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Henri Louis . 1859--1941, French philosopher, who sought to bridge the gap between metaphysics and science. His main works are Memory and Matter(1896, trans. 1911) and Creative Evolution(1907, trans. 1911): Nobel prize for literature 1927
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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But prior to that, he has succinctly described the intellectual similarities and dissimilarities between Iqbal and the two colossi, Bergson and Bedil, whose ideas had inspired Iqbal.
Contrario a una lectura ontologizante que sostiene la existencia de lo virtual en Henri Bergson (9), en Materia y memoria y en La energia espiritual se puede observar con claridad que la existencia en la memoria de los recuerdos, a medida que se van haciendo menos utiles y se acercan mas al estado puro, adquiere un caracter virtual.
Mon corps, objet destine a faire mouvoir des objets, est donc un centre d'action [...] (Bergson, [1939] 1990: 14).
Given the book's focus on Einstein, and by contrast its denigration of Bergson, the work falls within the literary genre known as hagiography.
In a simpler term, compliance with societal law is chiefly by the instrumentality of force.In a frantic search for a profitable and enviable morality, comes the dynamic and open morality of Bergson. It is headed in a contrary direction to obligation.
At this point, a place for vitalism remained in Hulme's thought; the intuitive substratum of mind described by Bergson was compatible with a desire for "absolute values," achieved through "freezing" the living into hard static shapes.
PMG, led by Bergson, acquired the stations in 1999.