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A conglomerate of surficial gravel and sand cemented by calcium carbonate.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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2014); (b) in soils in arid regions where fungal CaOx is believed to be transformed into calcrete (Verrecchia 1990; Verrecchia et al.
Black (2009), "The Timing of Quaternary Calcrete Development in Semiarid Southeast Spain: Investigating the Role of Climate on Calcrete Genesis," Sedimentary Geology 218, 6e15.
Por su parte, las alteraciones quimicas postdepositacionales se manifiestan bajo otras formas: costra calcarea o calcrete que puede estar o no acompanando a otro tipo de patinas (Durando et al.
Large areas of the tenement are overlain by cover including alluvial wash, calcrete and sand.
Paratypes: NAMIBIA: 4[male] Wildheim Ost, 26[degrees]28'S:19[degrees]33'E, under calcrete stones, 6.vii.1986, C.
has announced the discovery of high grade uranium mineralisation both in calcrete and alaskite rocks at its Cape Cross project, following an extensive and systematic ground exploration programme, covering an approximately 49kilometer area.
Assay results from an initial calcrete sampling include elevated gold values which have identified five earlier unknown areas of gold anomaly in addition to previously known targets.
Calcrete was frequently evident in the swales and depressions in the sand plains surrounding the lakes.
Because of a thick overburden of soils and calcrete (caliche), the Block D area was deemed unsuitable for graphite mining and was awarded to a local miners' cooperative.