Cavity wall

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cavity wall

[′kav·əd·ē ‚wȯl]
(building construction)
A wall constructed in two separate thicknesses with an air space between; provides thermal insulation. Also known as hollow wall.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Cavity wall

1. A wall assembly constructed of two wythes of masonry bonded with wall ties and separated by an air cavity, which is sometimes filled with insulation.
2. An exterior wall, usually of masonry, consisting of an outer course and an inner course separated by a continuous air space connected by metal ties.
See also: Wall
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved

cavity wall, hollow masonry wall, hollow wall

cavity wall
An exterior wall, usually of masonry, consisting of an outer and inner withe separated by a continuous air space, but connected together by wire or sheet-metal ties. The dead air space provides improved thermal insulation.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
THE National Insulation Association (NIA) which represents more than 90 per cent of the insulation industry in the UK has put together 10 facts about cavity wall insulation.
The Energy Saving Trust says that cavity wall insulation in England, Scotland and Wales costs around PS720 for a detached house, PS475 for a semi and PS370 for a mid-terraced house.
Caption: FIGURE 2 (LEFT) Classic Cavity Wall. From Canadian Building Digest 21.
"I wonder how many other people have had cavity wall injection that just isn't there?" asked Terence.
3 ACCORDING to the Energy Saving Trust (, cavity wall insulation in England, Scotland and Wales costs around PS720 for a detached house, PS475 for a semi and PS370 for a mid-terraced house, with an annual saving of around PS250, PS145 and PS95 respectively.
The KeeneStone Cut is placed in a strip horizontally in a masonry cavity wall on top of the flashing with the KeeneStone Cuts pointing upwards.
Cavity wall insulation costs from a few hundred to several hundred pounds, depending on the size of the property, but you may be able to get a grant to help with the cost.
I decided not to install cavity wall insulation for the same reasons as Bryant.
Research by the Department of Energy and Climate Change shows hundreds of millions of pounds worth of wasted heat escaped from homes with insufficient loft and cavity wall insulation.
Key words: cavity wall thickness, fracture strength, p ulpotomized primary molar teeth, amalgam restoration