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A case-hardening process that maintains carbon and alloy steels in a hot gaseous atmosphere from which they absorb carbon and nitrogen simultaneously, producing a hard, wear-resistant surface.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Here, residual stress under the raceways can be increased by carbonitriding instead of through-hardening.
This paper analyzes the results of the assessment of SSS in the contact area of gear Novikov-based solutions to problems of solid mechanics-- analytical and numerical--and the results of bench testing carbonitriding transmission Novikov with the initial loop of SWG-5 (base for GOST30224-96) "Reducer" (Izhevsk).
Carbonitriding considered in treatment for a good hardness profile as shown in figure 9.
There is a clear tendency to replace traditional high-temperature methods of cementation and nitrocementation by nitriding and more often carbonitriding concerning details of basic nomenclature of engineering production [4...6].
Keighley Labs employs its pit furnaces for carburising, carbonitriding, hardening and tempering, stress relieving, homogenising and carbon restoration, working at temperatures up to 980[degrees]C.
For example, manufacturers such as Glock are touting their proprietary sub-coating treatment for hardness, Tenifer[TM], a, form of carbonitriding. Other trade names such as Melonite[TM], Sursulf[TM], Arcor[TM], Tufftride[TM], and Koline[TM] employ similar chemical-bath nitriding processes that embed nitrogen into an iron-containing alloy.
Abstract Surface hardening of commercially pure titanium using bipolar pulsed nanocrystalline plasma electrolytic carbonitriding has been studied in this investigation.
Unlike the mono-phase nitride [epsilon] (Fe2--3N or Fe2--3CxNy) obtained at bath nitriding or carbonitriding and which is glance pitched and porous, the [gamma] phase offers very good properties of wear and viscosity.
Commercial heat treating, carburizing, carbonitriding, direct hardening, annealing, normalizing & stress relieving services