Arab League

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Related to Arab League: League of Arab States

Arab League

An international organization intended to foster political and economic cooperation, and to deal with matters of regional concern. For example, it was able to prevent full-scale civil war in Lebanon in 1958 and has managed the Arab boycott of Israel since 1948. Since the early 2000s, it has been involved in the attempt to broker peace with Israel and the Palestinians. It was established in 1945 and is based in Cairo.
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Finally, the Arab League head met with President Michel Aoun to discuss local and regional developments in light of resolutions adopted at the recent summit.
Arab League spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said earlier that the 22-member bloc will aim to issue a proclamation affirming the international consensus that the Golan is occupied Syrian land.
In late January, Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui called on the Arab League to restore Syria's membership, saying the "natural place" of the country is within the 22-member regional organization.
Arab League chief Ahmad Abu Al Geit said yesterday (monday) Lebanon should be "spared" from spiralling regional tensions, during a visit to Beirut.
Arab League spokesman Hossam Zaki said: "The league has limited financial resources, which is why it needs to cut down its spending.
The Arab League on Thursday unanimously chose the Tunisian diplomat Slaheddine Jammeli to occupy the post of special representative of the Arab League in Libya.
Regarding the Arab League position vis-a-vis the current state of affairs in the Arab arena, he said "The Arab League is undergoing difficult circumstances due to the crises facing several Arab states.
On his part , Sheikh Khalifa bin Ali al- Harthy, said that his experience asthe Sultanate's accredited Ambassador to Egypt and its Permanent Delegate to the Arab League since 2009 has been rich on all levels.
According to the internal regulations, the Arab League decided to hold the urgent meeting.
During the meeting, talks dealt with relations between Yemen and the Arab League and ways of enhancing them, in addition to the situation in the region and preparations currently underway for the next Arab Summit, slated for Kuwait.
Hitti, a senior Arab League official and the former head of the Arab League Mission in Paris, will assume his new mission as of forthcoming February.
Commenting on the Arab League Ministerial Meeting, the source added, "What is issued by the Arab League's summit or foreign ministers meetings does not concern Syria at all as the Arab League was and will never be a part of the solution." "The repetitive meetings of the Arab League are merely an attempt to give legitimacy to itself as it has lost this legitimacy before the Arab public opinion because it became a tool in the hands of some Arab states which are implementing the schemes of the West," the source said.

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