Awami League

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Awami League

Awami League, political organization in Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was founded in 1949 as an opposition party in Pakistan and had a moderately socialist ideology. The Awami [people's] League, with cofounder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as its leader from 1953, called in 1966 for a federation of East and West Pakistan, an arrangement that would have given much greater autonomy to East Pakistan. The party's candidates won a majority in the 1970 elections, but the central government in West Pakistan banned the League after war between East and West Pakistan erupted in early 1971. When Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) won its independence in late 1971, the party was the nation's dominant political force. In 1981 and again in 1991 it was defeated in a popular election by the Bangladesh National party (BNP), but the League won the 1996 parliamentary elections, and party leader Hasina Wazed, the daughter of Mujibur Rahman, became prime minister. The League lost the 2001 elections to the BNP in a landslide, but in 2008 the party was returned to power in a landslide and Sheikh Hasina again became (2009) prime minister. The 2014 elections, boycotted by the BNP, resulted in an Awami League landslide.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Awami League


(Urdu, “People’s League”), a political party in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Founded in 1949 in Pakistan. It acquired its greatest influence in East Pakistan (East Bengal), where it actively participated in the Bengali national liberation movement. It was banned from 1958 to 1962. In December 1970 it won a brilliant victory in the elections to the National Assembly of Pakistan and the Legislative Assembly of East Pakistan. In March 1971, however, its activities were banned by the Pakistani military regime, and its leader—Sheikh Mujibur Rahman—was arrested. From April to December 1971 the Awami League headed the struggle for national independence in East Bengal. After East Bengal was proclaimed the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 1971, leaders of the Awami League formed the government of the republic. [1–113–3; updated]

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dhaka's swift reversal in fortunes under the authoritative Awami League can be interpreted by other struggling economies as a blueprint for success and in turn result in further weakening democratic norms and institutions in the region.
"The 11th general election has proved that united forces always win and Awami League's win was the result of a united effort," she added.
There are many who dub Awami League as a fascist organization and hold it responsible for the genocide in Bangladesh.
As per the claims of the BNP leaders, the Awami League has conspired to squeeze the BNP supporters in unending litigations by initiating almost 90,000 lawsuits against it - entrapping more than 2.5 million BNP workers and supporters in a legal maze.
In nine polling centres Reuters reporters visited in Dhaka, posters bearing the Awami League's "boat" symbol far outnumbered those of the opposition.
This year again, in the lead-up to the next parliamentary election on Sunday, violent skirmishes have broken out between supporters of the two main camps, the incumbent Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).
The BNP says a caretaker government is essential for free and fair elections, contending that the Awami League will otherwise use government machinery to support its campaign.
Mujeeb's Awami League won 167 of 169 East Pakistan seats in the National Assembly but none of West Pakistan's 138 seats.
Pakistan Awami League Chief Dr Tahir ur Qadri will hold meeting with leaders of Opposition parties, while he will also frame a policy while consulting all the opposition parties to create a tough-time for PML (N) Government.
The recent mayoral elections showed again that the country lacks a coordinated opposition to the Awami League party, under the leadership of Shaikh Hasina.
27 -- Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that through the 15th amendment to the constitution, the Awami League government reestablished the spirit of the Liberation War." The 15th amendment also ensured the capital punishment for those who will grab the state power violating the constitution.
Sheikh Hasina, currently Prime Minister and leader of the left-leaning, secular Awami League, is the daughter of the country's "founding father," Mujibur Rahman, who was murdered in 1975 together with almost all his family by rebel army officers.