principal part

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principal part

[′prin·sə·pəl ′pärt]
The principal part of an analytic function ƒ (z) defined in an annulus about a point z0 is the sum of terms in its Laurent expansion about z0 with negative powers of (z-z0).
A principal part of a triangle is one of its sides or one of its interior angles.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In this country, if the principal part be not drawn from commerce, it must fall with oppressive weight upon land.
These are the principal parts and most worthy of notice in Hippodamus's plan.
He was to be the means of bringing together again these two people who had played the principal parts in Lovell's drama--his new employer and the woman who had ruined his life.
And when I came it was the same: everything was neglected but French, German, music, singing, dancing, fancy-work, and a little drawing--such drawing as might produce the greatest show with the smallest labour, and the principal parts of which were generally done by me.
Neither Wamlambez nor Ethic have any sampling to date.Melody delivers the principal part of the harmony in any piece of music.
The principal part of the Arabic Plotinus that circulated under the name of the Theology of Aristotle consists largely in the translation and extensive adaptation of parts of Plotinus's works on psychology.
De los Santos noted at the time that 90 percent of Pinoys said fish was the principal part of their diet; if we are to trawl the early Spanish dictionaries of the major Philippine languages from the 17th to the 19th centuries for food terms, those for rice and fish top the list.
Halifax estate agent Charnock Bates described Carr House as the principal part of Kirklees Hall.
Notate dynamic alterations, articulations, and tempo changes so that the assistant part matches the principal part as much as possible.
Commenting on the project, Derick Michael -- general manager of Oman Avenues Mall, said: "We always strive to achieve the development and well-being of the children and youth of Oman which also forms a principal part of our ongoing corporate social responsibility initiatives, and we are honoured to be able to support the Dar Al Atta'a association by contributing to the design and development of the 'Let's Read Journey' library and charity bookshop, and by providing a prime location for the project on the mall's third floor." Maryam Essa Al Zadjali, founder and chairman of Dar Al Atta'a, added: "We're very grateful to Oman Avenues Mall for reaching out to us for a noble cause like this.

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