parallel algorithm

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parallel algorithm

[′par·ə‚lel ′al·gə‚rith·əm]
(computer science)
An algorithm in which several computations are carried on simultaneously.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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(2015) presented a parallel algorithm to handle the RSA decryption by investigating the effect of Pthread and computing a unified device architecture (CUDA) on decryption operation in RSA cryptosystem.
Using a varying number of data size and clusters, the results prove that the parallel algorithm achieves more efficiency and time complexity than the sequential algorithm.
With the new extensive parallel algorithm also providing much larger capacity than before, any full-chip SoC designs can now be run flat, not only for power-grid IR drop and electromigration (EM) analysis but also electrical and thermal co-analysis at the chip-package-board system level, including 3DIC, with Cadence Sigrity technologies.
(3) In order to improve the speed of the semantic compression algorithm, we use the CUDA kernel function to implement the parallel computation of the optimized iterative semantic compression algorithm on the GPU, and propose the GPU parallel algorithm POICAG (Parallel Optimized Iterative Compression Algorithm Using GPU).
For this reason, Ottoni proposed an instruction-level automatic task parallel algorithm called Decoupled Software Pipelines (DSWP) [4].
A study in 2009 considered computing a noise map on a supercomputer; in this effort, software called Noise Propagation Model is used to obtain the noise map in a supercomputer [26]; the parallel algorithm assigns tasks at one time rather than using dynamic assignment, and the noise map is two-dimensional.
It can be observed from Figure 5 that the parallel algorithm based on the PISO numerical scheme demonstrates significantly better parallel scalability and efficiency than the parallel algorithm based on the coupled numerical scheme.
This paper proposes a combined parallel algorithm named "CZ algorithm" to compress and encrypt the big data efficiently.
The parallel algorithm is an effective way to solve this essential problem.

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