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McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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(7.) Ozbek A, Dalcik, Colk T:"Multiple variations of the azygos venous system" Surg Radio Anat 21 (1): 83-5, 1999.
Fresh signing Chris Foley, 27, from Gateshead, is also playing the label night in duet The Sandboys, delivering their signature brand of 'Colk' - Country, Folk and Rock.
Jodie Colk, 26, from Abergele, is also a graduate of the School of Psychology, graduating with a 2:1 degree in July.
The band got together in late 2009 when guitarist/vocalist Nik Colk Void joined rhythm section of drummer Gabe Gurnsey and synth player Dominic Butler.
Her sharp-edged techno music with partner Chris Carter attained new heights on this hypnotic, machine-tooled three-way collaboration with the sculptor and sound artist Nik Colk Void.
this the colk to own amrdly The backdrop to this fixture could har have been more gloomy.
Contents: Alma Colk Santosuosso, "A Musicus versus Cantor Debate in an Early 11 rh-Century Norman Poem"; Elizabeth Aubrey, "Medieval Melodies in the Hands of Bibliophiles of the Ancien Re'gime"; Barbara Haggh, "Plays and Music in Late Medieval Processions in the Low Countries: The Two Joys of Mary from Brussels"; Richard Wexler, "In Search of the Missing Movements of Ockeghem's Requiem"; Edward F.
by Barbara Haggh; contributions Alma Colk Santosuosso, Elizabeth Aubrey, Richard Wexler ...
Owner/trainer/rider Terry Colk has had some fun with his nine-year-old gelding Moulton Ace over the years, but despite being placed many times, mostly in long-distance races, the sporting duo had never won until Sunday.
Correlation matrices for Tasmanian tenosol properties, 0-75 mm depth WSA, water stable aggregates; BioC, Biomass carbon; BD, bulk density; C1, carbon fraction F1; C3, carbon fraction F3; EC, electrical conductivity; Mpo, macroporosity; PL, plastic limit; RAW, readily available water; TB, total exchangeable bases; YC, years cropped in last 25; ColK, Colwell extractable K; ColP, Colwell extractable P; MWD, mean weight diameter of dry soil aggregates; Inf, infiltration; Hy, healthy; Id, impaired; Uy, unhealthy; Wms, total worms; Vane10, shear strength 0-10 cm.