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1. Law (in pleading) a word introducing an explanatory phrase, usually in parenthesis
2. Law in an action for defamation
a. an explanation of the construction put upon words alleged to be defamatory where the defamatory meaning is not apparent
b. the words thus explained
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
This, like "The Wanderer", is one of the many introspective passages in the work, and is full of innuendos and hints as to the Nietzschean outlook on life.
"I dislike mysteries and innuendoes," he went on, harshly.
Inglethorp and Evelyn Howard, and of the latter's innuendoes.
Some of my readers may remember a little book from her pen, published in Paris, a mystically bad-tempered, declamatory, and frightfully disconnected piece of writing, in which she all but admits the foreknowledge, more than hints at its supernatural origin, and plainly suggests in venomous innuendoes that the guilt of the act was not with the terrorists, but with a palace intrigue.
innuendo, Noel No adorable nan types this year though, I'm afraid.
innuendo, Noel Sandy Toksvig No adorable nan types this year though, I'm afraid.
innuendo: Noel No adorable nan types this year, though, I'm afraid.
He said: "My complaint...and thank you for 'can Richard Arnold go five minutes without an innuendo?'"
Had they done so, Intelligent Systems would have pointed out factual errors, incomplete information and erroneous conclusions which are rebutted by Intelligent Systems' public filings and other publicly available information...We believe it is in the best interest of our shareholders for management to remain focused on business rather than debating or responding to rumor and innuendo. However, due to the number of inquiries to the company, management believes it important to now respond to these misrepresentations.
Some Kenyans know best how to use propaganda and innuendo to try and eliminate their political competition.
Whenever we visit my mum and him, he seems a bit lecherous towards my fiancee and makes sexual jokes and innuendo, which makes me feel uncomfortable.
THROUGH THE CHRISTMAS KEYHOLE ITV, 9pm IF you had a drink for every filthy innuendo made by Keith Lemon in this show, you'd be pretty sozzled before the first ad break.