Block Grant

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Block Grant

A large amount of money that a national government gives to a regional government with only general parameters on how it should be spent. For example, the national government may fund a province's medical program, but leave the specifics to the province's own government.
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In Guggenheim's Indonesia program, on the other hand, village councils that successfully completed a project could bid for a second bloc grant. The more projects they built, the more adept they became at organizing their communities and the more accustomed villagers became to the idea of local accountability.
He said: "Like all schools in the Protestant bloc grant system, it is severely hit by the very discriminatory nature of the cuts in last year's educational budget.
Ond maen nhw bellach yn un o bedair gwasg yng Nghymru sy'n cael bloc grant i gyhoeddi llenyddiaeth Saesneg gan y Cyngor Llyfrau.