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(in board games)
a. a player's turn to move his piece or take other permitted action
b. a permitted manoeuvre of a piece
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(1) In programming, to copy data from one place in memory to another. Move is really a copy, because at the end of the move, source and destination data are identical. MOV is an assembly language instruction.

(2) In word processing and graphics, to relocate text and images to another part of the document or drawing.

(3) An external DOS/Windows command that moves a file to a new location (it copies first, then deletes the source file). Widely used by Windows programmers and power users, the syntax is like the Copy command. The following example moves the MYBUDGET spreadsheet into the \NEXTYEAR folder. See copy.
  C:\BUDGETS>move mybudget.xls \nextyear
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References in periodicals archive ?
Although the sensors and wheels appeared to be working, the robot wouldn't move along the path marked on the course in front of it.
18), you learned how gravitational potential energy (GPE) and kinetic energy (KE) help a lift-hill coaster move along its track.
"This is a puzzle [of] understanding the relationship between genetic variation and environmental variation, and the more that we can inform environmental variation as the genetic studies move along, the more we'll understand why certain individuals develop disease."
The muddy palette and loose brushwork of During the days, we move along like frightened animals and We wait for one last adventure suit these paintings' almost primitive-looking inhabitants.
As they move along, Paul has visions, or what the old man calls "messages" from the past.
In addition, the process can move along at a more rapid pace.
Heidenhain also offers a new transreceiver for the infrared touch probes, the SE 540, which is designed for installation in the headstock to move along with the touch probe.
I couldn't tell what he said through the mask, but it sounded like, "Move along, wiseass."