Common Lisp

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Common Lisp

A dialect of Lisp defined by a consortium of companies brought together in 1981 by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Companies included Symbolics, Lisp Machines, Inc., Digital Equipment Corporation, Bell Labs., Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, Lawrence Livermore Labs., Carnegie-Mellon University, Stanford University, Yale, MIT and USC Berkeley. Common Lisp is lexically scoped by default but can be dynamically scoped.

Common Lisp is a large and complex language, fairly close to a superset of MacLisp. It features lexical binding, data structures using defstruct and setf, closures, multiple values, types using declare and a variety of numerical types. Function calls allow "&optional", keyword and "&rest" arguments. Generic sequence can either be a list or an array. It provides formatted printing using escape characters. Common LISP now includes CLOS, an extended LOOP macro, condition system, pretty printing and logical pathnames.

Implementations include AKCL, CCL, CLiCC, CLISP, CLX, CMU Common Lisp, DCL, KCL, MCL and WCL.

Mailing list: <>.

ANSI Common Lisp draft proposal.

["Common LISP: The Language", Guy L. Steele, Digital Press 1984, ISBN 0-932376-41-X].

["Common LISP: The Language, 2nd Edition", Guy L. Steele, Digital Press 1990, ISBN 1-55558-041-6].
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (
References in periodicals archive ?
Common music: A music composition language in common lisp and clos.
is a leading vendor of Semantic Technology, Common Lisp tools and Professional Services.
The algorithms were presented in pseudocode, and the programs were written in Common Lisp, making use of CLOS (Common Lisp Object System).
The development of COMMON LISP would most probably not have been possible without the electronic message system provided by the ARPANET.
The course uses Common Lisp in its programming projects for two reasons.
This approach to type declarations has given Common Lisp programmers an option that would not otherwise be available.
Foreign functions and Common Lisp. Lisp Pointers 1, 5 (Mar.
Since we believe following industry standards is essential for commercial organizations because it facilitates development and delivery on a range of machines, we are now rewriting our application in Common Lisp's object-oriented standard: CLOS.
The common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) is a system for constructing portable user interfaces in a way that directly connects the objects and operations of an application to the objects of its user interface.
KEVIN LAYER is manager/technical staff member and co-founder of Franz Incorporated where he manages and works on Common Lisp and its program development environment.
The composing programs allow the reader with a HyperCard player or Common LISP 3.0 to create and listen to imitations of Johann Sebastian Bach and Frederic Chopin.
CLOS made some of these ideas practical in Common Lisp [8] by providing support for mete object-level programming [4].