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Related to stateless: stateless person


1. without nationality
2. without a state or states
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


A stateless server is one which treats each request as an independent transaction, unrelated to any previous request. This simplifies the server design because it does not need to allocate storage to deal with conversations in progress or worry about freeing it if a client dies in mid-transaction. A disadvantage is that it may be necessary to include more information in each request and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server each time.

An example of a stateless server is a World-Wide Web server. These take in requests (URLs) which completely specify the required document and do not require any context or memory of previous requests.

Contrast this with a traditional FTP server which conducts an interactive session with the user. A request to the server for a file can assume that the user has been authenticated and that the current directory and transfer mode have been set.
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Software that does not keep track of configuration settings, transaction information or any other data for the next session. When a program "does not maintain state" (is stateless) or when the infrastructure of a system prevents a program from maintaining state, it cannot take information about the last session into the next, such as settings the user chose or conditions that arose during processing.

The Perfect Example
The most ubiquitous stateless environment is the World Wide Web. The HTTP protocol, which is the communications vehicle for Web transactions, is stateless. After a Web page is delivered to the user, the connection is closed. Counter measures, such as the use of cookies, have been developed to maintain the state of a user moving from page to page on a website. Contrast with "stateful," which means that continuity is maintained from session to session. See HTTP and cookie.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Rendering people of Bangladeshi-origin stateless - at risk of being alienated, killed or shunted about in internment centres and refugee camps - is an incalculable humanitarian crisis in the making.
The biggest increase in the number of foreigners and stateless people who visited Azerbaijan in January-July 2019 accounted for Egypt (83.2 percent), India (80.6 percent), Turkmenistan (78.5 percent), China (74.3 percent), Saudi Arabia (48.8), Hungary (48.1 percent), the UK (30.9 percent), South Korea (30.9 percent), Japan (29.3 percent), Poland (27.7 percent), Canada (25.2 percent) ), Germany (25.1 percent) and Georgia (23.4 percent).
Specially elected MP, Mr Mephato Reatile had asked the minister as to whether Botswana complied with the 1954 Convention, Article 23 together with the 1951 Convention, Article 23, which speak to the assistance of public relief and to stateless persons and refugees in the same manner as it was accorded to nationals.
The sample included roughly equal numbers of Lebanese citizens, Palestinian refugees from Lebanon, Palestinian refugees from Syria and Syrian refugees, as well as a smaller number of stateless people of Lebanese origin.
The break-up of the Soviet Union in the 1990s left hundreds of thousands throughout Central Asia stateless, including in Kyrgyzstan.
"In the 20 years since the state of Qatar began to target families from the Ghufran clan, it has not provided any comprehensive or transparent information on how many people it arbitrarily stripped of citizenship, how that process was carried out, or how people could go about seeking to restore their citizenship," she said, adding that nobody knows with any certainty how many people remain stateless as a result of Qatar's decision.
HRW interviewed nine members of three stateless Al-Ghufran families living in Qatar and one person from a fourth family who lives in Saudi Arabia -- in total there are 28 stateless individuals in the four families.
He added that related government agencies are working to outline a comprehensive solution to the stateless issue, in line with the PH government's manifesto promise.
Addressing the people of Sharjah, Dr Sheikh Sultan said: "If they (stateless people) are left unattended, they will go astray.
With the theme "Stateless Filipino Children: A Challenge for the Church," Rev.
Restituto Ogsimer said that just like how the church responds to asylum seekers and refugees in the country, the church should also advocate for the rights of stateless people.
It is estimated that at least 10 million people are stateless worldwide: they are not considered as nationals by any State under the operation of its law.