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Related to Derg: Dergue
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Lough Derg), a lake in Ireland in the Shannon River Valley. Area, 129 sq km; depth, up to 24 m; water level, 33 m. The primarily low banks are steep and rocky in the south and southeast. The lake is used as a reservoir for a hydroelectric power station on the Shannon and serves as a link in the waterway from the upper reaches of the river to the Atlantic Ocean. The city of Killaloe lies on the southern end of the lake.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Pipe said: "Lough Derg isn't looking too bad and the Scottish Champion Hurdle is the only race left for him.
At the end of a Lough Derg weekend, you would know, in your flesh, that you had been through something.
The Restructuring is the first major since 1991, a year that saw the overthrow of former brutal communist Derg regime by a coalition of rebel forces, the current ruling, Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).
Victory in the Lough Derg Long Walk Hurdle was his 14th in a row, surpassing Bula's record from the 1970s, and took Paul Nicholls' giant to within touching distance of Sir Ken's mark of 16 back in the 50s.
DAVID PIPE is excited at the prospect of Dynaste taking on the brilliant stayer Big Buck's in the Lough Derg Long Walk Hurdle at Ascot on Saturday.
David Pipe's veteran Lough Derg, Nigel Twiston-Davies' Kayf Aramis and Neil King's Afsoun complete the line-up.
LOUGH DERG is fast becoming the punters' pal and the lionhearted nine-year-old once again toughed it out in the National Spirit Hurdle at Fontwell.
IF medals were given for gameness, Lough Derg would be a leading contender for the Golden Gong.
Lough Derg regained his position at the top of the Order Of Merit leaderboard from Kauto Star with an extraordinary comeback in the National Spirit Hurdle here yesterday.
Earlier, the Scu-Pipe combination scored with Lough Derg who continued his Ascot love affair and followed up his Grade I win before Christmas when pegging back Warne's Way in the Limited Handicap Hurdle.
LOUGH Derg maintained David Pipe's white-hot streak by winning the BGC Long Walk Hurdle in great style at Ascot yesterday.