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Related to colliculus: seminal colliculus


Any of the four prominences of the corpora quadrigemina.
The anterolateral, apical elevation of the arytenoid cartilages.
The elevation of the optic nerve where it enters the retina.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Taylor et al., "Neuronal loss and A-synuclein pathology in the superior colliculus and its relationship to visual hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies," The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol.
Stein, "Determinants of multisensory integration in superior colliculus neurons.
Thresholds were selected that best captured the pattern of c-fos-labeled neurons across the entire colliculus. As illustrated in Figure 2, we defined a region of interest (ROI) that corresponds approximately to central nucleus of IC.
This overrepresentation developed first in the cortex and later in the inferior colliculus suggesting a cortical origin and corticofugal influences [22].
Superior colliculus. J Neurosci 1996; 16:7308-7317.
It is generated by synchronous firing of neurons along auditory nerve, cochlear nuclei, superior olivary nucleus, lateral lemniscus, and inferior colliculus. [13-16] In this study, BAEPs were used as a mode of evaluation to prove the existence of cross-modal interactions of sensory modalities by comparing congenitally blind individuals with normal people.
Ziad Hafed of the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) at the University of TE-bingen investigated non-human primates, ascertaining that different parts of the visual field are represented asymmetrically in the superior colliculus, a brain structure central to visual perception and behavior.
Note that [DELTA]2-valproic acid, a metabolite of valproic acid, preferentially accumulates in select areas of the brain: the substantia nigra, superior and inferior colliculus, hippocampus, and medulla.
Waves I, II, III, IV, and V originate in the ipsilateral cranial nerve VIII, cochlear nucleus, pons, lateral lemniscus, and caudal colliculus of the midbrain.
(27) Conversely, Cornell and colleagues showed that cervical spine muscles respond to stimulation of the superior colliculus (28), which is a primary CNS centre for processing of visual information.
Synergistic effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and chondroitinase ABC on retinal fiber sprouting after denervation of the superior colliculus in adult rats.