Alvaro de Luna

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Luna, Alvaro de


Born 1388 in Cñnete; died June 1453 in Valladolid. Count; constable (supreme commander in chief) of Castile from 1423.

A favorite of the Castilian king Juan II and the virtual ruler of Castile, Luna fought against the big feudal lords for the consolidation of royal power. He tried to strengthen the central machinery of the state, increase the importance of royal officials, and subordinate the church to the power of the king. In 1445 he defeated the rebellious aristocracy in the battle of Olmedo. Several times Luna was removed from power upon pressure from the aristocracy, and in 1453 he was accused of sorcery and executed.


Rozenberg, A. M. “Konnetabl’ Kastil’skii Al’varo de-Luna i ego bor’ba s silami feodal’noi reaktsii.” Uch. zap. Leningradskogo gos. ped. in-ta im. Gertsena, 1941, vol. 45.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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81-88) reproduces the Catherine narrative of Alvaro de Luna's fifteenth-century Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres, linking it to profeminist defenses of Boccaccio and Christine of Pizan, and the fourth ("Medieval and Renaissance Poems," pp.
(3) Sabemos que Maria de Aragon por un lado fue una reina fuerte, dado que su esposo dejo las riendas de la corte a su privado Don Alvaro de Luna, y por el otro, solo hace falta mencionar el more de Isabel de Castilla: "Tanto monta, monta tanto, Isabel como Fernando," para darnos cuenta de su regio poder.
Finalmente el ultimo capitulo esta dedicado a la figura de don Alvaro de Luna, el inclito privado de Juan II que tanto contribuiria al afianzamiento del poder real y el gobierno de partidos que despues se volvieron contra el.
It is certain that no two editors would highlight identical passages under this heading, and it is easy to imagine long sessions at a translators' conference spent on discussing, for instance, whether Sebastien Hardy faithfully rendered every nuance of the verses relating Don Alvaro de Luna's fall from favour (pp.
With: Clara Lago, Juan Jose Ballesta, Alvaro de Luna, Maria Barranco, Rosa Maria Sarda, Carmelo Gomez, Alberto Jiminez.