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, prince consort of Victoria of Great Britain
Albert, 1819–61, prince consort of Victoria of Great Britain, whom he married in 1840. He was of Wettin lineage, the son of Ernest I, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and first cousin to Victoria. As an alien prince he was initially unpopular, but in time the English came to admire him for his irreproachable character, his devotion to the queen and their children, and his deep concern with public affairs. His influence was particularly strong in diplomacy; his insistence on moderation in the Trent Affair (1861) may have averted war with the United States. As chancellor of the Univ. of Cambridge, he transformed it into a modern institution.


See biographies by R. Fulford (1949), F. Eyck (1959), R. Pound (1974), and R. R. James (1983); S. Weintraub, Uncrowned King (1997); G. Gill, We Two: Victoria and Albert, Rulers, Partners, Rivals (2009).


, German churchman
Albert, 1490–1545, German churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. A member of the house of Brandenburg, he became (1514) archbishop of Mainz. Because Albert was underage, this appointment was uncanonical and he was required to pay a large fee for a papal dispensation. To assist Albert in raising this sum, the pope authorized an eight-year sale of indulgences. Albert authorized (1517) Johann Tetzel to preach this indulgence—occasioning Martin Luther's public protest against indulgences. A patron of Ulrich von Hutten, Albert was expected to join the Reformers, but after 1525 he actively opposed them. Later he invited the Jesuits to preach in his diocese. He was a friend of Erasmus.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


((719) Albert) A small asteroid (2.6 km across) discovered by J. Palisa when it approached the Earth closely in 1911, but since lost.
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Borisov, Oleg (Al’bert) Ivanovich


Born Nov. 8, 1929, in Privolzhsk, Ivanovo Oblast. Soviet Russian actor. People’s Artist of the USSR (1978).

After graduating from the V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko School-Studio in 1951, Borisov performed at the Lesia Ukrainka Russian Dramatic Theater in Kiev until 1964, when he joined the M. Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad. His roles have included Petr and Sukhov in Gorky’s Smug Citizens and The Summer People, respectively, Grigorii Melekhov in an adaptation of Sholokhov’s novel The Quiet Don, and Aizatullin in Gel’man’s Proceedings of a Meeting. He has also appeared as Gania Ivolgin in an adaptation of Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot and as Kisterev in a stage version of Tendriakov’s short story “Three Sacks of Bad Wheat.”

Borisov received the State Prize of the USSR in 1978.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


popular servant’s name: assistant, manservant, page-boy. [Br. Lit.: Loving; By The Pricking of My Thumbs; A Damsel in Distress]
See: Servant
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Prince. full name Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 1819--61, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland


Lake. a lake in E Africa, between the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaïre) and Uganda in the great Rift Valley, 660 m (2200 ft.) above sea level: a source of the Nile, fed by the Victoria Nile, which leaves as the Albert Nile. Area: 5345 (2064 sq. miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Among the documents available online as part of the Royal Collection Trust's major digitisation project is a letter between Victoria and Albert on the day they became engaged.
Memorials in Albert's honor may be made to the Montgomery County Cancer Society and will be accepted by McCracken-Dean Funeral Home who is assisting the family.
Albert B 3 Locharbriggs C 1; Albert Club 4 Sands Auto 0; Annan Ex 0 Locharbriggs A 3; Bluebell 2 Annan Ex Club 2; Locharbriggs B 1 Albert A 3; Locharbriggs D 0 Albert C 4; Sands Gold 4 Sands Silver 0.
Made up of a collection of 10 eclectic buildings onAlbert Road, Albert North boasts a mix of modern studio spaces for small to large businesses, as well as food and drink outlets and chic city living apartments on the upper floors.
Prince Albert reportedly told a friend that "he was only the husband and not the master in the house." However, he got the opportunity, when Queen Victoria got pregnant.
The sense of controlling the play's direction while still being led by greater forces complicates Albert's journey.
On 65 minutes, Albert went two ahead against the run of play when Rovers gave away possession and Albert's centre forward scored with a fine shot into the net's top left corner.
Albert's first experience with digital marketing and online business ventures was an accident.
Albert admitted that the movie is 'a monumental task.
- and developments that will take us to 2021, the year we will mark the 175th anniversary of Albert Dock (and we intend to do that in style!) The proposals last week set out to improve the Northern Gateway entrance to the Dock - opposite Liverpool ONE.
In fact, the wording on Albert's barrow proudly declares how his family began trading on the streets of Newcastle back in 1884.