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Related to clasping: fall off, call on, in favor, clasping hands


(design engineering)
A releasable catch which holds two or more objects together.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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References in classic literature ?
She was pale and quiet as a meditative statue, clasping her hands on her lap.
"Done, my captain!" replied Ardan, clasping Nicholl's hand.
'Give me the child!' she said, in a voice scarce louder than a whisper, but with a tone of startling vehemence, and, seizing the boy, she snatched him from me, as if some dire contamination were in my touch, and then stood with one hand firmly clasping his, the other on his shoulder, fixing upon me her large, luminous dark eyes - pale, breathless, quivering with agitation.
It is characterized by the following features: neck arising high on occiput; head extending obliquely forward with distinct clypeus and gena; wing infuscate with clear spots; fore tarsomere 2 much longer than tarsomere 3 or 4; subepandrial sclerite extended beyond base of clasping cercus (Sinclair 1995; Yang et al.
No clasping is visible on tooth surfaces (when used in manufacturing of clear clasps) improving aesthetics.