data about the magnitude, area and duration of the effect. This patcher first gathers all loaded INGR records, collects all their effects, and randomly assigns effects back to the INGR records depending on the randomization type selected in the patcher settings. The EFIT subrecords are collected alongside their respective effect elements, but are unmodified. Before patching, the array of all loaded INGR records are shuffled before passing it to the zEdit UPF module to facilitate some of the randomization types. The patcher will also never assign duplicate effects onto the same INGR record" So my question is: how do you access and manipulate the subrecords? I'm not 1337 coder, but I feel like I could do what I want to do in Python (as a rough draft/testing) if it's just a matter of getting and setting array entries.
  18. Is there a way to make ^it work? If yes, then what needs to be edited, because I don't see anything of interest in skills, abilities, or def_item_ingredients.xml entries. Yes, you can edit the values of non-synergy bonuses, but for some reasons, synergy doesn't work with monster\unique mutagens, only with vanilla ones (lesser, greater, etc.) I'm talking about the "color synergy" bonuses, when you put same color mutagens and skills "together".
  19. Simple idea: whenever you use potion (or finish that soup you had in your pocket) mid-battle, you CAN use one potion (or food), but then you would need to wait centrain time to drink another potion (eat another food) or finish fight. All of this just so you would not be able to outheal enemies damage when super injured with just... cabbages. CABBAGES!. Obviously not a lot of us are holding such amount of food unless playing with survival mods, however a lot of us are holding desant amount of potions for those hard moments. You use sheer amount of small potions (so you gain more space in eq) and sudently you can take another harder hit or two! While game never was realistic, this make game a bit unbalanced. No surprice not modded Restoration magic can be easly outclassed by Alchemy in centrain situations. Sure - with modded ones it depends, but the point stay the same - instant healing most of the time is better than delayed one - even if delayed by just choosing spell and casting it. It's also just more reliable. Altho Restoration give you free healing in terms of money - you buy spell once and you can use it as often as you want wihout spending money, potions give you free healing in terms of time spend. There are already mods wich makes drinking potions takes time, and sure - thats a good way of balancing potions, but what if I DON'T want to watch animation of drinking potion just to heal that 25 points of health, and instead aply one potion imediately as last resort? Before we find full healing potion it will takes some time in game, and before that spaming small potions seems as effective as one full healing one. Cooldown would make Alchemy a bit less OP (because of blocking spam healing option), while allowing you to using potions in truly key moments in battle (when use regeneration potion? At the start before taking damage so I can then use another potion mid-battle?). It also rewards players for preparing for battle earlier (since outside battle there would be no cooldown for potion, you can drink plenty of buffs before battle). Lastly - obviously it would be nice if you could have settings wich descripe how long cooldown is, or how much potions you could use before activation of cooldown (or maybe there would be no cooldown, but instead you have just limited uses of potions while fighting? setting for that would be nice as well). Thanks for reading such long post. :smile:
  20. Hello! Here is simple idea for ruin: What about making some sort of underwater structure wich would be traveled throgh only if you have enouth potions for underwater adventures, or are Argonian race? Ruin specificly for Argonian so they have more usage from their underwater breathing, but also some alchemist who can manage enouth underwater breathing potions to explore said dungeon? Alternativly for enchanters who can just make item to breath underwater and be done with... For theme of ruins themself - the best option would propably be Dwemer themed ruins, because of option to make puzzles (considering there would be not a whole lot options for enemies wich would be any fair underwater...). As a reward there could maybe be something related to water, or just bigger treasures. Perhaps shout wich would work only in closed area and fill entire dungeon with water? So you could for example reach specific places, as well as force enemies to swim and therefore not be able to attack you? Third word would additionaly give you water breathing for the duration of shout, and if you have mod wich allow you to fight underwater - give you an advanage in battle? If we are making shout - why not make three ruins in that case? Each ruin containing one of the words for shout. That would be obviously a lot of work, but it would be interesting to have this kind of option. Obviously if shout is too much - artefact or something like that would be cool too. Especialy apreciated if mod was made for Oldrim wihout any DLC. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :smile:
  21. I know thereâs an old mod that /kind of/ does this, but it adds an npc and you have to use the cooking pot to make it. -Add a recipe to Shroud Hearth Barrow and then you can make it on the alchemy table -when you drink it, it acts like a fear spell and effects people around you (probably not the dead or animals though. Why would draugr be scared of ghosts?) -however, upper level npcs ainât scared of no ghosts
  22. I'm currently using Skyrim Alchemy and Food Overhaul by vram1974 (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12343), which makes Restore potions deliver their effects over time instead of instantly. I want to tweak the mod according to my personal tastes, by halving the duration for such potions while doubling the "intensity", so that the same quantity of health/magicka/etc is delivered in half the time. My question is how I would go about making these tweaks in either xedit or CK. Are there specific sections that I could edit to achieve this effect? I've glanced through SAFO using both tools once already, but I wasn't able to find anything that appeared tied to potion duration. In case it needs stating, I only want to edit the mod strictly for personal use and have no plans on re-uploading to the Nexus or anywhere else.
  23. Hey Nexus lovelies, So, I was returning from a foray to a Forgotten Tower (Forgotten Dungeons, highly recommend), and I needed to make some more potions. So I went to my Breezehome (thanks Elianora), to check on my plants growing in the beds outside...which is an excellent addition. However, there are only six soil spots. Which is a reasonable number, for two grow beds, and for the size of the house. But, this got me thinking. Is there a mod that lets you purchase a dedicated greenhouse? Not for living in (Though it would probably be advantageous for there to be a bed and some storage, and an alchemy lab for sure), but dedicated for that sole purpose: growing. Farming. Us Dragonborn can go through a metric f*#@ load of potions on a longer dungeon run, and even with mods that add a reasonable amount more ingredients to alchemists shops, that isn't always enough. And buying them all the time feels pretty cheap. So what's the solution? Grow your own s#*!. I'm sure I'm not the only one who uses an excellent house mod like Eli's Breezehome, and doesn't want to go buy, build, and manage an entirely separate house just for growing. Here's the picture: Imagine a largely glass building in Whiterun or Riverwood, or outside Falkreath since that place is green af and needs some love, or Solitude even, full of planting beds, and pots. A static, but immersive, irrigation and watering system. Ingredients hanging from nets, ready to be harvested, or sold (hold that thought). A separate room with ingredient storage and a dope ass alchemy lab, like you see in Rayek's End. You can purchase the building, from the local Jarl, or maybe from a merchant who's had enough with being up to elbows in soil, and get to business. The basic necessity would be the building, full of fertile soil. Anything extra would be dope ass flavor, for extra immersion. Adding onto that, as even though a personal greenhouse, just a greenhouse, would be amazing, what if you could hire employees, expand your horizons a bit? You could, perhaps at the expense of some of your hard-grown ingredients, sell them to others, and bring in a bit of a profit. It's your own shop. The Green Dragon, we could call it (get it? There's a few things there. I'm not clever.) Tl;dr Someone should build a purchasable, dedicated greenhouse for the Dragonborn to grow s#*!. And maybe sell s#*!. Anyone game? Or am I crazy? P.S. : Another idea, which would be great. Add in a numbers ledger, like for the thieve's guild radiant quests, and add the building into the list of merchants you can sneak in and fudge. How hilarious would it be to run numbers for or case your own business? Any feedback/takers welcome. Thanks guys, Aralias
  24. TL;DR Do the last 5 things. So up until recently I had a bug that had seemed to be ending a lot of people's games through sheer annoyance. The premise is that whenever you try to interact with an object that requires a specific idle animation to be played while you are using is (all tables, enchantment tables, smithies, etc.) you would do the initial animation to start, if you were using an enchantment table or another object that brings up a menu, the menu would pop up, but you would immediately quit out for no reason. Obviously this is a huge pain and can be very scary as it is hard to pinpoint when the glitch actually took place. So first off, what is going on? 1. We know it's an animation error and we know why it's happening. In general, animations in Skyrim have a beginning and end set time, this goes for mods too. The way the game works (as far as I can tell) it calls a certain animation when a given flag is flipped and then the animation plays. Normally the animation ends and the game realises this and you move on with your day as normal. What is causing the glitch however, is one of your animations ends, but the game doesn't realise it. This happens very infrequently with vanilla animations (but is still possible) , but I have found can happen extremely easily with modded animations (Such as with Immersive Beds and Better Vampires). 2. I have found this glitch to become much more common the heavier the load of scripts you have the game running is. In my game, I have Frostfall, iNeed, Better Vampires, Immersive Beds, and a whole other host of SKSE required mods running and I think this is a huge contributing factor seeing as the game is constantly trying to read all these scripts and can easily miss a flag here or there. 3. It seems to be affected by playtime. I know I was playing the game for a while before it started cropping up (especially with all the mods and SKSE plugins I had installed). I think this is because the longer you play, and the bigger the save files get, the more stuff the game has to process which increases it's chances of missing the flag that turns of the animation. 4. Better Vampires and Immersive Beds can be the culprit. Now, this doesn't mean that these are bad mods. All it means is that the animation system that Bethesda put into the game is very very fragile and when you insert scripts that weren't changed how specific parts of the game worked and included animations, the game could get very easily confused. What seems to happen with Better vampires is that the feeding animations can get cut short, or not even play at all, which leads right into this glitch. . . sometimes. Honestly it seems like a small fraction of the time when the animations break that the glitch occurs, and I don't know why it isn't consistent. With Immersive Beds, a possible symptom of the glitch is that the animation that plays when you get into bed just doesn't occur. If this happens, you are best off going right to the Catch-All at the bottom. 3. Once this glitch happpens, unless you can find a wayto reset your animation scripts in game, or you manage to flip the little flag that tells the game that the animation it thinks it needs to interrupt you for is inactive, you're screwed. Now that that is over with, hopefully someone can work on a better solution than the one that I came up with, or the ones that various orther sources have found (like maybe a patch if it's possible) So now for the part that you probably actually came for: How to solve this. First I'm going to list minor solutions that have worked for other people. They are extremely inconsistent though and they only work for me sometimes and sometimes the glitch persists through the method even though it seems to be fixed. 1. Using a shout. just stand still and use one of your shouts. As far as I can tell it doesn't matter which one you use, but if you are using Better Vampires you probably don't want to use the Detect Aura one. 2. Going to jail. I've seen that this tends to reset a lot of issues, and I have seen some success stories of this working for some people. So go out there and punch a guard, he deserves it. 3. Interrupting someone else. I've seen people get around this by waiting for someone else to start using the thing that they are trying to use, or anything else for that matter, and then interrupting them. You'll get the "Someone else is using this prompt" and then they will stop, and you can try to use it after them. 4. Go into the console and type "player.tai" without the quotes, it will probably turn off the animations for you, so you want to do it again so that it says that they are on. Heads up, I haven't seen anyone say that this worked,but I have seen it suggested a tonne. So now finally for my Catch-All. If you are like me, and none of these simpler, less pain inducing options worked for you, have no fear (maybe)! I was thinking about what causes the issue, and all I wanted was an option to just reset the animation scripts and clean the massive cache that the game had generated over the playing time, but I couldn't find anything that did that. Until I looked in the Immersive Beds MCM menu. Here's what you need to do: 1. Download Immersive Beds. You literally never have to use it, you are only going to use one function of it. 2. Go in game and wait for the MCM to realise that it exists. 3. Go into the menu and click the option that says something along the lines of Resetting the mod. 4. Exit the menu and wait for a little hitch in your frame rate. 5. It should be fixed. This is the only consistent and logical solution that I have found, considering it purges all of the animations from the game for a split second (again as far as I know) and then allows them to pick back up. Now like I said earlier, this glitch does seem to be affected by playtime, so if you start having it again, go back into your Immersive Beds MCM and reset those scripts! If I'm wrong or this is already somewhere else, feel free to ban me :smile:
  25. I should explain that I'm a modding novice - I was just daydreaming and thought, 'this would be cool'. Essentially; You place ingredient or apparatus cards (celandine, alcohol stove, distiller etc) on your side of a Gwent board (which would open when you activate alchemy), the computer 'opponent' places negative effect cards (toxins, bacteria, dirty burn etc), on their side of the board. Many of the cards would be linked to specific others, so you would end up with complex card chains and a kind of puzzle/problem solving mini-game. This would be to address the criticism that the creation system for alchemy could be a bit more interesting than simply > 'select ingredients' > 'click create'. You would have to cook and solve problems. I've given this a bit more thought than explained here, so if anyone thinks this is interesting - give us a shout. (y)
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