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Lachish (lāˈkĭsh), city, S ancient Palestine, SW of Jerusalem, in present-day Israel. It is mentioned in the Tell el Amarna letters and was one of the Amorite cities allied against the Gibeonites and destroyed by Joshua. Rehoboam fortified it, and Amaziah was murdered there. It was besieged (701 B.C.) by Sennacherib. Later, Micah denounced it. Excavations were begun in 1935; they show that Lachish had been populated since c.3200 B.C. and was a thriving community as early as the 17th cent. B.C. The finds include 21 ostraca, or potsherds, written in ink. They were written (c.589 B.C.) in Hebrew by local commanders to their officers when Lachish was being threatened by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. The letters are of great linguistic and historic value. Lachish is frequently mentioned in the Bible (Joshua 10; 15.39; 2 Kings 14.19; 18.14, 17; 19.8; 2 Chron. 11.9; Neh. 11.30; Micah 1.13).
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in antiquity, a city in southern Palestine (present-day Tell ed Duweir). Founded in the second millennium B.C., Lachish was an important fortified point on the southern border of the Kingdom of Judah.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He and his fellow envoys return to Sennacherib's camp (which has moved to Libnah after the fall of Lachish), seeking further instructions.
Peace Now filed a petition in 2007 to evacuate homes in six illegal outposts: the above-named three along with Ramat Gilad, Givat Haro'eh and Mitzpe Lachish. In 2003 all these outposts had received "delineation orders" - an administrative order delineating their area and allowing Israel to evacuate the entire outpost at any time.
The two most substantial are the Lachish Ostraca, discovered in the 1930s (Dobbs-Allsopp et al.
The failure of the biblical writers to describe in detail the fall of Lachish and Sennacherib's capture of forty-six Judean towns disqualifies these writers as anything like reliable historians (367).
from Jerusalem, under King Hezekiah of Judah (II Kings 19:9), after the destruction of such places as the cities of Libnah and Lachish in ancient Palestine, that was due to the intervention of Pharaoh Taharqa and a Kushite army that terrified the mighty Assyrian army and obliged them to return home to Mesopotamia, where Sennacherib was assassinated by his son Esarhaddon (680-669 B.C.E.) (Aubin, 2002).
This type was found in Lachish, Tell el-Far'ah and Bethshan in Palestine but not in Jordan and dated to the 13th-12th centuries BC.
Moreover, the Israeli army has been training the readiness squads of settlements for several weeks at the Lachish base, which is used as a command training center, ahead of September.
* The IDF launched an airstrike in Gaza in response to earlier rocket fire in the Lachish area.
He then destroyed Makkedah and its people, and then Libnah, Lachish, Eglon and Hebron.
'Juke' (cockroach), as he is lovingly known, seems to have grown out of the land he inhabits, the biblical Lachish area: he knows every inch of the hills and fields surrounding his Kibbutz Bet Nir (where he has been living since 1957), all of the secrets lying deep in the earth in the huge ancient Guvrin cave system with its columbaria, columns, burial and storage sites and water cisterns.
Our explanation is not new or revolutionary, but it is much less mathematical than approaches presented by Lachish (2007) or Ben-Sasson and Grover (2003).
Topics addressed by the 12 papers collected include the process of Israelite identity building in light of recent finds at Tel Beth- Shemesh, the use of the site of Jezreel for establishing the chronology of ancient Israel, chronological implications of Aegean- style pottery and associated assemblages, using archaeology to write history, Canaanite continuity at Megiddo, south-central Jordan and regional change in material culture, state formation in Iron Age Judah, and evidence from Megiddo and Lachish concerning the date of Philistine settlement in the coastal plains.