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Related to mile: nautical mile


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Midway Islands before their re-designation as part of the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands. This was the code used in international transactions to and from bank accounts in the territory.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Midway Islands. This was used as an international standard for shipping to the Midway Islands.

In both cases, the code is obsolete.
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References in classic literature ?
Why it hasn't gone up in six miles. Think of it, son!"
At one hundred miles the temperature had DROPPED TO 152 1/2 DEGREES!
About thirty miles above Point Vancouver the mountains again approach on both sides of the river, which is bordered by stupendous precipices, covered with the fir and the white cedar, and enlivened occasionally by beautiful cascades leaping from a great height, and sending up wreaths of vapor.
The falls or rapids of the Columbia are situated about one hundred and eighty miles above the mouth of the river.
But just as he was going to strike, the cetacean stole away with a rapidity that could not be estimated at less than thirty miles an hour, and even during our maximum of speed, it bullied the frigate, going round and round it.
The bullet did its work; it hit the animal, and, sliding off the rounded surface, was lost in two miles depth of sea.
The glasses brought them to within two miles, less than that separating the summit of Mont Blanc from the level of the sea.
A the point where we first met this formation it was 120 fee in thickness; following up the river course, the surfac imperceptibly rose and the mass became thicker, so that a forty miles above the first station it was 320 feet thick What the thickness may be close to the Cordillera, I hav no means of knowing, but the platform there attains a heigh of about three thousand feet above the level of the sea we must therefore look to the mountains of that great chai for its source; and worthy of such a source are streams tha have flowed over the gently inclined bed of the sea to distance of one hundred miles.
The steep cliff near th mouth of the Rio Negro is its northern limit on the Patagonian coast; and they have there wandered about fou hundred miles from the great central line of their habitation in the Andes.
We did not accomplish more than seven miles that day.
Rebmann, discovered two mountain-ranges three hundred miles from the coast.
There Burton, who was completely worn out, lay ill for several months, during which time Speke made a push to the northward of more than three hundred miles, going as far as Lake Okeracua, which he came in sight of on the 3d of August; but he could descry only the opening of it at latitude two degrees thirty minutes.