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Majuro (mäjo͞oˈrō), atoll and town (c.4 sq mi/10 sq km; 1988 pop. 19,664), capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Located in the Ratak Chain in the W central Pacific, Majuro has port facilities and an international airport. Commercial fishing is economically important. Sport fishing is popular, and divers are attracted by the underwater wreckage left from World War II. The College of the Marshall Islands is at the east end of the atoll.
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Women and girls are recruited and transported by hotel and bar staff and family members and subjected to sex trafficking with crewmembers of foreign fishing and transshipping vessels that dock in Majuro. Observers report sexual activity involving foreign fishermen has moved from fishing vessels to local bars and hotels.
In RMI, Ebeye had the highest combined six-vaccine series coverage (67.6%), compared with Majuro (39.0%) and the outer islands (18.5%).
Assistance towards the design, supply, installation, and operational support for solar power generation, battery energy storage, and grid management equipment in the capital Majuro, as well the replacement of existing generators to ensure lower emissions and improve operation efficiency in Majuro and Ebeye, until renewable solutions can be deployed.
Majuro called for the three nuclear powers to take 'all necessary measures' to carry out what it considers to be their obligations under the treaty.
Embassy is located on Majuro Atoll, which is home to the capital and nearly half of the country's 70,000 residents.
Asia Pacific currently operates three B727-200(F) freighters operating from Guam via Majuro to Honolulu.
PACIFIC NATIONS HIKING TUNA FISHING FEES MAJURO, Marshall Islands (AFP) Pacific island nations announced plans Thursday to dramatically increase the fees they charge tuna fishing boats for the right to enter their waters, saying it will boost revenue and help conservation efforts.
As those who remember that terrifying day and younger generations gather in the Marshall Islands' capital of Majuro to commemorate the anniversary, many exiles refuse to go back to the zones that were contaminated, despite US safety assurances.
He is set to fly home from Majuro in the Marshall Islands on Friday and has been to the barbers to tidy up for the big day.
As Mexican sailor Jose returned to civilisation in Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands, he said: "I'm alive and I can't believe it."
MAJURO (TAP) - Jose Salvador Alvarenga, a castaway, who says he spent more than a year adrift in the Pacific, has asked to be taken home, after washing ashore in the Marshall Islands.
He was in Australia to drum up support for the Majuro Declaration on climate change that his government will be launching at the Pacific Islands forum this year.