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  1. Yesterday
  2. Changes and Improvements All Versions Updated Localizations. Fixes All Versions Fixed crash that could occur when loading some saves. Fixed crash when starting the game related to old worldgen files being present. Fixed layering issues with DIY Cot Fixed a bug where hovering over critter "Excretion" in their UI was displaying an incomplete tooltip on critters that can eat plants directly. Fixed double "Click to view store page" text in DLC icon tooltip. Fixed Full Steam Ahead achievement showing on the Printing Pod sidescreen when not playing on a Ceres asteroid. Fixed bug in the Power overlay causing preview buildings to use gray tint for ports. The Frosty Planet Pack Fixed a Bammoth navigation issue preventing them from going down one cell. Fixed issue where the Wood Heater's decor value was inconsistently presented in the build menu. Fixed issue where the Wood Heater changing decor values did not update the room type. Fixed an Issue where the Geothermal Heat Pump could get stuck due to floating point rounding. Fixed an Issue where polluted water inside the Geothermal Heat Pump would off-gas. Worldgen Fixed Ceres Fragment (Scramble DLC world) geysers from spawning close to the surface which could result in them appearing above the Temporal Tear Opener if replacing the Tundra Asteroid. Improved worldgen failure rate of base game and classic style Ceres.
  3. Fixes Fixed crash in Enigmox fight Fixed Imbued Ribbats not counting towards the first Nimble Challenge in the Nocturne Grove Fixed crash that could happen with the Striker in online games Fixed crash that could happen when reviving a network player Fixed crash that could happen when leaving rooms in an online game Fixed crash that could happen with Hammer's Hazard Idol Fixed crash that could happen when a Groak is charmed Fixed Chinese translation issue on new Berna chat Fixed crash when rerolling powers after seeing many powers of a given rarity Fixed bug where sometimes no power would spawn out of a power drop
  4. Update 1.14.0 (Nintendo Switch - released July 24, 2024) Staying Afloat While Wurt and Winona hammer away on their own visions for the future, it seems the Constant's sea has seen some changes of its own. Be prepared to rock the boat in the name of progress! Highlights Include: Skill Spotlight: Wurt and Winona Skillsets have been added. Crab King redesign: new behaviors, minions, arena, and loot. Sunken Chests: added new exclusive loot - Surprising Seeds and Archaic Boats. Marotters: new creatures found on the coastline. Additional Pirate Raid behavior: they can sometimes be found post-raid, carrying loot. Kelp Boat Patch, signs of Powder Monkeys territory on sea stacks, new ocean set pieces, a new Pearl trade, and a new Salt Lick made of actual salt! New Skins! Who says you can't always get what you want? As always, these skins also can be weaved with spool and drop in-game, but see the spoiler below for more info on the new skins available in this update. Klei Points! https://accounts.klei.com/link/ShiftySeaSwindlers And that's all for now! We hope that you all enjoy the update.
  5. Last week
  6. Hello! Today we are releasing Bonechill Quarry. In this new location, you'll find all sorts of new content: a new boss, miniboss, enemies, equipment, decor items, powers, and more. A huge thank you to everybody who participated in the beta and helped us with bug reports and feedback. We very much appreciate all of the kind words and support. Thank you! About Early Access and Rotwood. Klei has operated and refined nearly a dozen titles through pre-launch testing and Early Access. Our process has always been to put down a solid, enjoyable experience that is worth playing for the price you paid for it and then we refine from there based on player feedback and what it is specifically that we are trying to accomplish with that game. Rotwood is not a roguelike. It's not a brawler. It's not a souls-like and it's not a dungeon crawler. While Rotwood can be described using these terms and it certainly contains elements of each of them, it comes from a place of love for all these types of games, but it is not defined or limited by them. Klei, as a studio attempts to do something interesting and new with our games. We take interesting ideas and see where we can go with them. But this can sometimes result in time needed to help us adapt the game we are trying to make so that it better communicates what we are trying to accomplish. This was true in 2012 and it is true now. To better communicate our vision we have two things coming for you soon. Shortly we will be sharing a more descriptive roadmap as well as a sneak peek into our minds and the future of the game. Coming Soon! We're aiming for a teaser update before the end of August. This update will bring a new "Super Frenzy" system for the first hunt. A Super Frenzy is when the game begins to change up gameplay to be significantly more difficult requiring not only tuned gear, but also a deeper understanding of the combat mechanics and tactics. With the game only having the lower half of the game present, much of the difficulty and power progression is being condensed at the lower levels. This result is a more grindy experience with overall less progression happening in shorter time periods than there will be when more systems and content are present. Many systems that existed in the playtest version of the game are still coming as support systems for these different progression mechanics. Please read below for notes about what our goal is with this Hunt. Save files Save files are NOT transferrable from the Beta Branch. Due to changes made during the beta, transferring the save from the beta branch to live will irreversibly break your save. Please DO NOT move your save. We will leave the beta branch open for 7 days in order for you to finish out your previous save if you like. Bonechill Quarry patch notes (623234)
  7. JarrettM

    Changes and Improvements All versions Bottle Emptier and Canister Emptier now show a list of relevant buildings in the Enable Auto-Bottle button's tooltip. The Auto-Bottle: On/Off status items now refer to bottling stations and canister filling stations rather than to Pitcher Pumps or Canister Fillers only. Critters now always show their body temperature in their UI under the Condition section. Minor adjustments to Mercury Ceiling Light artwork. Minor edits to Blasted Ceres descriptions. Added tooltips for DLC icons on the main menu to explain when they are not owned yet, or owned but not installed. Small adjustments to main menu DLC logos for clarity. Changed "Tune Ups" in the Improved Plants list to "Crop Tending." Frosty Planet Pack Water from an Ice Liquefier can no longer be requested by a Bottle Emptier unless the user has turned on Enable Auto-Bottle. Adjusted the offset of growth bar icons shown in Bonbon Tree branches when using the Farming overlay to better position them below the cell where the branch will grow into Fixes All versions Fixed crash that could occur when equipping clothing items. Fixed crash that occurred when viewing the Electric Grill in the database. Fixed missing Ice Maker recipe selection tooltip. Fixed a crash that happened when loading a save that had two Arbor Tree branches growing in the same spot. Fixed an issue preventing sublimating materials from appearing in the Materials / Consumable Ore sub-overlay. The Improved Plants tooltip now correctly indicates that Crop Tending will improve growth times for the plants listed. Frosty Planet Pack Fixed a bug where Duplicants who unequipped an Atmo Suit in an ideal temperature zone right after exiting an extreme temperature zone would still get scalding or frostbite. Fixed missing strings for Electric Grill and Gas Range blueprints. Fixed inconsistent Bammoth navigation up and down a single tile. Fixed an issue where the Geothermal Heat Pump could get stuck. Fixed an issue where polluted water inside the Geothermal Heat Pump would off-gas. Fixed issue where changing a Cot to use the “DIY Cot” blueprint would sometimes make parts of the bed disappear. Fixed plant mutation symbols not appearing on new plants. Fixed a crash that occurred whenever a Bonbon Meteor lands on a solid tile above the red unbuildable zone at the top of a Ceres asteroid. Fixed a bug where the Bonbon Tree was not playing the harvest ready animation if it reached full capacity with a blocked pipe connected to it. Fixed the little lines of black that were sticking out from the wood and snow tiles. Enabled the Bammoth Patty to be displayed on pedestals. Fixed a typo that added an extra space between words in the Wood Tile description. Fixed Carved Lumen Quartz not showing up as a resource. Lumen Quartz carve errand now persists on save/load. Fixed incorrect Ceres Fragment asteroid icon on the Scramble DLC tab. Adjusted Ceres space destination when playing with Scramble DLC on non-Ceres starts. Increased the number of Flox to 3 and added 4 Pikeapple Bush seeds. Worldgen: Fixed Metal Rich and Metal Poor world traits not affecting Cinnabar Ore. Applies to new saves only. Improved compatibility of the Volcanic Activity world trait on base game and classic-style Ceres asteroids. Minor adjustments to Geo Vent spawning placement on Spaced Out!-style Ceres Minor to reduce worldgen failures.
  8. Earlier
  9. Just a small hotfix for today's DLC release. All Versions Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing phosphorite in the codex. The Frosty Planet Pack main menu icon subtext now reads "Available Now" instead of "Wishlist Now", or "Installed" when the Frosty Planet Pack is already active.
  10. Guess what, asteroid explorers... ...The Frosty Planet Pack DLC is out on Steam TODAY! This DLC features a frozen new world filled with brand-new biomes, oddly adorable new critters, new buildings, blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), plants, resources and deliciously deep-fried foods! We've even recruited a new Duplicant! The DLC can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam! It'll be available on WeGame and Epic soon, too. If you dug into this glittering new icescape during our free beta period, rest assured (or alarmed) that there's plenty more to explore in the full version—including a big engineering project deep down at the planet's core. There's also a Blasted Ceres option in the Lab for the thrillseekers who want an extra-challenging version of this new starting world. Sure, the whole colony's complaining about frostbite, but wait 'til they discover the hot new ways to stay warm! Just don't let those snow tiles melt... We've revised temperature mechanics for Duplicants and critters to make things simpler and more interesting. We've also introduced the option to mix in asteroids and biomes from one or more DLCs when making a new game, so you can scramble the cosmos at will! The "Scramble DLC" tool works for The Frosty Planet Pack and future additions to the ONI universe. Additionally, we're releasing a free update for the base game today: It includes the temperature mechanics revisions mentioned above, plus the new elements, UI improvements, and more. What's in this DLC? A brand-new icy starting world. New critters: Flouncy Floxes! Behemoth Bammoths! Sweet-toothed Spigot Seals! Three new biomes: Ice Cave, Cool Pool and Nectar. New plants: Pikeapple Bush, Alveo Vera, Sherberry Plant, Plume Squash, Bonbon Tree, and Idylla Flower. New buildings: Wood Heater, Snow Tile, Deep Fryer, and more! New elements: Cinnabar, Tallow, and Nectar. New Duplicant: meet Freyja! New POIs: a Gravitas live/work showroom! An enlightening Research Portal! A power plant that may or may not have wreaked havoc on past colonies! Exclusive, cold-themed new blueprints collection! Revised temperature mechanics. ...and more! The universe can be a cold, cold place...conquer it all from the questionable comfort of your cool new snow fort colony in The Frosty Planet Pack DLC! Huge thanks to everyone who played the beta! Check out the patch notes and F.A.Q. below. F.A.Q. What platforms will this DLC be available on? The Frosty Planet Pack launches on Steam today (July 18th) then WeGame and Epic soon after. We'll share more info as soon as we can! How much does it cost? 7.99USD Do I need to own the base game? Yes, you will need to own Oxygen Not Included in order to play this DLC content. Do I need to own Spaced Out! DLC in order to play this DLC content? You do not need Spaced Out to purchase or enjoy The Frosty Planet Pack. How do I report bugs? Bug reports go here! Thank you so much for helping us squash 'em. How do I give feedback? We love feedback. Post it here. Can I play with my old save game? Yes, you can upgrade your old save, but any new worldgen and improvements will not be available. Is there still a Previous Update Branch? Yes! If you're playing on the base game and this free update breaks some of your mods, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update Branch. Where can I find more details and information? Check out our Steam Store page for more information! Full patch notes Changes since the last beta build
  11. Just a small hotfix for The Frosty Planet Pack beta. Changes Increased Mercury Ceiling Light's heat production. Fixes Fixed a crash that was occurring when trying to display event popups. Mercury is now displayed as a "requirement" of the Mercury Ceiling Light, instead of an "effect".
  12. Don't Starve Together Update (Xbox - released July 12, 2024) Charming Salt Tin has been made slightly taller to fit the salt box profile. Followers will no longer destroy Exotic Trees. Winona's Shadow Seeker II will now work on Big Slimy Pits in the Caves. Calibrated Perceiver will now work on most things that change prefabs when deployed or used. It should now be easier to deploy Boat Bumpers after other structures have already been placed. Added new animation effects when Vine Bridges are about to break. Added minimap indicators for Winona's ability to choose a Wormhole path. Crab King update: Thresholds for level 2 effects of gems are raised from 4 to 5 gems. Orange gem gains level 2 and 3 effects like the other gems that make it harder to interrupt the healing actions. Reduced the spacing needed for placing Fire Pits. Crab Guards and Knights improved sleep resistance also starts at 5 purple gems now. Crab King won't wake up to the Tail o' Three Cats' crack anymore. Fixed Crab King's Crab Knights and Crab Guards having broken health with 0 purple gems. Fixed Crab King Mob, Tower and Ice Wall health thresholds. Fixed Crab King's Cannon Towers shooting out visually different projectiles when they do not create leaks. Fixed Crab King's Cannon Towers not getting reduced boat collision damage from Yellow Gems. Fixed world generation layout for repeat generations being deviant from world seed. Fixed Roses spawned by the Ancient Fuelweaver or Winona getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Mushrooms changing form by Ghosts Haunting them getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Wurt's Armermery, Tool Shed, and Kelp Dishes having overlapping UI when opening multiple at once. Fixed crash with buffing Lunar Merm. Fixed crash when Maxwell's Shadow Sneak trap is triggered by a Batilisk. Fixed swapping a deployable item with a regular item making the item's inventory icon invisible. Fixed Calibrated Perceiver and Blueprints not learning new recipes while under Wickerbottom's The Everything Encyclopedia book effects. Fixed Portasol scrapbook information. Fixed a rare crash with Pearl talking. Fixed W.I.N.bot and W.O.B.O.T. trying to store items into Shoddy Tool Sheds and Armermries. Removed ice effects when Vine Bridges are breaking. Fixed Rose Glasses going on cooldown from using Choose Path on Wormholes. Fixed sound loop continuing to play after Winona is saved by Charlie. Fixed a crash after fighting your own lunar Merm. Fixed Walter's Merrymaker skin.
  13. Don't Starve Together Patch 2.99 - 07/12/2024 (PlayStation) Charming Salt Tin has been made slightly taller to fit the salt box profile. Followers will no longer destroy Exotic Trees. Winona's Shadow Seeker II will now work on Big Slimy Pits in the Caves. Calibrated Perceiver will now work on most things that change prefabs when deployed or used. It should now be easier to deploy Boat Bumpers after other structures have already been placed. Added new animation effects when Vine Bridges are about to break. Added minimap indicators for Winona's ability to choose a Wormhole path. Crab King update: Thresholds for level 2 effects of gems are raised from 4 to 5 gems. Orange gem gains level 2 and 3 effects like the other gems that make it harder to interrupt the healing actions. Reduced the spacing needed for placing Fire Pits. Crab Guards and Knights improved sleep resistance also starts at 5 purple gems now. Crab King won't wake up to the Tail o' Three Cats' crack anymore. Fixed Crab King's Crab Knights and Crab Guards having broken health with 0 purple gems. Fixed Crab King Mob, Tower and Ice Wall health thresholds. Fixed Crab King's Cannon Towers shooting out visually different projectiles when they do not create leaks. Fixed Crab King's Cannon Towers not getting reduced boat collision damage from Yellow Gems. Fixed world generation layout for repeat generations being deviant from world seed. Fixed Roses spawned by the Ancient Fuelweaver or Winona getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Mushrooms changing form by Ghosts Haunting them getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Wurt's Armermery, Tool Shed, and Kelp Dishes having overlapping UI when opening multiple at once. Fixed crash with buffing Lunar Merm. Fixed crash when Maxwell's Shadow Sneak trap is triggered by a Batilisk. Fixed swapping a deployable item with a regular item making the item's inventory icon invisible. Fixed Calibrated Perceiver and Blueprints not learning new recipes while under Wickerbottom's The Everything Encyclopedia book effects. Fixed Portasol scrapbook information. Fixed a rare crash with Pearl talking. Fixed W.I.N.bot and W.O.B.O.T. trying to store items into Shoddy Tool Sheds and Armermries. Removed ice effects when Vine Bridges are breaking. Fixed Rose Glasses going on cooldown from using Choose Path on Wormholes. Fixed sound loop continuing to play after Winona is saved by Charlie. Fixed a crash after fighting your own lunar Merm. Fixed Walter's Merrymaker skin. Fixed joining games from invitations. Fixed non-host players getting disconnected when another player disconnects and then reconnects to a server. Fixed non-host players sometimes not being able to reconnect to a server after disconnecting.
  14. Another hotfix for The Frosty Planet Pack beta branch. We added a new building, food, POI, and fixed some bugs. Full notes: Features The Frosty Planet Pack Added Mercury Ceiling Light building. Added new campsite POI to Ceres asteroids. Added Nosh Noms food recipe to the Deep Fryer. Changes and Improvements All versions Database: Added Effects section to equipment entries. Database: Updated description text for equipment entries to be consistent with what appears in the sidescreen. Frosty Planet Pack Destination select screen now shows remixed asteroid replacements on the world traits tab. Increased quality of Squash Fries food and removed Table Salt from its recipe. Minor change to Frozen Mercury Asteroid Field tuning. Updated DIY Cot blueprint to remove the blinking lights. Worldgen Classic-style Ceres now has radioactive biomes with critters and plants. Adjusted showroom POI position to appear closer to space. Minor adjustments to Geothermal Heat Pump placement on all Ceres asteroids. Improved POI placement near the start to reduce worldgen failures. Fixes All versions Fixed an issue causing Duplicants affected by the Toasty Surroundings status to become distracted while heading to a cooling station. Tonic Root's "View Database" button now properly links to its entry in the database. The "Resources" menu button in the detail header should now properly report the amount of calories for food items in its tooltip. Fixed a bug preventing Arbor Trees from producing seeds when harvested or when spawning. Fixed a crash that could occur when 2 Duplicants both wanted the final serving of water in a Water Cooler. Sweepy station now crafts the Sweepy using the same temperature as the material used. Germs in the material will also now be transferred to the newly created Sweepy. Fixed critters falling through the floor when playing a jumping animation. Fixed burrowed Hatches disappearing on dig. Fixed a bug causing branches of domesticated Arbor Trees to grow at wild plant speeds. Fixed a bug where critters larger than 1x1 were freezing to death if at least one of their occupied cells was a vacuum, and at least one other wasn't. Fixed a bug in the Power overlay where preview buildings were applying a gray tint to their ports. Fixed a bug where branches and trees could not be fertilized for Farmer's Touch at a Farming Station. Updated strings on Farming Station's Effect panel to show the word "plants" instead of "buildings." Spaced Out! only Fixed a crash that could happen with a critter in the Critter Cargo Bay. Frosty Planet Pack Fixed a bug where the Ice Liquefier was not updating its meter on game reload. Fixed a bug where destroying the Ice Liquefier soon after a Duplicant began to extract water from it was causing the Duplicant to freeze in place forever. Biobots and Rovers are no longer able to carve Lumen Quartz. Fixed a crash when Biobots or Rovers interacted with the Ice Liquefier. Fixed invalid research images showing up when the DLC is not enabled in the save file. Fixed excess walls in Geothermal Heat Pump POI. Search string on the Research screen no longer filters against DLC items in a category. Removed The Frosty Planet Pack plants from the plantable side screen when playing a non-DLC save. Fixed an issue where the Ceres Fragment incorrectly displayed geyser information. Pikeapple Bush and Squash Plume can now be fertilized for Farmer's Touch using a Farming Station. Fixed a bug where Bonbon Tree branches were not being destroyed by drowning.
  15. V2C


    Changes Charming Salt Tin has been made slightly taller to fit the salt box profile. Followers will no longer destroy Exotic Trees. Winona’s Shadow Seeker II will now work on Big Slimy Pits in the Caves. Calibrated Perceiver will now work on most things that change prefabs when deployed or used. It should now be easier to deploy Boat Bumpers after other structures have already been placed. Bug Fixes Crab Guards and Knights improved sleep resistance also starts at 5 purple gems now. Crab King won’t wake up to the Tail o' Three Cats’ crack anymore. Fixed Crab King’s Crab Knights and Crab Guards having broken health with 0 purple gems. Fixed Crab King Mob, Tower and Ice Wall health thresholds. Fixed Crab King’s Cannon Towers shooting out visually different projectiles when they do not create leaks. Fixed Crab King’s Cannon Towers not getting reduced boat collision damage from Yellow Gems. Fixed world generation layout for repeat generations being deviant from world seed. Fixed Roses spawned by the Ancient Fuelweaver or Winona getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Mushrooms changing form by Ghosts Haunting them getting added to world regrowth. Fixed Wurt’s Armermery, Tool Shed, and Kelp Dishes having overlapping UI when opening multiple at once. Fixed crash with buffing Lunar Merm. Fixed crash when Maxwell’s Shadow Sneak trap is triggered by a Batilisk. Fixed swapping a deployable item with a regular item making the item's inventory icon invisible. Fixed Calibrated Perceiver and Blueprints not learning new recipes while under Wickerbottom’s The Everything Encyclopedia book effects.
  16. Don't Starve Together Update (Xbox - released July 5, 2024) Improved timing of when items are visually teleported with Winona when using the Portasol. Adjusted Night Berry overlay. Merm Tools can't be used by players. Merms will no longer use tools (that do less damage) to fight. Non Wurt Survivors cannot collect Merm Guard followers. Catapults should no longer destroy boat bumpers. Lowered waterproofness and removed insulation from Portasol. Fixed Crab Guards and Crab Knights failing to abandon breaking ice floes. Fixed bug where Winona could not Dismount from a Beefalo while holding a Portasol. Fixed Winona getting wetness locked after being saved from death. Fixed Winona getting temperature locked after being saved from death. Fixed bug with W.I.N.bot resetting its spawn point whenever it goes offscreen. Fixed bug with incorrect fuel state when WX-78 charges at Winona's generators. Fixed bug where Wagstaff's Cacheboxes can get stuck if you take your Inspectacles off while it's giving out loot. Fixed bug where dismantled a Spotlight does not clear its last target. Fixed missing cuff symbols in the Close Examine animation. Fixed a Wortox inspection line typo. Fixed a crash related to BERNIE! Shrinking size. Fixed Mutant Merm duplicating when they are attacked by their leader. Fixed irreplaceable items being destroyed by Powder Monkeys raids. Fixed missing cold particles for the Robin Egg Ice Box skin. Fixed snow and other ground effects accumulating on Vine Bridges. Fixed Shoddy Tools turning invisible when floating. Fixed a second Merm spawning when a Lunar Merm reverts back to a regular merm. Fixed buildings being blocked from being built near things that are fading out after dying. Fixed some talking animations for Wurt's Guest of Honor and Archaic skins. Fixed Crossbones Trawler skin missing part of its shadow. Fixed colliding with Salt Formations crashing the server sometimes. Fixed broken Hound Mounds and chopped down Driftwood blocking your path. Fixed Superior Communal Kelp Dish scrapbook picture size. Fixed Wurt's announce line for sheltering. Fixed glassed full moon icon art. Fixed the Bootleg not working. Fixed entities teleported off Boats not showing up for some clients. Fixed an issue with Rose Colored Glasses going on cooldown on things when it should not. Fixed animation bug when using Handy Remote. Fixed having to get really close to Knobbly Trees to wax them with the Embalming Spritz. Fixed Ocean Trawler skin issues with the net and water effects. Fixed wetness going up indefinitely when repairing a plugged boat leak. Fixed bug where Willow cannot use Embers in her inventory after transforming back from Wonkey. Fixed glassed full moon icon art. Fixed some errors in Pig and Prime Mate art.
  17. Don't Starve Together Patch 2.98 - 07/05/2024 (PlayStation) Improved timing of when items are visually teleported with Winona when using the Portasol. Adjusted Night Berry overlay. Merm Tools can't be used by players. Merms will no longer use tools (that do less damage) to fight. Non Wurt Survivors cannot collect Merm Guard followers. Catapults should no longer destroy boat bumpers. Lowered waterproofness and removed insulation from Portasol. Fixed clients getting disconnected when trying to enter the caves. Fixed Crab Guards and Crab Knights failing to abandon breaking ice floes. Fixed bug where Winona could not Dismount from a Beefalo while holding a Portasol. Fixed Winona getting wetness locked after being saved from death. Fixed Winona getting temperature locked after being saved from death. Fixed bug with W.I.N.bot resetting its spawn point whenever it goes offscreen. Fixed bug with incorrect fuel state when WX-78 charges at Winona's generators. Fixed bug where Wagstaff's Cacheboxes can get stuck if you take your Inspectacles off while it's giving out loot. Fixed bug where dismantled a Spotlight does not clear its last target. Fixed missing cuff symbols in the Close Examine animation. Fixed a Wortox inspection line typo. Fixed a crash related to BERNIE! Shrinking size. Fixed Mutant Merm duplicating when they are attacked by their leader. Fixed irreplaceable items being destroyed by Powder Monkeys raids. Fixed missing cold particles for the Robin Egg Ice Box skin. Fixed snow and other ground effects accumulating on Vine Bridges. Fixed Shoddy Tools turning invisible when floating. Fixed a second Merm spawning when a Lunar Merm reverts back to a regular merm. Fixed buildings being blocked from being built near things that are fading out after dying. Fixed some talking animations for Wurt's Guest of Honor and Archaic skins. Fixed Crossbones Trawler skin missing part of its shadow. Fixed colliding with Salt Formations crashing the server sometimes. Fixed broken Hound Mounds and chopped down Driftwood blocking your path. Fixed Superior Communal Kelp Dish scrapbook picture size. Fixed Wurt's announce line for sheltering. Fixed glassed full moon icon art. Fixed the Bootleg not working. Fixed entities teleported off Boats not showing up for some clients. Fixed an issue with Rose Colored Glasses going on cooldown on things when it should not. Fixed animation bug when using Handy Remote. Fixed having to get really close to Knobbly Trees to wax them with the Embalming Spritz. Fixed Ocean Trawler skin issues with the net and water effects. Fixed wetness going up indefinitely when repairing a plugged boat leak. Fixed bug where Willow cannot use Embers in her inventory after transforming back from Wonkey. Fixed glassed full moon icon art. Fixed some errors in Pig and Prime Mate art.
  18. V2C


    Changes Added new animation effects when Vine Bridges are about to break. Added minimap indicators for Winona’s ability to choose a Wormhole path. Crab King update: Thresholds for “level 2” effects of gems are raised from 4 to 5 gems. Orange gem gains level 2 and 3 effects like the other gems that make it harder to interrupt the healing actions. Reduced the spacing needed for placing Fire Pits. Bug Fixes Fixed Portasol scrapbook information. Fixed a rare crash with Pearl talking. Fixed W.I.N.bot and W.O.B.O.T. trying to store items into Shoddy Tool Sheds and Armermries. Removed ice effects when Vine Bridges are breaking. Fixed Rose Glasses going on cooldown from using Choose Path on Wormholes. Fixed sound loop continuing to play after Winona is saved by Charlie. Fixed a crash after fighting your own lunar Merm. Fixed Walter’s Merrymaker skin.
  19. This just fixes a crash some users were experiencing in The Frosty Planet Pack Beta. Have a good weekend! Fixes Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing the decor or material overlays after using certain building skins.
  20. This hotfix for The Frosty Planet Pack Beta contains some resource loop changes and tuning adjustments. Full notes: Changes and Improvements All versions Added a Wood to Refined Carbon recipe to the Kiln. Newly constructed buildings will now take on the temperature of their build materials, if those build materials were less than 45°C. Instant build mode considers a material’s temperature transitions when selecting its default temperature. (i.e. Mercury buildings won’t melt instantly.) Frosty Planet Pack Small increases to Flox dirt and wood production. Reduced the Flox's Pikeapple consumption amount. Significant increase to mass of the Bammoth Patty. Adjusted Bammoth Patty recipe output ratios in the Rock Crusher. Adjusted Bammoth eggs care package to appear after a later cycle count. Art revisions for the Flox in the Critter Cargo Bay and the Critter Trap. Worldgen Added coal to the oil biome near diamond clumps on base game and classic-style Ceres asteroids. World Remix: Added 4 random geysers to Ceres Fragment. World Remix: Changed Regolith Asteroid replacement rules to include the regolith biome and meteor shower from the Regolith Asteroid. Ceres Fragment is incompatible with this change and can no longer replace the Regolith Asteroid. Ceres Minor (Spaced Out! style) now has a guaranteed carbon dioxide geyser, which replaces one of the guaranteed water geysers. Enabled Volcanoes and Frozen Core world traits on all Ceres clusters. Fixes All versions Fixed crash selecting a Critter Cargo Bay. Fixed a bug that accidentally caused the Liquid Tepidizer to adapt the new slider changes implemented on the Space Heater. Fixed an issue where Arbor Trees did not drop seeds if they were harvested using liquids. Frosty Planet Pack only Fixed issue with the Bammoth and Bammini flickering in the Critter Cargo Bays. Starting a new game on a Ceres asteroid should no longer cause The Frosty Planet Pack setting in the Scramble DLCs menu to be turned off for subsequent new games if they were previously turned on.
  21. This update for The Frosty Planet Pack Beta fixes some bugs, adjusts some tuning, and expands some functionality to integrate with the pack's new temperature mechanics. Full patch notes: Features Frosty Planet Pack Added Oxylite Sconce building. Changes and Improvements All versions The Ice Maker can now optionally produce Snow. Increased the load capacity, cooling strength, and power consumption of the Ice Maker, but reduced relative heat production. Added a Cooling Water status to the Ice Maker to show when work is in progress. Research button now shows progress of active research. Consuming Shellfish now contributes to the progress of the Carnivore Achievement. Renamed Cold Scolding to Frostbite. Updated localizations. Temperature changes Hot Tub and Sauna now provide 3 cycles of Frost Resistance. Spicy Tofu and Curried Beans now provide 1 cycle of Frost Resistant: Spicy Diet effect. Buildings that provide immunity to Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet now display Frost Resistance in the Effects region in their UI. Space Heater now has a slider that players can use to adjust the power consumption. Space Heater now has a power consumption range of 120-240W, with a corresponding heat production range of 18-36KDTUs. Selecting one of a food's Nutritional Effects in the database should now scroll to that specific effect on the Nutritional Effect page. Updated the background art used for Gas Range blueprints in the Supply Closet. Spaced Out! only Folia and Quagmiris asteroids now support the Geoactive world trait. This will cause world traits on those seeds to change. Frosty Planet Pack Corrected specific heat capacity of Tallow being about 1000x too low. Increased amount of Plume Squash that Bammoths consume, and slightly reduced the amount of meat they drop. World Remix: When the Moo Asteroid is replaced, the world that replaces it will now include a Chlorine Gas vent. Biome Remix: Prioritized adding biomes to the starting and nearby asteroids before mixing in distant asteroids. Updated artwork for new space destination (base game) and space POIs (Spaced Out!) used in Scramble DLC. Added sound to the Bonbon Tree's interact animation. Research Portal can now be prioritized. Disabled Geodormant on Spaced Out!-style Ceres cluster. Consuming Deep Fried Meat, Pemmican, Fish Taco, Shellfish or Shellfish Tempura will now contribute to the progress of Carnivore Achievement. The Lumen Quartz chore type is now Dig instead of Uproot. Updated icon for status item and menu button. Hooked up additional lore entries. Renamed Pre-Plastic to Plastic Monomer. Added an entry for Plastic Monomer to the database. Renamed Bonbon Gourd to Bonbon Tree. Bonbon Trees now show status "Harvest ready" whenever they are full of Nectar. Bonbon Tree storage is now visible in the UI. Increased mass of Wood Heater, preventing rapid runaway temperature increase. Improved the quality of Shellfish Tempura and Fish Taco recipes, and added a Sleet Wheat requirement. Adjusted Tallow requirements. Pikeapple can now spoil. Removed Deep Fried Steak recipe from Deep Fryer. Fixes All versions Fixed Duplicants being able to attack through walls. Added germ color back to the Germ Source icon when viewing buildings with the germ overlay on. Fixed a bug where several plants were no longer dropping seeds when uprooted. In-game music should now resume properly after leaving the Supply Closet after entering it from the Blueprint tab on objects. Fixed Duplicant’s hair looking skewed while sitting in the Hot Tub. Tempshift Plates no longer display a status item about being entombed. Fixed a bug where Biobots and Rovers could still work after batteries ran out if they had high-priority tasks to do. Fixed an icon-scaling issue in the power overlay. Fixed a crash that could happen when rummaging a locker made on an earlier version of the game. Base game only Tooltips in the Main Menu should now appear in the correct position. Fixed a bug where loading a base game save with Duplicants in a rocket wearing atmo suits was causing a crash. Spaced Out! only Removed base game Data Bank from the sandbox spawner tool. Fixed Cosmic Storm meteor difficulty incorrectly using Spring Showers parameters. Frosty Planet Pack Sherberry Plants and Lumen Quartz start at colder temperatures. Manually harvesting the Bonbon Tree now plays the Nectar extraction animation properly respecting the number of branches currently on the tree. Fixed a bug where interrupting the manual Nectar extraction from the Bonbon Tree would cause the trunk to not return back to its harvest-ready animation. Fixed an offset in the harvest icons on the branches of the Bonbon Tree. Fixed a bug where the branches of the Bonbon Tree were not showing wild growth and domestic growth values in the Requirements section in the UI. Fixed an issue where wild planted Bonbon Trees were displaying an incorrect amount when describing the speed of Nectar production. Fixed a bug where individual Bonbon Tree branches were being counted as plants when evaluating the number of plants in a room. Research Portal now counts as a light source that can fulfill room requirements. Nighttime music should no longer play forever when loading into a Ceres cluster during the night. Freyja should no longer disappear in the Main Menu Supply Closet after playing on a save without The Frosty Planet Pack content enabled. Fixed a visual bug so that when harvest ready Bonbon Trees get entombed, the trunk now shakes along with the leaves. Fixed Acoustic Art Panel collision box. Existing saves will have the prop in the incorrect location. Modding Re-added some methods and constructors in Database that mods were using to avoid breaking them. Added an obsolete version of DlcManager.IsContentActive to help mods transition to using the correct calls. This will be removed in the future.
  22. Don't Starve Together Update (Xbox - released June 28, 2024) Added new UI sounds for Handy Remote. Catapults will now hit fish in the ocean. Fixed a crash when chopping. Fixed a crash when using Winona's skill tree while having burning machines. Fixed a crash related to Night Lights loading in a world. Fixed Grass Boats not having their Walking Plank skinned during placement.
  23. Don't Starve Together Patch 2.97 - 06/28/2024 (PlayStation) Added new UI sounds for Handy Remote. Catapults will now hit fish in the ocean. Fixed a crash when chopping. Fixed a crash when using Winona's skill tree while having burning machines. Fixed a crash related to Night Lights loading in a world. Fixed Grass Boats not having their Walking Plank skinned during placement.
  24. V2C


    Changes Added new UI sounds for Handy Remote. Catapults will now hit fish in the ocean. Improved timing of when items are visually teleported with Winona when using the Portasol. Adjusted Night Berry overlay. Bug Fixes Fixed a crash related to Night Lights loading in a world. Fixed Grass Boats not having their Walking Plank skinned during placement. Fixed an issue with Rose Colored Glasses going on cooldown on things when it should not. Fixed Winona getting temperature locked after being saved from death. Fixed animation bug when using Handy Remote. Catapults should no longer destroy boat bumpers. Fixed having to get really close to Knobbly Trees to wax them with the Embalming Spritz. Fixed Ocean Trawler skin issues with the net and water effects. Non Wurt Survivors cannot collect Merm Guard followers. Fixed wetness going up indefinitely when repairing a plugged boat leak. Fixed bug where Willow cannot use Embers in her inventory after transforming back from Wonkey.
  25. Just a small hotfix for The Frosty Planet Pack beta on the public_testing branch. We're working on a larger patch, but wanted to get some crash fixes out in time for the weekend. P.S. Thank you for all of the great feedback so far! It's been a pleasure watching folks try the beta and share their reactions. Fixes Fixed crash that could occur when trying to start a new game if the Spaced Out! DLC is not installed. Fixed crash that could occur when activating the Relative Temperature sub overlay while playing in a language other than English. Fixed issue causing Duplicants to sometimes take cold damage when leaving a vacuum.
  26. Don't Starve Together Update (Xbox - released June 27, 2024) Staying Afloat While Wurt and Winona hammer away on their own visions for the future, it seems the Constant's sea has seen some changes of its own. Be prepared to rock the boat in the name of progress! Highlights Include: Skill Spotlight: Wurt and Winona Skillsets have been added. Crab King redesign: new behaviors, minions, arena, and loot. Sunken Chests: added new exclusive loot - Surprising Seeds and Archaic Boats. Marotters: new creatures found on the coastline. Additional Pirate Raid behavior: they can sometimes be found post-raid, carrying loot. Kelp Boat Patch, signs of Powder Monkeys territory on sea stacks, new ocean set pieces, a new Pearl trade, and a new Salt Lick made of actual salt! CHANGES FIXES New Skins! Who says you can't always get what you want? As always, these skins also can be weaved with spool and drop in-game, but see the spoiler below for more info on the new skins available in this update. Streaming Drops! The Rosy Eyebrella joins the Rose collection. Check out the post for more details Rhymes With Play! Klei Points! https://accounts.klei.com/link/ShiftySeaSwindlers And that's all for now! We hope that you all enjoy the update. We'll have more news on things to come in a few weeks. We'll probably throw in a teaser or two. Who knows? Check out the original forum post for more details!
  27. Don't Starve Together Patch 2.96 - 06/27/2024 (PlayStation) Staying Afloat While Wurt and Winona hammer away on their own visions for the future, it seems the Constant's sea has seen some changes of its own. Be prepared to rock the boat in the name of progress! Highlights Include: Skill Spotlight: Wurt and Winona Skillsets have been added. Crab King redesign: new behaviors, minions, arena, and loot. Sunken Chests: added new exclusive loot - Surprising Seeds and Archaic Boats. Marotters: new creatures found on the coastline. Additional Pirate Raid behavior: they can sometimes be found post-raid, carrying loot. Kelp Boat Patch, signs of Powder Monkeys territory on sea stacks, new ocean set pieces, a new Pearl trade, and a new Salt Lick made of actual salt! CHANGES FIXES New Skins! Who says you can't always get what you want? As always, these skins also can be weaved with spool and drop in-game, but see the spoiler below for more info on the new skins available in this update. Streaming Drops! The Rosy Eyebrella joins the Rose collection. Check out the post for more details Rhymes With Play! Klei Points! https://accounts.klei.com/link/ShiftySeaSwindlers And that's all for now! We hope that you all enjoy the update. We'll have more news on things to come in a few weeks. We'll probably throw in a teaser or two. Who knows? Check out the original forum post for more details!
  28. Hi everyone, We're ready to start beta testing our upcoming DLC, The Frosty Planet Pack! This paid DLC centers around a glacial new starting world complete with brand-new biomes, critters, buildings, elements, plants, foods, a new trait and a new Duplicant. We've also tweaked Duplicants' and critters' reactions to extreme temperatures. Be among the first to explore it all by playing on the public_testing branch on Steam. This free testing period is open to anyone who owns the base game on Steam. We expect it to last at least three weeks, and will make an announcement about the full release timeline and pricing when we have more info. New biomes The new Ice Cave starting biome presents immediate thermal regulation and resource harvesting challenges, as elements are frozen solid. (The Duplicants aren't feeling so hot in there either.) The chilly Cool Pool biome nearby is peppered with craters full of Ethanol, while the snowy Nectar biome features a sweet new liquid resource that can be used as an alternative ingredient in Plastic production. New critters, a Duplicant, and other cool stuff New critters include the Flox—whose antlers can be harvested for Wood—and the rotund Spigot Seal. The latter provides Ethanol and a new element called Tallow, which can be used in the new Deep Fryer to produce one of the deep-fried meals we've added. We've also introduced the Bammoth, a woolly behemoth that produces shearable Reed Fiber. A new Duplicant named Freyja comes with the Frost Proof trait, and is better able to tolerate the frigid environment. Newly printed Duplicants from the existing cast may also possess this trait. Other notable new items include: an Ice Liquefier building, Wood Heater, snow and wood tiles, a new element called Cinnabar, edible and decor plants, plus a unique Printing Pod skin. DLC mixing We're introducing the ability to remix this DLC content into other asteroids when you start a new game. These settings can be customized in the "Scramble DLCs" tab in the destination selection screen. Anything else? Some content is still in the works and won't be accessible until the DLC's full release. A selection of the updated mechanics and improvements are being added to the base game (see patch notes for details). Lots to look forward to at every stage! Thanks for helping us test and tweak this new DLC before it goes on sale. You can submit your feedback here and report bugs here. Here's what you'll find in the beta so far: New Features in “The Frosty Planet Pack” New starting asteroid option called Ceres. New Biomes Ice Caves Starting Biome New Critter: Flox New Resource Plant: Pikeapple Bush New Resource Plant: Alveo Vera New Forage Plant: Sherberry Plant New Decor Plant: Idylla Flower New Element: Cinnabar Cool Pool Biome New Critter: Bammoth New Resource Plant: Plume Squash Plant New Decor Entity: Lumen Quartz Nectar Biome New Critter: Spigot Seal New Resource Plant: Bonbon Gourd New Element: Nectar New Buildings Wood Heater Ice Liquefier Snow Tile Wood Tile Deep Fryer Wood Block New Foods Squash Fries Fish Taco Deep Fried Steak Shellfish Tempura Pikeapple and Pikeapple Skewer Sherberry Plume Squash Pemmican Other new features Added a new Duplicant named Freyja. Added "Frost Proof" trait to make Duplicants immune to the "Chilly surroundings" effect. Added Icy Nectar Meteor Shower. Added Aurora borealis visuals to the backgrounds of Ceres worlds. New music “Ice Planet” and Ceres themed day and night stinger. New Points of Interest Frosty Planet Starting Base Research Portal Tiny Cottage Ceres Showroom Geo Vents Geothermal Heat Pump New Features in All Versions Added Scramble DLC worldgen options, allowing the ability to mix in DLC biomes, outer asteroids, and other content into non-DLC clusters when making a new game. Revised Duplicant temperature mechanics: Hyperthermia and Hypothermia diseases have been removed. Instead, Duplicants are now more vulnerable to Chilly Surroundings and Toasty Surroundings debuffs at temperatures outside their comfort range. Duplicant comfort range has been adjusted to approximately 0°C - 45°C in standard oxygen conditions. Duplicants now receive “Cold Scolding” damage when exposed to extremely cold external temperatures (approximately -90°C). High body heat loss will now disturb a sleeping Duplicant. Duplicants will now seek warming stations to remove the Chilly Surroundings status effect. Duplicants will now seek cooling stations to remove the Toasty Surroundings status effect. Warming stations remove and provide temporary immunity to Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet status effects. Cooling stations remove and provide temporary immunity to the Toasty Surroundings status effect. Space Heaters now function as Warming Stations. Water Coolers now function as Cooling Stations. The Warm Sweater has been replaced by the Warm Coat, which has a more effective insulation property. The Cool Vest has been removed from the game. Atmo suits now provide immunity to Chilly Surroundings and Toasty Surrounding effects. Revised critter temperature mechanics Rebalanced all critter comfort and livable temperature ranges. Critters with an internal temperature outside of their comfort ranges suffer a happiness penalty. Critters experiencing an external temperature outside of their livable range will gradually take damage. Critters now spawn at a comfortable internal temperature. Critters now show thought bubbles when they feel too cold or too warm. Temperature Overlay Improvements Added Heat Source and Heat Sink icons. Added a visual effect to objects with significant heat production. Added a slider-adjustable "Relative Temperature" sub-overlay to the Temperature Overlay screen. Changes and Improvements All versions Critters The Grooming Station now restores critter health. The Shearing Station now requires Raw Metals to be built, instead of Raw Minerals. Critters that eat plants directly can now eat plants planted in a Planter Box. Critters will now face the food they eat. Critters now remember which way they were facing when loading a save. Plants Harvest Ready plants will no longer change their animations to wilted even if their growth requirements are no longer met. Tree branches "Harvest Ready" status item tooltip now mentions "branch" instead "plant" UI Buildings melting will now trigger a notification. Some materials, such as Lead, are now deprioritized for automatic building material selection, even if they have the highest quantity in supply. Small adjustments to UI layout of overlay legends, including addition of tooltips. Changed the "All" header in storage bins to "All Standard." Certain special resources are moved to a different header below to prevent unintentional automatic storage when discovered. Added copy settings feature to the Rehydrator. A building's information screen now displays a description of the base version of the selected building, rather than the selected blueprint. The selected blueprint's description is viewable in the Blueprint tab of the sidescreen. The Research screen now resets its search filter each time it is opened. Clearing the Research screen filter will now also clear "All" and "Next" filters. Added a button to the details screen of selected resources to quick-open that resource in the Resources menu. Revised Planter Box side screen to show more options at once. Added tooltips. Added building description to the tooltip for the default blueprint of a building. Added the Very Dim illumination threshold between Pitch Black and Dim. Removed Dark. Added some text feedback when build material is automatically changed due to insufficient resources. Added The Frosty Planet Pack DLC logo to the main menu. Replaced the Enable/Disable DLC button with a smaller toggle. Database Changed the name for Lumber to "Wood." Removed Wood from the Elements category and merged its contents into the Wood entry in the Industrial Ingredients category. Added "Produced By" and "Applications" info for Reed Fiber and Balm Lily Flower. Added Shearing Station info to critters & resources that generate them (e.g. Bammoths sheared to produce Reed Fiber, Floxes sheared to produce Wood, etc.) Added image and Applications info to Tonic Root page. Changed how the database shows the diet of critters that consume plants directly to now show the percentage of the growth of the plant being consumed per cycle instead of "the units of the plant being consumed per cycle." Added links between related Tip and Video entries. Plants in the database now show their product produced in "mass per cycle or calories per cycle" Duplicants Sleeping Duplicants will now tolerate up to 500 lux before being disturbed by the brightness. Duplicants who fall asleep due to their stamina reaching zero will now show an Unscheduled Nap status item. Duplicants with zero stamina will now prefer to go to their assignment bed instead of passing out on the floor. Duplicants will now consider additional items to pull from nearby storages for fetch errands. (This will improve quality of life for non-absorbing items like dried food packages). Duplicants no longer do a "gross food" emote after eating food with germs on it, as it was often misinterpreted as a response to the quality of the food. Handy and Unconstructive traits are now mutually exclusive. Buildings The Polymer Press now accepts Nectar as an input equivalent to Petroleum. Increased the Decor value of ice sculptures. Insulated Super Computer, Water Cooler, and Electrolyzer storages to prevent contents from freezing in cold environments. Ladder, Cot, Outhouse, and Drywall can now optionally be built out of Wood. Storage Bin, Liquid Conduit, Gas Conduit, and Wash Basin can now optionally be built with raw metals. It is now possible to specify which kind of food a Rehydrator can rehydrate in the sidescreen. Liquid Vents now show animated drips in the color of liquid they are outputting. Elements Added Cinnabar element. Added Nectar element. Added Tallow element. Mercury is no longer disabled. Moved Sucrose from Spaced Out! to the base game. Removed several unused and/or unintentional elements from the database and sandbox tool. Spaced Out! only Asteroid details panel now displays a more accurate representation of biomes in the world. Only applies to new saves. Fixes All versions Performance Improved sound performance. Improved performance of plants vulnerable to atmospheric pressure. Rehydrator Rehydrated food no longer ignores consumable restrictions. Duplicants can now pull more than 1 dried food package from a storage per fetch chore (max 10, also applies to eggs). Duplicants will no longer ignore available Dehydrators in situations where the nearer Rehydrator is unavailable (either reserved, in use or out of resources). Fixed issue where Rehydrator could get stuck in situations such as a power outage. Prioritize critter brain updates when they are spawned in order for them to have gravity applied. Fixed Biobot continuing to work when their battery runs out. Biobots now drop their inventory when their in-progress chore is interrupted, if that current chore involves them adding an item to their inventory. Fixed attack tool toggling priority when used on a critter that has already been marked for attack. Fixed a bug affecting the precision of meter bars on buildings. Fixed issue causing Research screen to sometimes cancel the wrong research tasks when clicking on a mid-tier item. Fixed issue causing element consumption status items to sometimes fail to appear. Fixed an issue where saves with a large number of plants would incorrectly calculate their atmospheric conditions. Fixed a bug where using the Harvest tool to mark a plant with "Disable Harvest" was not canceling an ongoing harvest. Fixed a bug preventing Duplicants from equipping their assigned clothing or suits when they were interrupted en route. Fixed a bug where Pips eating a fully grown branch were causing the user's "Harvest when ready" setting to become false. When a critter is injured it now says "Critter" instead of "Duplicant" in their status item tooltip. Art buildings completed and painted/sculpted no longer show "Needs to be worked by a duplicant" in their description if a Duplicant already worked on it. Fixed a bug where paintings, sculptures and the Fossil Quarry stopped updating their description properly after the art was completed or the Ancient Specimen story trait was completed. Fixed strings for construction materials that weren't showing up correctly in the database for Buildings/Furniture. This includes: Obsidian, Ceramic, Plastic and Diamond. Fixed Slicksters navigating certain paths incorrectly after tile deconstruction. Fixed a crash that could happen loading a save with a move errand. Fixed issue preventing a Duplicant's default clothing from actually insulating them until some non-default clothing was unequipped. Fixed issue causing Ice Blocks to instantly melt when placed in Sandbox mode. Fixed crash that could happen if a Duplicant vomits in an invalid location. Pokeshells are no longer required to move to new cells in order for them to decide whether they can molt or not. Spaced Out! only Removed repeated entry for Plug Slugs in Critter Flux-o-Matic story trait. Fixed Rover continuing to work when their battery runs out. Biobots now drop their inventory when their in-progress chore is interrupted, if that current chore involves them adding an item to their inventory. Supply Closet Previews of many new blueprints are available in the supply closet. These (and more) will be available in the full release. Fixed issue on the blueprint opening screen where clicking on rarity text did not advance to the next blueprint. Other Worldgen Changes All versions Removed Neutronium geodes from the Geodes world trait. Spaced Out! only Adjusted minimum count of the Tundra biome on the Flipped Asteroid. This may affect some seeds. Modding Added modding support for mixing worlds and subworlds (i.e. biomes). Worlds can define where subworlds can be mixed by defining subworldMixingRules. Rule names must include parentheses such as “(Mixing1)”. Subworld mixings are defined in the subworldMixing folder. World mixings are defined in the worldMixing folder. All clusters have been configured to allow for replacing outer asteroids. Important POIs, subworlds, and meteor showers are added to the new world. Content from loaded planet packs are filtered out of the Db when loading into a save without the DLC enabled. To check if content is loaded: DlcManager.IsContentSubscribed To check if content is available in a save: SaveLoader.Instance.IsDLCActiveForCurrentSave Fixes Skip installing mods which failed to download instead of crashing. Fixed crash loading saves with modded Artables if the mod is disabled. Asteroid and cluster name and description keys no longer crash when missing strings. Fixed crash when a worldgen mod is removed that added an asteroid icon by using the default asteroid icon. Worldgen Added welcomeMessage to cluster config to override the default welcome message when starting a new game. It can be a string key or plain text. Deprecated cluster config requiredDlcId and forbiddenDlcId. Use the string arrays requiredDlcIds and forbiddenDlcIds instead. Worldgen mods using the deprecated fields will be translated to the new format on load. clusterCategory can be specified using enum values in addition to numbers. Added allowNearStart to template rules which allows placement near the start. It does not allow overwriting features as they are often important to the starting area. Added new template rules TryRange and GuaranteeRange which picks a random value from a defined range. Fully mature plants found in POI templates are no longer randomized after worldgen. What is public testing? "Public testing" means players get to test-drive new content early and give us feedback and suggestions before it goes live. Because this is an unfinished and in active development version of the game, it's pretty likely you'll encounter bugs, crashes or balance issues while playing these builds. We'll try to fix any problems that crop up as quickly as we can, but it's possible you'll lose progress in your games while playing on the Testing branch. Regarding performance, the Testing branch has additional debugging tools enabled to help us track down crashes. This makes the game run more slowly than the live version of the game. Please also be aware that once a save is loaded in the Testing branch, it cannot be reopened again in the previous Live branch or previous builds. What do I do if I find a crash or a bug? Post it up on the Bug Tracker and we'll fix it as soon as we can. If you can attach a copy of your save file to your report, that helps us even more as we can pinpoint the source of problem more quickly. Do I have to play the public testing build? Nope! If you'd prefer to only play a stable build, you can continue to play in the current Default branch until the game launches in full. Playing the Open Testing build isn't necessary, but it helps us a lot to receive your feedback and reports - if you're interested, try it out! How do I become a public tester? There's no sign up or registration for becoming an open tester. If you own Oxygen Not Included and want to join the Testing Branch, all you have to do is play the Open Testing build on Steam. How do I play the public testing build? You can switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:
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