Jerome of Prague

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Jerome of Prague

Jerome of Prague, c.1370–1416, Bohemian religious reformer. During his studies at Prague and at Oxford, Jerome was influenced by the doctrinal views of John Wyclif. He continued to study and travel widely abroad, in constant conflict with the authorities. In 1407 he returned to Prague, where he joined forces with John Huss in advocating Bohemian control of the Univ. of Prague and in opposing the papal bulls against Lancelot of Naples. When Huss was summoned before the Council of Constance (see Constance, Council of), Jerome went there to defend him in 1415. Arrested while attempting to escape from the hostile churchmen, Jerome was brought back and imprisoned. After the burning of Huss, Jerome recanted his defenses of Huss and Wyclif, but his sincerity was doubted and he was not released. In 1416 he withdrew his recantation and was burned as a heretic.
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Jerome of Prague


Born circa 1380; died May 30, 1416, in Constance. Czech reformer, scholar, orator, friend and associate of Jan Hus.

Jerome was educated at the University of Prague. In 1399 he was at Oxford, where he became an advocate of Wycliffe’s teaching. In 1405–06, Jerome delivered lectures at the universities of Paris, Heidelberg, and Cologne. In 1407 he returned to Prague. In his sermons and disputes, Jerome was harshly critical of abuses by the Catholic clergy, and he called for action to be taken against the monks and prelates. He fought against German dominance in Bohemia. In 1412, together with Jan Hus, Jerome spoke out against the sale of indulgences. In 1412–13 he journeyed through Poland, Lithuania, and the western regions of the Russian state and in 1414 returned to Prague. Upon learning of Hus’ arrest, he traveled to Constance, but he was captured and thrown into prison. Under pressure from an ecclesiastical council, Jerome recanted his own views. However, at the council’s public session he rejected this recantation and declared himself to be an adherent of Hus. Condemned to be burned at the stake as a heretic, Jerome died courageously.


Ozolin, L.I. Iz istorii gusitskogo revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia. Saratov, 1962.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Their topics include a world astir: Europe and religion in the early 15th century, Wyclif's early reception in Bohemia and his influence on the thought of Jerome of Prague, determinism between Oxford and Prague: the late Wyclif's retractions and their defense ascribed to Peter Payne, interpreting the intention of Christ: Roman responses to Bohemian utraquism from Constance to Basel, preparing for Easter: sermons on the Eucharist in English Wycliffite Sermons, and re-forming the life of Christ.
Notwithstanding the Introduction's disclaimer, Kantik Ghosh addresses heresy and the policing of intellectual debate in the trials of Richard Fleming, Jerome of Prague, and Jan Hus, all of whom were accused of following Wyclif.
the false teaching of Rome--with such scholars as John Wycliff, Jerome of Prague and John Huss, the central messages of the Sermons are the spiritual union with Christ through regeneration and that the history of the Church shows that God will not desert the faithful.
The geographical range of the papers is extended by Peter Biller's analysis of modes of interrogation used by the inquisitors in Languedoc and Frantisek Smahel's examination of the acta of the trial of Jerome of Prague.