Holy League

Holy League

Holy League, in Italian history, alliance formed (1510–11) by Pope Julius II during the Italian Wars for the purpose of expelling Louis XII of France from Italy, thereby consolidating papal power. Venice, the Swiss cantons, Ferdinand II of Aragón, Henry VIII of England, and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I were the chief members of the league. The Swiss, who did most of the fighting, routed the French at Novara (1513), but in the same year Julius II died and the league fell apart. The French victory (1515) at Marignano reestablished the French in Lombardy.
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Sebastiano Venier was a Venetian general best remembered for his role in the Battle of Lepanto where a Christian 'Holy League' defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1571.
The Holy League established by Pope Julius II was set up against which country?
He later changed it to Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary after the Holy League defeated the Turks in the Battle of Lepanto, off the coast of Greece, in a place now called Naupactos.
In that same year, Henry joined the Holy League, a military alliance directed against France, and implemented an aggressive policy towards Scotland designed to curtail Scottish independence.
What was the name of the sea battle in 1571 when combined forces of the Holy League defeated the Ottoman Empire?
Part II of the collection, titled "Translations," includes excerpts of Lope de Vega's The Holy League (1603), Gonzalo de Illescas's The Second Part of the Pontifical and Catholic History (1606), Jean Desmares's Roxelana (1643), Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Giangir; or the Rejected Throne (1748), and Denys Sichynsky's Roksoliana; Historical Opera in Three Acts with a Prologue (1911).
Pius V was a saint who had the reputation of a warrior because of the Holy League against the Turks; his implementation of the Council of Trent contributed to centralizing papal power.
During the last, long Holy League War (1684-1699) the Vatican did organize and finance a united Catholic (and for a time Russian) response to the Ottoman assault on Vienna in 1683.
In the Ionian Sea, closer in fact to Curzolaris than to Lepanto, the fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League clashed, and for the first time, the Christians won.
Aside from the plague, which ravaged Venice for most of 1575-77, Fenlon singles out three high points for exegesis: the formation in 1571 of the Holy League; the subsequent victory over the Ottoman Turks at Lepanto; and Henri III's visit to Venice in 1574.
Mark Konnert's Local Politics in the French Wars of Religion also deals primarily with deeds as it attempts to untangle the complicated politics of factional affiliation in the towns of Champagne during the period when the Wars of Religion radicalized and a Holy League headed by the province's leading family, the Guises, placed itself in more and more overt opposition to the policies of compromise adopted by the Crown.