Personal Injury

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Personal Injury


in law, harm to a man’s person rather than his property, caused by illegal acts. Personal injury includes the lessening of an individual’s dignity, the infliction of mental and physical suffering, and damage to a person’s reputation.

In accordance with Soviet legislation, personal injury is not subject to material compensation. Citizens’ honor and dignity, as personal values, are protected through procedures established by criminal law (seeDEFAMATION and INSULT) and civil law (art. 7 of the Basic Principles of Civil Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics and the corresponding articles of the civil codes of the Union republics).

Foreign legislation permits compensation for personal injury. In some countries, it is permissible only in cases provided by law; in others, there are no such limitations. For example, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, in cases of harm to health, a one-time payment is granted to compensate for physical suffering and decreased work possibilities (sec. 444). The amount of compensation is determined by the court.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

personal injury

In insurance terminology, injury or damage to the character or reputation of a person, as well as bodily injury. Personal injury insurance usually covers such situations as false arrest, malicious prosecution, willful detention or imprisonment, libel, slander, defamation of character, wrongful eviction, invasion of privacy, and wrongful entry. Also See bodily injury.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A great starting point is the Research Guide on Personal Injury Damages provided by the Alberta Law Society Libraries.
ARC is the campaigning arm of charity The Motor Accident Relief Society, (established six months ago) and its spokesman Nigel Mills maintains: 'Because few of us bother to read small print, most of Britain's 24 million drivers pay the completely unnecessary pounds 15 legal expenses cover charged by many insurers for personal injury claims.'
Since the Johns-Manville bankruptcy, more than 70 other companies have filed for Chapter 11 reorganization, many within the past five years and many of which are in the midst of establishing personal injury trusts to compensate claimants.
David King, of Norwich Union Insurance, says most motor insurance policies don't automatically cover personal injury.
As a physician who has dealt with personal injury cases, I can say that the above-cited research resonates with my impression of the consequences of patients' involvement in the legal system.
The personal injury department consists of 51 personal injury specialists firm-wide and has substantial experience in dealing with the full range of personal injury claims.
Baker says lawyers' aggressive solicitation for new cases is behind the massive rate increases: "[I]f a personal injury attorney is able to keep his/her case intact in front of a jury, the average award against a nursing home in the state of Ohio is approximately $275,000." Ohio ranks third (California and Texas are first and second, respectively) among states in terms of its nursing facility beds per 1,000 elderly, according to the 1999 American Health Care Association Facts and Trends: The Nursing Facility Sourcebook.
Clearwater (727) 799-3900 Plaintiff Personal Injury Law: General Marsha G.
For a number of years, insurers have been issuing personal injury coverage as a part of commercial general liability policies.
They studied 699 Canadian drivers with telephones, all of whom were "involved in motor vehicle collisions resulting in substantial property damage but no personal injury."
Commissioner (1983), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stated that personal injury damages are not limited to actual physical injury and that the proper analysis of IRC Sec.

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