Applied Linguistics

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Applied Linguistics


a division of linguistics that studies methods of solving practical problems associated with the optimization of language use. Applied linguistics not only depends on general linguistic theory but also influences it, since special research, which constitutes the basic content of applied linguistics, is usually required to solve practical problems.

Applied linguistics has existed as a scientific discipline since the second half of the 20th century. Its range is determined by practical needs. Applied linguistics has taken five principal directions:

(1) Recording and preservation of speech information. This includes the creation of alphabets and writing systems, as well as orthography, practical transcription and transliteration, chiefly in connection with geographic and proper names, and the creation of machine languages.

(2) Transfer of speech information. This encompasses the theory of translation, primarily scientific and technical translation, and the creation of automatic translation systems. Also included are automatic recognition and synthesis of speech, foreign-language-teaching theory, and the teaching of language to deaf-mutes and blind deaf-mutes. The theory of speech perceptibility is studied to improve speech transmission in the communications media.

(3) Automation of intellectual activity associated with the use of language. This includes the creation of systems of artificial intelligence for automated information retrieval systems and also the creation of automatic information annotating and abstracting systems.

(4) Use of language in medicine. Neurolinguistics studies speech pathologies and aphasia to diagnose brain damage.

(5) Use of language as a means of mass communication. This embraces language planning in countries with multilingual populations and language standardization—prescriptive grammars and dictionaries, orthoepy, standardized terminology, and the study of trademarks. It also includes the creation of artificial international languages, field linguistics (describing unstudied languages), and the study of the influence of language on human behavior through content analysis and the linguistic theory of advertising and propaganda.


Strukturnoe i prikladnoe iazykoznanie: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ literatury, izdannoi v SSSR s 1918 po 1963. Moscow, 1965.
Mel’chuk, I. A., and R. A. Ravich. Avtomaticheskii perevod, 1949-1963: Kritiko-bibliograficheskii spravochnik. Moscow, 1967.
Mel’chuk, I. A., and R. A. Ravich. Avtomaticheskiiperevod, 1964-1970. Moscow, 1974.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
If one wishes, therefore, to identify and characterise different traditions of doing applied linguistics, one would need to identify at least one thematic strand that makes each tradition unique, and then seek to discover how, at the same time, there is continuity, when a tradition either anticipates a subsequent one or expands it by taking further a concern of a former tradition.
An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. From Practice to Theory.
Professor Kari Sajavaara has been known for his contributions to several areas in the field of applied linguistics for many years.
The MOU was signed with special focus on Departments of Food Sciences and Nutation and Applied Linguistics in order to initiate student and faculty exchange programme between these two institutions.
historical discourses (Martin, 1993), in Spanish academic writing (Colombi, 2006), in historical texts (Susinskiene, 2009), in abstracts and in research articles (Holtz, 2009), in British newspaper editorials (Susinskiene, 2010), in essay writings of undergraduate students (Baratta, 2010), in request emails (Ho, 2010), in business letters (Van, 2011), in business and political texts (Hadidi & Raghami, 2012), in political and health texts (Tabrizi & Nabifar, 2013), in English pharmaceutical textbooks (Mau, 2012), in the discussion sections of medical research articles (Wenyan, 2012), in applied linguistics and biology textbooks (Jalilifar et al., 2014), and also in legal discourse (Gotti & Williams, 2010; Williams, 2004).
Professor Judith Baxter, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Aston University, has worked with the GBCC to launch the online series entitled Using Language Effectively.
Beinhoff (applied linguistics and English language, Anglia Ruskin U., Cambridge, England) investigates non-native speakers of English and their attitudes toward accents of non-native speakers, and considers whether such accents can be important factors in establishing the identities of such speakers.
This short, introductory paper presents an up-to-date account of works within the field of Applied Linguistics which have been influenced by a Conversation Analytic paradigm.
Kaplan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics (pp.
The Center for Applied Linguistics and the National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center in Iowa say many public schools have been scaling back of eliminating foreign language programs.
Sotillo have been active supporters of the journal for years and are well known for their research in applied linguistics.
Editorial Board: Journal of Applied Linguistics (Thessaloniki);

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