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1. any of the eight horizontal rows of squares on a chessboard
2. Music a set of organ pipes controlled by the same stop
3. Maths (of a matrix) the largest number of linearly independent rows or columns; the number of rows (or columns) of the nonzero determinant of greatest order that can be extracted from the matrix


Botany showing vigorous and profuse growth


1. J(oseph) Arthur, 1st Baron. 1888--1972, British industrialist and film executive, whose companies dominated the British film industry in the 1940s and 1950s
2. Otto . 1884--1939, Austrian psychoanalyst, noted for his theory that the trauma of birth may be reflected in certain forms of mental illness
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


a position in a SOCIAL STATUS hierarchy The familiar military usage reflects the wider use, which predates the language of social class.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in mathematics. The rank of a matrix is the order of a nonsingular minor of maximum order. It is also equal to the largest number of linearly independent rows or columns of the matrix. The rank remains unchanged under elementary transformations of the matrix—that is, when rows or columns are interchanged, when a row or column is multiplied by a nonzero number, and when rows or columns are added. A system of linear equations has a solution if and only if the rank of the matrix formed from the coefficients of the unknowns is equal to the rank of the augmented matrix, that is, the matrix formed by the addition of a column containing the constant terms to the coefficient matrix. This solution is unique if the rank is equal to the number of unknowns.



(Russian, chin), the service position held by military personnel and civil servants, to which apply specified official rights and obligations. In prerevolutionary Russia, ranks were conferred according to the Table of Ranks, established by Peter I the Great. The concession of estate rights and privileges was connected with the attainment of a specific rank.

All civil and military ranks were abolished by the decrees of Soviet power of Nov. 10 (23) and Dec. 16 (29), 1917. Class ranks (chiny klassnye) have been established in the USSR for workers in the Procurator’s Office.



a military formation in which servicemen are ranged side by side in a line. In a two-rank formation, the servicemen of one rank take a position one step behind the men of another rank; the front rank is called the first rank and the rear rank, the second. Both formations may be either close or open. In close formation the intervals between the men within a rank are equal to the width of a hand; in open formation the interval is one step or a distance ordered by the commander.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


A coal classification based on degree of metamorphism.
The rank of a matrix is its maximum number of linearly independent rows.
The rank of a system of homogeneous linear equations equals the rank of the matrix of its coefficients.
A tensor in an n-dimensional space is of rank r if it has n r components.
The rank of a group G is the number of elements in the basis of the quotient group of G over the subgroup consisting of all elements of G having finite period.
The rank of a place or valuation is equal to the number of proper prime ideals in its valuation ring.
The rank of a prime ideal P is the largest number n for which there exists a sequence P0= P, P1, P2, … , Pn of prime ideals such that Pi is a subset of Pi-1.
(mechanical engineering)
The number of rotational joints belonging to a robot.
The number assigned to an observation if a collection of observations is ordered from smallest to largest and each observation is given the number corresponding to its place in the order.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Although, no Nigerian University ranked 800th or below in the CWUR andWebometric ranking but two Nigerian university fall between 601-800 ranking in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which made the claim PARTLY TRUE.
Enrique Pacifico Pabayo to the rank of Colonel, Dental Service
Taipei best attribute among the three factors is cost of living, in which the city ranks fourth in the region.
The Arid varsity has also been ranked 302nd among the top 719 universities of the world with the total score of 5,000 as per UI Green Metric World Universities ranking.
Pakistan's infrastructure ranked at 111 out of the 126 countries ranked in the report.
National rank: 411 6North Halifax Grammar School Authority: Calderdale Religion: N/A Admission: Selective Gender: Mixed TOTAL SCORE 60 .....
However, the country ranked low on Total Expenditure on R and D as Percent of GDP (58th), Total R and D Personnel per Capita (56th), Total Public Expenditure on Education as Share of GDP (58th), and Pupil-Teacher Ratio in Tertiary Education (57th).
"Men outnumber women at all faculty ranks in top-ranked academic neurology programs, and the discrepancy increases with advancing rank," the authors write.
Among the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries, Pakistan was ranked 75th, while Nepal was ranked at 101st.
In 2016, its score and rank nominally increased to 0.556 and 143/144.
The index ranges from 'free' (rank 15), 'mostly free' (rank 635), 'moderately free' (rank 3690), 'mostly unfree' (rank 91152), repressed (rank 153178) and 'unranked'.