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Related to brack: brick

cull, brack, wrack

A piece of lumber or brick of a quality below the lowest accepted grade or below specifications.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
On Monday, Mr Brack walked free from court after spending the duration of his holding in segregation for his own safety, when the prosecuting barrister, Jonathan Rogers, explained he had been instructed that morning by the CPS to offer no evidence.
"I have presided over a process that destroys families for a long time, and I am weary of it," Brack stated, adding that "and I think we as a country are better than this".
Martin Brack was one of three sons of a Manchester clergyman, John Brack - all of them following their father into the ministry.
Ice-cream maker Yummy Yorkshire is bringing its special Yorkshire Brack and Jam ice cream featuring the traditional regional tea loaf.
STATIONERY magnate Peter Brack has embraced his passion for theatre by stepping up to sponsor Newcastle Theatre Royal's pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk next year.
"Just as it is important for athletes to build recovery time into their training schedules, stem cells also need time to recuperate, but we found that aged stem cells recuperate less often," said Andrew Brack, Ph.D., of the MGH Center for Regenerative Medicine, senior and corresponding author.
Christine Brack, a principal at ZweigWhite LLC, an Arkansas-based marketing consulting firm, says to kill the fluff.
InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (LSE: IHG), a UK-based owner, manager and franchiser of hotels and resorts, has announced completion of a hotel property, in a joint venture with Brack Capital Real Estate (BCRE).
Issac Hera, chief executive officer, Brack Capital Real Estate USA (BCRE), announced that the company has sold the retail portion of its residential development al 15 Union Square West to the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS) for $57.88 million.
Peru's Environment Minister Antonio Brack is less diplomatic.
Tech Brack has spent two years perfecting a hard-wearing plastic, which is MRSA and E-coli resistant and designed for use in hospitals throughout the world.