anal gland

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Related to anal gland: pineal gland

anal gland

[′ān·əl ‚gland]
(invertebrate zoology)
A gland in certain mollusks that secretes a purple substance.
(vertebrate zoology)
A gland located near the anus or opening into the rectum in many vertebrates.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Q: My two-year-old female Border Collie Lilly regularly needs to have her anal glands emptied.
One condition that causes some animals to rub their bottoms on the floor is because of a problem with their anal glands, which are 'scent glands'.
Answer: Anal glands, or sacs, are small glands found near the anus in many mammals, including dogs and cats.
Her anal glands haven't been impacted or infected yet but I have to express her glands about once a month as indicated by her scooting.
Cytokeratin subset immunostaining in rectal adenocarcionoma and normal anal glands. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2001;125:1074-7.
However, it is worth mentioning that colorectal type adenocarcinoma of this site (as is also true for the distal rectum) may have unexpected CK7 expression, although it is usually accompanied by coexpression of CK20 (as opposed to anal gland carcinomas that usually do not have CK20 positivity, see below).
The most noticeable symptom of impacted anal glands is the "scooting" behavior where the dog drags his rear-end along the ground in an attempt to facilitate relief.
Parallel to the hypobranchial gland in the same position can be found a black pigmented structure, presumably the anal gland.
Most of these growths are anal gland adenocarcinomas, which can readily spread to the surrounding tissue and lymph glands.
Dogs are more prone to anal gland issues than cats.