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Guise (gēz, gwēz), influential ducal family of France.

The First Duke of Guise

The family was founded as a cadet branch of the ruling house of Lorraine by Claude de Lorraine, 1st duc de Guise, 1496–1550, who received the French fiefs of his father, René II, duke of Lorraine and Bar. In 1513 Claude connected himself by marriage with the French royal family. He fought in the Italian Wars under King Francis I and was wounded (1515) at Marignano; as governor of Champagne he fought successfully against the English and the imperial troops. He was created a duke and peer by Francis I, who, however, ultimately came to regard him with distrust. Claude's daughter, Mary of Guise, married King James V of Scotland and was the mother of Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart).

The Second Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine

Claude's son François de Lorraine, 2d duc de Guise, 1519–63, became conspicuous, at the accession (1547) of Henry II, as the rival for power of Anne, duc de Montmorency. In the final stages of the Italian Wars, François distinguished himself in the defense of Metz (1552), led the expedition to Italy against King Philip II of Spain, and after the failure of the expedition returned to defend France from English and Spanish attacks; in 1558 he took Calais from the English. With the accession (1559) of the youthful Francis II, who was married to the duke's niece, Mary Stuart, François de Guise and his brother the Charles de Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine, c.1525–1574, were given control of the government.

The brothers' arrogance, their persecution of the Protestants, and their enmity toward the princes of Bourbon and Condé led to the conspiracy of Amboise (see Amboise, conspiracy of), which they suppressed (1560). Shortly afterward, however, the death of Francis II deprived the Guises of power; Catherine de' Medici, as regent, dominated the government. As a result, in 1561 the duke joined with Montmorency and Marshal Saint-André in the so-called triumvirate, which, at the head of the Catholic party, opposed both the Huguenots and the tolerant policy of the regent. The murder of Protestants at Vassy by Guise's troops brought about the outbreak of the Wars of Religion (1562–98; see Religion, Wars of), and Guise took the field against the Huguenots. Victorious at Dreux (1562), he was assassinated while preparing to attack Orléans.

The Cardinal de Lorraine was largely responsible for the persecution of the Protestants during the reign of Francis II. At the Colloquy of Poissy (1561) he defended Catholicism against Theodore Beza; at the Council of Trent (1562–63) he at first upheld the independence of the Gallican church but later reversed his position and attempted to have the decrees of the council proclaimed in France. He subsequently negotiated with Philip II of Spain for Spanish support of the Catholic cause in France. After the downfall of Michel de L'Hôpital, Charles temporarily returned to power until 1570. He was the most consummate politician in his family and a master of intrigue.

The Third Duke of Guise

Charles's nephew Henri de Lorraine, 3d duc de Guise, 1550–88, son of François, fought in the Wars of Religion and cooperated with Catherine de' Medici in planning the massacre of the Huguenots on Aug. 24, 1572 (see Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of). After the peace of 1576 he formed the Catholic League (see League), and King Henry III, although secretly afraid of the League, became its nominal head. After the death of Francis, duke of Alençon and Anjou (1584), Henri de Lorraine revived (1585) the League in opposition to the Protestant Henry of Navarre (later King Henry IV), who had become heir presumptive to the throne.

War broke out between the League and Henry of Navarre. Although the king was the nominal head of the League, he was overshadowed by the immensely popular de Guise, who had designs on the throne. In May, 1588, when de Guise returned to Paris, the Parisians revolted against the king on the Day of the Barricades (May 12). However, instead of taking the throne Guise permitted Henry III to escape, and the king named him lieutenant general of France. Later in the same year, however, the king brought about his assassination.

Other Members of the Guise Family

Henri's brother Louis de Lorraine, Cardinal de Guise, 1555–88, was killed at the same time as Henri. After their deaths the leadership of the League devolved upon their brother, Charles, duc de Mayenne. Henri was succeeded by his son Charles de Lorraine, 4th duc de Guise, 1571–1640.

Henri de Lorraine, 5th duc de Guise, 1614–64, son of the 4th duke, was archbishop of Reims but became duke after the death of his older brother (1639) and of his father. He conspired (1641) against Cardinal Richelieu and was forced to live in exile for a time in Flanders. In 1647 he took part, as representative of the house of Anjou, in the insurrection at Naples against Spanish rule. Captured by the Spanish (1648), he was a prisoner until 1652. He made a new attack on Naples in 1654, then returned to Paris, where, as grand chamberlain, he played a prominent role in the social life of the court. He was succeeded by his nephew, Louis Joseph de Lorraine, 6th duc de Guise, 1650–71. With François Joseph de Lorraine, 7th duc de Guise, 1670–75, son of the 6th duke, the line came to an end.


See H. N. Williams, The Brood of False Lorraine (1918); H. D. Sedgwick, The House of Guise (1938).

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a French aristocratic family, a collateral branch of the ducal house of Lorraine. During the religious wars of the 16th century, they were leaders of the Catholics.

The founder of the house of Guise was Claude (1496-1550), the third son of René II, duke of Lorraine. In 1506 he was naturalized in France, and he became the duke of Guise in 1528. François (1519-63), the son of Claude, distinguished himself in the defense of Metz against the troops of Emperor Charles V (1552) and in the taking of Calais from the English (1558). Together with his brother Charles (1525-74), cardinal of Lorraine, he was the power behind the throne of Francis II, who was married to Guise’s niece, Mary Stuart. Francois settled a score with the Huguenots who participated in the Amboise conspiracy (1560), directed against the Guises: in March 1562 he conducted a slaughter of Huguenots in Vassy. Henri de Guise (1550-88), the son of François, was one of the organizers of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572) and was the head of the Catholic League (1576). He was a pretender to the French throne. He was killed on order of Henry III. With the end of the religious wars, the power and influence of the house of Guise declined.


Forneron, H. Les Dues de Guise et leur époque, 2nd ed., vols. 1-2. Paris, 1893.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sobrang lapit niya na kapag Chinese company iyong nag-take over dito sa Hanjin na ito, magkakaroon na ng dahilan para pasukin na tayo nang pasukin noong mga Chinese na vessels na on the guise na magpapaayos, magre-refuel, magpapahinga" (If we look at the map, this is very close to Bajo de Masinloc and if a Chinese company takes over Hanjin, they will have a reason to enter our territories on the guise of refuelling, or resting among others), she said during a recent weekly radio show, BISErbisyong LENI.
BEIRUT: A former employee of state-run Electricite du Liban has been stealing electricity from the grid and selling it to residents in Beirut's southern suburbs under the guise of a generator subscription, the Internal Security Forces reported Wednesday.
It should be mentioned here that there are strict security measures to enter the District and Sessions Court Shikarpur but assailant was in the guise of police constable therefore he succeeded in entering the DSC along with TT Pistol while police has started its investigation.
The young boys in guise of eunuchs with full make-up are seen trying to get sympathies.
Returning to Richard Guise, is he little more than a marauding termite hoping to undermine Brexit.
Police suspect the foreigner who maintained the villa in the guise of a greenhouse might have been selling these cannabis to foreigners at a higher price.
It is fitting that a striking portrait of Henri II de Lorraine, fifth duke of Guise, graces the cover of this work.
The police said that a gang of three robbers along with a girl in guise of beggars reached a gold jewelry shop in Machhli Bazaar and looted jewelry and escaped from the scene.
The 150PS Focus 1.5T variant we tried delivers 51.4mpg on the combined cycle and 127g/km of CO2, figures exactly duplicated from this car in 182PS guise.
Sources said that Qari Rizwan was living in Tarnol in the guise of a mechanic while Islam-ud-Din in the guise of a driver.
Marie de Guise was one of the most powerful women Scotland has ever seen - but her reign was overshadowed by that of her daughter, Mary Queen of Scots.