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, b. c.340 b.c., d. 281 or 271 b.c., consort and half-sister of Ptolemy I, king of ancient Egypt
Berenice (bĕrənīˈsē), b. c.340 B.C., d. 281 or 271 B.C., consort and half-sister of Ptolemy I, king of ancient Egypt. A Macedonian, she was the widow of Philip, one of the officers of Alexander the Great, and was by this marriage the mother of Magas, king of Cyrene; Antigone, wife of Pyrrhus of Epirus; and Theoxena, wife of Agathocles, ruler of Syracuse. Berenice, whose portrait appears with that of Ptolemy on many medals, was the mother by him of Ptolemy II and Arsinoë II.


, c.273–21 b.c., queen of ancient Cyrene and Egypt
Berenice, c.273–21 B.C., queen of ancient Cyrene and Egypt. She was the daughter and successor of King Magas of Cyrene. In 247 B.C. she married Ptolemy III, thereby effectively annexing Cyrene to Egypt. According to Callimachus and Catullus, he named a constellation after her, Berenice's Hair (Coma Berenices). After her husband's death she ruled jointly with their son, Ptolemy IV, until he had her put to death.


, c.280–46 b.c., queen-consort of ancient Syria
Berenice, c.280–46 B.C., queen-consort of ancient Syria; wife of Antiochus II. She was called Berenice Syra. She was the daughter of Ptolemy II, and her marriage (252) to Antiochus II marked a temporary cessation in the wars between the Egyptian monarchs and the Seleucids. On the death of Antiochus, however, Laodice I, the king's divorced first wife, brought about the death of Berenice and her infant son before Berenice's brother, Ptolemy III, could arrive. New war resulted.


, fl. 6 b.c., Jewish princess
Berenice, fl. 6 B.C., Jewish princess; daughter of Costobarus and Salome, sister of Herod the Great (see under Herod). She was married to her cousin Aristobulus and bore him a son, Herod Agrippa I. She was accused of having instigated the murder of her husband by Herod the Great in 6 B.C. Later she married Theudion, a brother-in-law of Herod the Great. After Theudion was put to death for plotting against Herod, she married Archelaus.


, b. c.a.d. 28, Jewish princess
Berenice, b. c.A.D. 28, Jewish princess; daughter of Herod Agrippa I (see under Herod). A very beautiful woman, she was often involved in intrigue. After her first husband died, she was married to her uncle Herod of Chalcis. After his death (A.D. 48) she lived in incest with her brother, Herod Agrippa II, causing some scandal. Her third husband was the Cilician king Polemon II, whom she abandoned, returning to Herod Agrippa II. She and her brother sided with Rome in its struggle with Judaea. The emperor Titus apparently planned to marry her, but the Romans' great dislike of the Jews forced him to withdraw from the match. Titus' dilemma is the subject of Racine's play Bérénice.


, city, ancient Cyrenaica
Berenice, city of ancient Cyrenaica: see Benghazi.


, city, ancient Egypt
Berenice or Berenike, city of ancient Egypt, on the Red Sea. Founded by Ptolemy II and named in his mother's honor, it commanded the trade with Arabia and India, flourishing from the 3d cent. B.C. to the 4th cent. Its harbor subsequently silted up.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Berenice's part requires great virtuosity, with some extremely difficult passages in the high range not unlike Lulu, a role which Hannigan has excelled in.
The photographer Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), daughter of a cement-maker, grew up poor in the Midwest and maintained an accent that one observer called "harsh Ohio".
Berenice holds the 10am-3pm weekday shift on La Suavecita, which was formerly Spanish Hot AC "SE[bar]per Estrella" for many years until a format change earlier this year.
"When Dr Berenice excavated the body, below, she found the skeleton of a child.
Maria and Berenice also talked with O'Malley about the high cost of applying to renew their status under the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.
I envisioned the first scraping of that fray: the moment of their half-sister Berenice's coup, when their father, King Ptolemy, fled to Rome with Cleopatra, leaving Arsinoe to her fate.
Earlier this month the stunning Irish model's mum Berenice Paolozzi, 49, was laid to rest after losing a long battle with lymphoma cancer.
Frankie Addams, the awkward, unruly twelve-year-old tomboy protagonist of the novel, forms a non-normative family of her own, albeit rather unenthusiastically, with Berenice Sadie Brown, her family's African American housekeeper, and John Henry West, her gender-nonconforming cousin.
She embodied each of the queens whose roles she sang, from the angry, betrayed wife Ottavia, Empress of Rome, in Claudio Monteverdi's L'Incoronazione di Poppea to the triumphant and romantic Berenice, Queen of Palestine from Giuseppe Maria Orlandini's Berenice, a vibrant aria that showcased her impeccable trills.
The company said the Berenice and Ptah oil fields are located in the Faghur Basin along the same fault trend in the Khalda Offset Concession.
Action thriller, starring Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Berenice Marlohe and Albert Finney.