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primeval waters, origin of all things. [Babyl. Myth.: Leach, 68]


personification of fresh water. [Babyl. Myth.: Benét, 4]
See: Water
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate: "City which possesses all that is fitting, bathed by water!
One of the most interesting points is Andersen's suggestion that the pool chamber of the temple relates to Mesopotamian traditions concerning the Sumerian deity Enki and the abzu (i.e., the abyss of which he is in charge; Andersen 1986, 175-76).
Enki's second self-praise focuses especially on his decreeing of a good destiny for his home city and temple, the Abzu in Eridu, and his determination to travel from there on his barge through the land of Sumer and even to Meluhha, Magan, and Dilmun, to have them bring boatloads of their goods to Enlil in Nippur (lines 84-132).
On the positive side is the mention of Inana and the me: abzu eridu[g.sup.ki]-ga me su ba-ni-in-ti a-a-ni [.sup.d]en-ki-k[e.sub.4] sag-e-es mu-ni-in-ri[g.sub.7] She received the me in the Abzu, in Eridu.