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Alexandra, 1844–1925, queen consort of Edward VII of Great Britain, whom she married in 1863. She was the daughter of Christian IX of Denmark.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Aleksandra Fedorovna) Born May 25 (June 6), 1872; died July 16, 1918. Russian empress; married Nicholas II on Nov. 14, 1894. Daughter of the Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse-Darmstadt, her name before marriage was Alix Victoria Helene Louise Beatrice.

Imperious and hysterical, Alexandra exerted great influence on Nicholas II. She was an ardent proponent of unlimited autocracy and the head of the Germanophile group at court. She was extremely superstitious and had boundless faith in the adventurist G. E. Rasputin, who exploited her favor when important political questions were being resolved. During World War I, Alexandra was an advocate of a separate peace with Germany. In March 1917, after the February Revolution, she was arrested and sent to Tobolsk and then to Ekaterinburg, where she was shot along with the rest of the royal family in July 1918 on orders of the Ural’sk Oblast soviet.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 1844--1925, queen consort of Edward VII of Great Britain and Ireland
2. 1872--1918, the wife of Nicholas II of Russia; her misrule while Nicholas was supreme commander of the Russian forces during World War I precipitated the Russian Revolution
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The condition is often hereditary, and at the inquest, Alexandra and her siblings were advised to be tested to see if they had the gene.
Her 55-year-old boyfriend and Alexandra, 53, were granted a decree nisi in less than a minute, bringing their 19-year marriage to an end.
Alexandra said: "It was a lastminute decision to put that scarf on, but a life-saving one.
Alexandra even found time to do a turn on Strictly Come Dancing in 2017, with her and dance partner Gorka Marquez coming runners-up to eventual winners Joe McFadden and Katya Jones.
Alexandra Canville and her groom Chris McDaid, from Falkirk, arrived at the Safari Park in full wedding dress and fed the giraffes.
With her head-turning pixie cut and bright personality, up-and-coming 17-year-old model Alexandra Camus is following in the footsteps of her lovely mom Bambi Torres-Camus, who was once a model herself.
Set in Nigeria and the United States, the thriller 'Alexandra' the movie tells the story of a couple Alexandra (Freda Steffl) and Kevin (Robert Hays) who meet online, after they fall in love, Alexandra relocates to the US to marry the love of her life.
However, only a few hints have been dropped about the evil Alexandra. Here's what we know so far: