card vote

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card vote

Brit a vote by delegates, esp at a trade-union conference, in which each delegate's vote counts as a vote by all his constituents
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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MenTor: Gary Barlow Known for: His crippling nerves, getting the public's wild card vote and Tulisa's charge that he is cheesier than Stilton.
Dembrow countered that SB 932 and the drivers' card vote are two "separate issues."
More than 700 people turned up to view proposals drawn up by two separate developers, with 77% of those who took part in a card vote favouring the MKP scheme.
The reforms were backed by almost 85 per cent of delegates after a card vote.
Tellers can't count the hands in the air, delegates complain, they can't hold up their arms this long, and two old cardboard boxes are drafted in for a 'card vote'.
In a card vote they instead endorsed a statement by Labour's ruling National Executive Committee, recognising British forces would stay as long as the Iraqi government wanted them to.
The result of a card vote taken yesterday and announced today showed 63.71 per cent in favour of a publicly-owned railway system, despite pleas from Chancellor Gordon Brown and Transport Secretary Alistair Darling not to attempt to tie the government's hands.
The former Atomic Kitten, who was criticised for giving Susan McFadden her wild card vote, said her sister- in-law was 12 times better than any of the other females.
The party had been widely expected to lose a crunch vote on local government and housing policy document, through the use by big unions of their card vote.
Plus Sean and Conor have won the Wild Card Vote to take the seventh and final spot in the line-up for the live show.
A motion backed by the party's national executive committee was expected to be defeated in a card vote, after national executive committee chairman Sir Jeremy Beecham, a Newcastle councillor, refused to accept defeat in a show of hands.
The move, spearheaded by public service union Unison, led to a heated debate at the Brighton conference, with the result of a card vote announced yesterday.
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