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Related to Subjugation: reciprocate


Cushan-rishathaim Aram
king to whom God sold Israelites. [O.T.: Judges 3:8]
consigned to servitude in retribution for trickery. [O.T.: Joshua 9:22–27]
Ham Noah
curses him and progeny to servitude. [O.T.: Genesis 9:22–27]
Jabin Canaanite
king to whom God sold Israelites. [O.T.: Judges 4:1]
Babylonian king, plunders Jerusalem; carries people into exile. [O.T.: II Kings 24:10–16]
mesmerizes artist’s model, making her a famous singer under his influence. [Br. Lit.: George DuMaurier Trilby]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Karachi [Pakistan], January 10 ( ANI ): Nushrat Qureshi, a political activist hailing from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), has unequivocally lambasted PoK President Masood Khan, for decades of complicity of top politicians in the subjugation of the region.
Prominent academics, social activists and supporters from the University and members in the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative, shared their experiences, mechanisms of subjugations and offered a wide range of strategies for resistance.
The collection examines the structural subjugation and condemnation of African and Afro-mixed descent peoples globally within the past 500 years of trans-Atlantic societies of Western modernity in connection to the dehumanization and/or invisibilization within various epistemic formations of the West.
After this long period of big power subjugation, the Afghan people should rise and show to the world that they are an independent and sovereign nation and that they cannot allow others to take strategic advantage of their land.
Allahabad: Kicking up a controversy, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Saturday said the fort built by Mughal emperor Akbar on the banks of the river Yamuna here is a "symbol of subjugation of Hindus" and wanted the imposing structure to be replaced with a night shelter for poor pilgrims visiting to have a dip in the holy Sangam.
With further confirmation the tree must go Leaving it standing wasn't part of the scheme It played no part in the architect's dream Oh what a pity oh what a great shame Vandalism committed under a legal name The tree had to go its course it had ran For all things must bow in subjugation to man Should it have been sacrificed no!
Rosemary's steadfast and courageous truth-telling uncovered the historical roots of women's subjugation in the church--a rigorous task that recovered women's agency.
HAFIZABAD -- A rally was taken out by the citizens to observe Black Day to express their solidarity with the Kashmiri brothers who were groaning under the subjugation of Indian imperialist for the past 67 years.
Secondly, it is not clear from the text whether or not the periods of subjugation by other nations occurred simultaneously with the years of rulership by the judges.
Awad told Aswat al-Iraq that "there is a problem that must be solved, but if we keep silent, we will return to ages of subjugation, which is not right and unrealistic".
Learn the truth, starting with Tacitus: "Titus was appointed to complete the subjugation of Judaea...he commanded three legions ...amongst his allies were a band of Arabs, harboring towards the Jews...bitter animosity..."' style="float:right;" />
He said oppression, suppression and political subjugation are the principle causes for the popular protesting witnessed nowadays by the Arab countries like Libya and others.