ballot selfie

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ballot selfie

A photo of a person holding a filled-in, written voting ballot that is shared on social media. A ballot selfie is taken to express one's political beliefs. However, in 2014, the state of New Hampshire made it illegal, claiming people could sell their votes and prove how they voted. The ballot selfie ban was considered downright silly, and it was struck down in 2015 both by a federal judge in New Hampshire and by the Supreme Court as part of a different free speech case. See selfie.
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Indiana's ballot selfie law met a similar fate to the New Hampshire law at the district court level.
As the court in Rideout I noted, it is not the ballot selfie posted on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat that will lead to voter coercion, it is the photo taken and sent via text message, iMessage, or e-mail to the ringleader of a vote-buying scheme that should worry legislatures.
The Ballot Selfie Encourages but Fails to Inform the Electorate Social media posts have the capacity to encourage and entice citizens to engage in the democratic process, but they will not eradicate the uninformed voter problem.
With social media, states may not be able to guarantee a completely informed electorate, but they can make more information widely available, possibly attracting those who have become interested in the electoral process because of a friend's ballot selfie.
(26.) See infra Part III.A (explaining why explicit ballot selfie ban can never pass constitutional bar).
Elections scholars disagree whether legalizing ballot selfies will result in fraud, but there's little doubt the court's decision will lead to significant changes.
You cannot take a ballot selfie in Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota or Wisconsin. 
Snapchat itself got involved in a lawsuit concerning the legality of ballot selfies in New Hampshire earlier this year. 
In Oklahoma, ballot selfies are technically illegal but there are no consequences, ( according to Vox .
Texas law, however, does not set out criminal penalties for those who take ballot selfies or otherwise violate the ban on such recording devices.
Laws applying to ballot selfies are mixed across the country.
Bottom Line: Ballot selfies are illegal in Texas - if you're voting in person.