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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the code name of an underground press in Baku established in July 1901 by the Baku Iskra group, including V. Z. Ketskhoveli, L. B. Krasin, N. P. Kozerenko, A. S. Enukidze, and L. E. Gal’perin. The press was organized with the direct participation of V. I. Lenin and the Iskra editorial board and with the assistance of the Tbilisi revolutionary Social Democrats. The press received instructions from the Iskra editorial board and also served the party organizations of the Caucasus. It printed the illegal Georgian newspaper Brdzola and published pamphlets and leaflets in Russian, Georgian, and Armenian. Owing to the possibility of detection by the authorities, the press suspended its work from April to December 1902.

Beginning in 1903 the press came under the direction of the Organizing Committee for the Convocation of the Second Congress of the RSDLP and the Caucasian Union Committee of the RSDLP and printed the works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. After the congress Nina became the press of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, printing some 1.5 million copies of various illegal publications between November 1903 and November 1905. Among those who worked in the printing shop at various times were I. B. Bolkvadze, V. G. Tsuladze, A. Kh. Khumarian, I. F. Sturua, T. T. Enukidze, and G. Z. Lelashvili. The Third Congress of the RSDLP (1905) commended the work of the press. It was closed in January 1906 by a decision of the Central Committee of the RSDLP.


Lenin, V. I. Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed. vol. 6, p. 298; vol. 46, pp. 112–13, 118.
Enukidze, A. S. “Istoriia organizatsii i raboty nelegal’nykh tipografii RSDRP na Kavkaze za vremia ot 1900 po 1906 gg.” In the collection Tekhnika bol’shevistskogo podpol’ia, issue 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1924.
Krasin, L. B. Dela davno minuvshikh dnei, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1934.
Sarkisov, A. Bakinskaia tipografiia leninskoi “Iskry.” Baku, 1961.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Reflecting on the creative techniques used for the Mekong Collection, Nina said, "The feeling of finding that perfect hand hammered Florentine pattern by way of the traditional metalsmithing technique was exhilarating.
Solis isn't optimistic about La Nina's prospects, noting latest data indicate decreasing chance for La Nina's full-blown development.
And this is where Nina comes in - providing a wonderful contrast, just by being herself.
But before Nina gets the job, George leaves her alone to be interviewed by her sons Max and Joe.
I didn't want to bring a child into the world for it to suffer, but I couldn't terminate my pregancy without knowing what was wrong.' Desperately worried, Nina sought a second opinion.
As per the analysis, average annual rainfall in La Nina years has been 5.3 percent above long term average and rural economy also posted strong growth during these years.
Like all Nina Bakery products, the new range of pitas are made using only traditional, artisan methods for a higher quality bake, the result is a superior pita of restaurant quality.
"I think I'll call you Freedom!" Nina exclaimed, as she took newly named Freedom outside on a leash.
The first Nina Ricci eyewear will be launched by De Rigo in September, and will be distributed to the public through optical practices and department stores, as well as Nina Ricci boutiques.
Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan remaps the New York City Ballet as a feminist gothic landscape, a psychic terrain of desires and fears of the Company's rising young star, Nina Sayer (Natalie Portman).